Chapter 54

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It was the day of the tournament, Mokuba had invited Yugi, Joey and Rebecca Hawkins to the event and was in the process of showing them around.
Suddenly, Mokuba pointed to the sky at a helicopter that was landing on a large open grassland not far from them.

"She's back!" Mokuba called out.

The pilot jumped out and ran to open the passenger door.
He held out his hand and it was reached out by a female's hand, then out stepped Anastasia, her hair had been trimmed, she wore a black pleated skirt, white blouse and black heels and a bag on her arm.

"Ana!" Mokuba called aloud and ran to meet her.
"Mokuba, how are you?" Ana asked and embraced him.
"I'm fine, how was your meeting?" he responded.
"Everything is great, thanks. How is it all going here?" she asked back.
"Well it's getting there, in fact some friends have joined us"

Ana glanced aside to see Yugi and his friends, instantly she smiled and made her way over to them.

"Ana, long time no see" Tea expressed and tightly hugged her.
"I know, it's great to see you all"
"Where ya been, you in the tournament?" Joey asked.
"No, no I'm not, Kaiba asked me to help with this project. So, I've been working here for a few months" she responded.

Ana's eyes then caught onto violet gems, she smiled and lightly blushed as she met with Yami's eyes.

"Come on guys, this way!" Mokuba shouted and led the group towards the Blue Eyes Stadium.

On the way there Ana ended up walking besides Yami.

"How are you Ana?" he asked her.

His voice still so deep, chilling and seductive.

"I.... I'm fine Pharaoh, how have you been?"
"Very well thank you"

Typical small talk, like that of timid teenagers.

"I think Yugi wants to spend time with his friends, excuse me"
"Of course" Ana responded, understandingly.

Yami then vanished into the puzzle and Ana joined Mokuba at the front.

"As you can see, we have every ride that possible here, all related to Duel monsters of course" Ana explained.

"Is there a tunnel of love?" Rebecca cooed and clung onto Yugi's arm.
" this is based around Duel Monsters. No sissy stuff"

"I think I see how she and Kaiba get along so well, he's rubbed off on her" Joey whispered.

"What was that?" she remarked.

"Cool rides" he saved himself.

"Mhm, now check this out" she pointed ahead of them showing Blue eye white Dragon Stadium.

"Whoa" Yugi gasped.

"Nice" Joey added

Together she and Mokuba lead them inside.

"Like the arena, largest in the world...the Starline-Kaiba Duel 760" Mokuba introduced the Duelling platform that stood before them.

"Not bad" Joey commented.

"It's state of the art" Ana added.

Guests were already in the stadium testing out the system for themselves, quite a large crowd at that too. The group of friends turned their attention to the platform where a match was going on. There was a brown-haired kid playing against the computer.
It was now the computers turn, it activated the magic card Scape goat.

"Looks like your state-of-the-art computer just made a rookie mistake" Joey slyly said.

"Think again Wheeler" Ana interrupted.

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