Chapter 15

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Mokuba then left and the door closed behind him, Ana then took out the duel disk and slid it onto her arm.

"Seto, thank you so very much, not just for this but everything" she smiled.
"Well I can't be so ungrateful not to let you have all this, besides anyone who works for me deserves the best" he boasted.
"Well I certainly am flattered" she winked and grabbed her deck from her bag, then slipped it into the device.
"We should get going" Kaiba said then proceeded to the doorway.

Ana followed behind him back to a hall, there everyone was chatting and waiting.
Knowing Kaiba will need to address the duellists, Ana sat at the edge of the room and decided to check her work emails, as well as send a few messages asking for progress on various projects that were in flight. As she sat there minding her own business, her concentration was interrupted.

"Excuse me" said a voice.

Ana's heart skipped a beat from the deep voice, looking up she saw it belonged to non-other than the Pharaoh.

"Oh, hello Pharaoh"

She politely said and ran her fingers through her hair and unknowingly began twirling it.

"Please Anastasia, call me Yami" he smiled.
"Oh, well Yami, it's lovely to see you again, we've hardly had a chance to talk" she responded. "Yes, I know, it's unfortunate, but now we do, and I've been looking forward to it" he politely said.
"Oh really? Well in that case, how are your friends doing since the other day?" she asked, concerned.
"Better, but I would just like to say thank you for all the effort you have put in to helping us, we weren't even friends before and yet, what you did was so noble" he praised her.
"Oh, Yami please, you're making my head big" she playfully said.

Yami smiled and lightly chuckled, his hot deep voice combined with that made the heat rush to her cheeks and slightly bite her lower lip.

"Anyway, I wish you luck for the tournament" Ana graciously said, then stood up from her seat.
"Hey what's the hold up, when are we going to find out who we duel Kaiba" Joey asked, impatiently.
"Hmm you're in quite a rush just to lose Wheeler" Kaiba scoffed.

Ana took her place beside Kaiba and rolled her eyes, unamused.

"Let's begin this now" he said.
"Sorry Mr Kaiba, but only 7 finalists are present, should I bring up the 8th one?" Roland asked. "Yes now, let's go" Kaiba said then clicked his fingers and the lights went off, there at the head of the room appeared a dome like device
"What's that thing?" Joey asked.
"Finalists and guests may I have your attention please, now the first 2 duellists for round one will be chosen my lottery. To guarantee complete fairness each opponent will be chosen completely at random. You've all been assigned a number 1-8, and the selector will now choose the first two duellists. The next pair will not be picked until the first match is over and a winner is declared. And you will not know your opponent's identity until just before you duel" one of Kaiba's guards explained.
"I'm fighting the urge to yell out bingo" Tristan joked.

Ana lightly giggled.

"Random select! Now we have number 6- Bakura and the next dualist is number 3- Yugi Mouto" the employee called out.

He then continued to explain that the will be played with the usual battle city rules and regulations, the loser would relinquish their rarest card to the winner and will be out of the tournament and the winner will then advance to another round. With that, they all made their way to the stratus duelling area on the top of the blimp, and it was certainly impressive to say the least.

"Alright I'll make this speech quick, so we can get on with it. Kaiba craft 3 is now at an altitude that is now 4000ft, the cold air and strong wind will test your strength and stamina. If you don't take it, you don't belong here" Kaiba explained.
"Hey look at Bakura!" Tea pointed, fearfully.
"He's wearing that Millennium Ring again" Joey observed.
"That can't be I got rid of it at duellist kingdom, I don't know how Bakura got it back, but I know it's not a good thing" Tristan added.
"So, what's around Bakura's neck, what's a big deal?" Namu asked.
"Namu it's kinda hard to explain, but that's not really Bakura" Tea tried to explain.
"Ya lost me" Mai bluntly said.
"You see Yugi and Bakura have these really old objects that have magic powers, Yugi's item is good, but Bakura's item is bad" Joey explained.
"Cause an evil spirit lives inside it" Tea added.
"So, you're telling me there's an evil spirit up there duelling Yugi? That's hard to believe" Namu stated, not entirely convinced.
"This is so bizarre" Ana commented.
"Yeah, I didn't l believe it at first either" Tea said.
"I just hope he doesn't drag Yugi to the shadow realm again, that's a place you don't wanna be" Joey shuddered.
"Shadow realm?!" Ana exclaimed.
"And now the first Duel of the battle city finals will begin, it's time to duel!" Roland announced.

The duel had now started and the life point counter was set at 4000 each.

"Smoke this evil creep Yug!" Tristan called out.
"Come on Yugi, we're with you!" Tea cheered.
"This will be interesting" Ana thought.


With great drama and excitement Yugi had won the duel but as a result Bakura had to be sent to his room, injured and unwell.
Upon the Duel finishing Yugi and his friends escorted Bakura back to his room and Ana, Kaiba and Mokuba went to their own rooms also. Not long after being in her room Ana left and made her way to Kaiba's room, to her surprise she could hear shouting and a slight commotion.
So, she walked in with her arms folded.

"Is there an issue here?" Ana asked.
"Anastasia" Yugi said, noticing her presence.
"Yeah, this creep won't land this blimp!" Joey exclaimed.
"Well why should we?" Ana replied.
"Our friend Bakura is in need of some serious medical attention" Tea urged.
"Oh, I see" Ana replied.
"We are not landing, we're on a set course and I can't just stop this thing now" Kaiba explained. "I've had it with you rich boy! Now land this thing else Bakura won't be the only one needing a Dr" Joey threatened.
"For goodness sake..." Ana sighed in frustration, she then walked over to the phone and made a call.
"Hello, yes, if possible, can you please have medical staff attend to Bakura in his room due to an illness, yes, please, thank you" Ana politely said and cut the phone, she then turned to leave and shook her head.

As she entered the corridor she heard someone calling her name, swiftly she turned to see Yugi's counterpart standing there- Yami.

"Yami? What is it?" Ana asked.
"Thank you Anastasia, you seem to never run out of kindness" he flattered her.
"I try, but please don't mind Kaiba, he's just...being himself" she sighed, irritated.

Ana sighed again and proceeded back to her room, leaving Yami behind. Upon returning to her room she began to wonder about all that just happened. No doubt Kaiba wouldn't believe any of it, but was it truly possible that Bakura possessed a millennium item that harboured an ancient evil spirit?
Ana then pulled out her deck then began flipping through the cards.

"I have a weird feeling about all this" she said to herself.
"Would all remaining finalists please make their way to the main concourse" said Roland on the PA system.

Ana tucked her deck away and proceeded to join everyone else.
As she walked along the hall she could see all of Yugi's friends and the Pharaoh.

"Come on, we need to get moving, Seto won't be happy if you're all late" she urged them.

With that they all began moving on and Yami took a place at her side.

"Is everything alright?" Yami asked her.

She briefly glanced at him before nodding and smiling.

"As alright as I can be, I suppose, don't worry about your friend, I gave the Dr's strict instructions to tend to him every hour" she reassured him.

Yami lightly smiled

"You're very kind" Yami said in returned.

By now they had arrived back at the hall and the next drawing took place, it was going to be #2 Joey and #7 Marik.
The tall cloaked figure was greatly intimidating and eerie.
Joey however didn't show fear but was determined he would win this match and knock Marik out of the finals.

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