Chapter 40

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"Yugi boy- at least I hope it's you that found this room. By the way, if you couldn't tell I did all of the interior decorating myself- pretty impressive isn't it?" Pegasus boasted.

No one was impressed to say the least.

"If you're hearing this, then the gentlemen who were after my soul were finally able to capture me. So please listen closely. It all began when a mysterious man tried to buy out my company" Pegasus began to explain.

"Hold on, I got dragged into this mess because someone is trying to buy out my company also" Seto interjected.

"But there's more, this individual posses great power like I've never seen, and his name is Dartz- you're in danger he's planning on using my game to destroy civilisation, he must be stopped and the key to taking him down is somewhere in this room. Since my retirement I decided to take my time looking into the ancient Egyptian origins of Duel Monsters. And I made an astonishing discovery- these creatures existed long before the pyramids were even built" Pegasus explained.

"In the city of Atlantis" Yami noted.

"And that is where this Dartz character comes in"

Pegasus continued to explain that Dartz is trying to resurrect a creature call "The great Leviathan" and to do so he will be collecting the souls of man and beasts to bring it back to life.
He claimed that he had created a "one of a kind" card for Yugi and hid it in the room somewhere, and that if should need this "extra card" where would he find it?

"There" Ana pointed.

Tristan grabbed a replica of the pot of green and pulled out a blank card.

"It's worthless" Kaiba responded, annoyed.
"Maybe not" Yami added.
"Why don't you all wake up, all this is a hoax no one is going around stealing souls with a playing card- think about it- it's distracting me long enough to take over Kaiba Corp!" Kaiba exclaimed in frustration.
"Will you stop that- this isn't about you, it's bigger than all of us and you know it!" Yami argued.

Ana shook her head.

"I didn't realise he could be that narcissistic" she pondered.

Just then Yami reached for his deck and pulled out the Dragon Card Timaeus and showed it to Kaiba.

"That card- where did you get it?!"

Joey then pulled his out too, then Kaiba.
As soon as the third card was presented the cards began emitting a white glow.

"I believe these three cards together could defeat this Leviathan, so trust what's inside your heart and join us" Yami urged.

The glow eventually extinguished, and Yami said that fate had chosen them to defeat evil.
Kaiba being Kaiba refused to continue taking part and walked out, before leaving he glanced at Anastasia and walked out with Mokuba following.

"So now that we know who's causing this whole mess what do we do about it?"
"We find them, beat them and save Mai!" Joey expressed.
"Unfortunately, they split without leaving an address- so that's not gonna work" Tristen pointed out.
"Wait- professor Hawkins lives around here, he could help us- his discovery could be related to our new enemy"
"Great, we know where, but how?" Tristan asked.

Everyone ran to the window in hopes of Kaiba helping but he had already taken off.

"We'll just take my car" Duke pointed out.

They all then turned back to weevil and Rex

"We'll stick em in the trunk" Duke stated.

Swiftly everyone went back downstairs and jumped into the car, Tea and Anastasia sat in the front to help read the road map. On the journey to professor Hawkins, Yami and Joey were very quiet, and with a lot to process they certainly had a lot on their minds.

A great amount of time passed that it was now nightfall before they came towards a small estate, everything looked fine up until they came to a massive fire where a house should be.

"Professor Hawkins- Rebecca!" Yugi called out.

Suddenly Rebecca appeared and ran into Yugi's arms, claiming that someone kidnapped her grandfather and blew up his home and laboratory.

"Oh dear, are you alright though, you poor thing out here alone all this time" Anastasia aske.
"I'm fine, thank you Anastasia" she gratefully said, wiping her tears away.

They all made their way to a caravan and settled in for the night, trying to understand who did this, and why.
Speculations were passing back and forth as they recapped why the great archaeologist would have been kidnapped at all.
Of which Yugi reminded them that he had discovered the Lost City of Atlantis thus causing a connection to everything.

"Do you have that stone I gave your grandfather?" Yugi asked.
"Mmh, here" Rebecca responded and handed it to Yugi, telling him to be careful in case that is what these people were after.

But again, they hit a roadblock of not knowing where they would find these people.
Regardless of it the others began to start cooking so everyone could have some dinner, as they continued on Rebecca and Yugi went outside to speak.

Ana remained at the table and went into deep thought about what was happening, and how she could try and offer some help.
Dinner passed quickly, and everyone eventually settled into a deep- well deserved sleep, after some time there was a loud thud.
Anastasia stirred from her sleep when the lights came on.

"What the hell- it's not morning yet?!" she groaned.
"Yugi's gone!" Joey exclaimed.
"Gone, where the hell would he go?" Ana demanded.

Rebecca had a shameful look on her face, as though she was hiding something.

"I assume that you know Rebecca, where did Yugi go to?" she asked her sternly.
Rebecca remained silent for a moment- all while Joey and Tristan ran outside.

"Professor Hawkins!" Tristen called out.

Everyone rushed to the door to indeed see the Professor limping his way over on a stick, Rebecca in an emotional state stumbled out of the caravan to her grandfather's side.
The professor collapsed onto his knees and asked the same question that everyone else was asking.

"Where is Yugi?"
"Suicide Canyon, that way" she responded.
"Then let's get going" Ana ordered.

Before leaving everyone ensured that the Professor was in bed getting some much-needed rest after his ordeal, Joey advised Tea to stay behind, of which she agreed...however when he attempted to try that with Ana, it didn't bowl over so well.

"I hope you don't think because I'm a girl you have the right to assume, I would stay behind, besides- if there is a Duel to be had, I would more likely be a better choice" she boasted and sat in the car besides Tristan.

"So let's go" she ordered.
"But- "Duke started.
"Forget it man, you won't win, let's just go"

With no further arguments they made their way to Suicide Canyon.

"I hope he doesn't do anything stupid" Ana groaned and rested her head against her right hand.

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