Chapter 49

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With Kaiba gone and all but Ana standing to support Yami, the match continued on.
It would appear that Yami had to wait for the right card, so all he could do was summon a monster in defence mode and have a card face down.
Of which was a trap that blocked Dartz attack at the cost of half his life points.

"Why drag out this torment when all you have to is forfeit, accept your destiny and join your friends on the other side" Dartz slyly commented.

Yami actually looked like he went into thought about this, considering what Dartz had said.
He went into a trance like state at Dartz's words.

"You've been brought back on this earth to be punished for all your past wrong doings. You know its true, you nearly destroyed the world, so to compensate you must join me, surrender your spirit so you can help me rebuild paradise" Dartz continued.

"I...I must give up" Yami stuttered and hovered his hand over his disk.
"Sacred Seal, encircle the Pharaoh!" Dartz commanded.
"Don't you bloody dare! Pharaoh you can't give in to this madness, you were a king once, a king would not let his subjects, friends or family lose their lives to the hand of this mad man! Don't be so stupid, people have died to feed a monster that will destroy the world! Is that what you want?!" Ana screamed at the top of her lungs while pounding on the barrier.

Suddenly a flash of gold appeared, and it surrounded Yami, forcing the seal back.

"Why didn't the seal take your soul?!" Dartz demanded.
"You forced me to gaze inside my heart, thinking I would find only darkness, but you're wrong!"
"You were looking in the wrong place!" Dartz denied.
"You're wrong, but I know the truth, my heart is filled with the light of friendship and no magic can take that away no matter how strong it is. Thank you, you reminded me that my friends are always with me- and we're going to win this fight and take you down together- Dartz it all ends right now!" Yami shouted.

Yami turned to Ana and smiled.

"Thank you, Ana,"

With great force, he drew his next card...and that familiar expression spread across his face, the one where that last ray of hope began to brighten.

"This is the key to unlocking the secret of the legendary dragons- Legend of heart!"
"What?!" Dartz and Ana responded.

At the cost of 1000 life points and moving his monster from the field, Yami was able to summon all 3 of the legendary dragons in one turn.

"This lets me summon Hermous, Critius and Timaeus in their true form!"
"True form?" Ana asked.
"Not them!" Dartz denied

In a flash of white lightning 3 warriors in old armour appeared, the dragons were transformed into humans- or to be exact they were humans transformed into Dragons, and the card Yami had played set them free after 10,000 years of being trapped in those forms.

"I thought I cook care of you centuries ago!" Dartz exclaimed.

Together the 3 warriors shattered the deal of Orichalcous, clearing the field of the dangerous spell.

"The time has come to weaken your defence- Timaeus attack!"

One by one, Yami let the warriors attack Dartz's defence and end his turn.
Dartz attempted to attack Yami but Critius was able to deflect the attack thanks to the use of a trap card, reducing Dartz's life points slightly and destroying his monster on the field.
But in its place, Dartz was able to summon a beast known as the divine serpent-at the cost of all the cards in his hand and all his life points, but he was all to happy to do so.

"You should lose" Ana pointed out.

She then approached Yami's side.

"Under normal conditions yes, however as long as my divine serpent is on the field, I remain in the game, unless you defeat him and I lose"

"His serpent's strength is infinite!" Yami noticed.
"Which means there's not a monster in your deck that can stand up to him- and once it strikes your knight, your soul is mine"

Yami sighed and looked at his deck then drew a card.

"Come on Pharaoh, it's not over yet!" Ana urged him.

Yami smiled at her and placed a card face down.
Upon Dart'z turn his beast destroyed Timaeus and reduced Yami's points down to 0.

"You've just lost all your life points, so the Duel is over, as is your existence- so fare well!"

The seal once more attempted to grab Yami but failed, when the smoke cleared there was Dark Magician girl standing in defence mode before him- shocking Dartz
With the use of a trap card "relay soul" once his points hit 0 his Dark Magician girl was summoned.

So they were both in the same state- they each had one monster on the field. When one died then the duel would truly be over.
On Dartz turn a great shock appeared as he brought back Timaeus come back with 500 additional attack points...but with a nasty effect allowing the serpent to attack back!
And the attack was heading straight for the Dark Magician girl!

"Sword of Renewal!" Yami called out.

And with that Hermous was able to block the attack of any creature with 1900 attacks or more.

"So much for infinite strength" Ana mocked.
With that Yami sent Hermous and Critius to attack the serpent- the expectation was they should have been destroyed. However, with the special effect of Critius and Hermous they were able to generate a power that's was equal to that of infinity- but that was not all!
Combining the 3 knights together created the Knight of Destiny, a stunning creature in gold armour with a crimson cape and sword.

"Impossible!" Dartz rejected.

With a single attack the knight struck the serpent.

"You lost Dartz, your 10,000-year quest is finally over"
"No- all I need is one more powerful should and the great Leviathan will rise" Dartz screamed.
"Too little too late- now release the souls of my friends and everyone else you held captive!" Yami demanded.

Dartz was enraged then he vanished-in that moment everything started shaking viciously.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Ana screamed and held onto Yami.

A rip in reality showing a bright white light appeared in the air, the warriors had returned and with their powers, brought back Joey, Kaiba and Yugi's souls and the light vanished as did the knights.
Seto woke up and began to get Mokuba up, and it was a sight to see everyone wake up once more.

"Is that Yugi?" Tea asked.
"No, it's the Pharaoh" Tristan corrected her.
"No Tristan, I think Yugi's back" Tea insisted as she approached him.

Ana smiled and stepped back from him and ran to Kaiba.

"Thank god you're alright. I was so worried about you"

The figure turned around and it was indeed Yugi, Tea broke into tears and embraced him tightly.

"But the way, where's my little buddy!" called a voice.

Then Joey came running in and tightly embraced Yugi too.

"Hey Joey" Yugi responded and Tristan joined in the cuddle.
"I guess if you guys were set free, so was everyone else Dartz captured" Mokuba noted.
"I don't think so look" Joey pointed, and Raphael was still on the ground.
"Mr Kaiba come out side!" Roland urged.

Fearful everyone went outside the building and saw the state of the world before them.
The sky was filled with black clouds, winds were wildly whipping around, the sea was dark and thrashing.
And from that thrashing sea appeared a green beacon of light, and it was pulling up what appeared to be a small island that lifted right out of the water and levitated above them in the sky.

"Oh my god, it's Atlantis!" Ana called out.
"Maybe not a good time to be too excited" Joey responded.
"Oh, I know, but it's just such an amazing feature of history- it really did exist!" she beamed.
"Dartz is still out there" Yugi concluded.
"Let's hope he's alone this time" Tea added.

"I don't what the deal is, but I'm going up there to find out" Seto said.
"I'm going too" Yugi added
"Me too" Joey joined in.
"You just got back- are you really gonna walk into Dartz's hands again?!" Tea asked.

Roland then warned everyone that a massive hurricane would be coming and would hit the east cost in 1 hour.

"Yugi- let me come with you- I can help" Ana pleaded.
"No- the Pharaoh said you've done enough, he wants me to tell you to stay here, he doesn't want to see you hurt" Yugi urged.
"Huh...but...oh alright I'll stay put" she pouted.

The three men then left.

"Oh no you don't!" Ana called out and grabbed Mokuba by the arm.
"Stay here, Seto will be fine" she responded.

Mokuba sighed knowing she was right and that in going he may only just get in the way.

A few moments past and from the floating island 3 beams of green light shot into the sea creating a whirlpool, and from it emerged a mighty and colossal sea serpent that that flew up and wrapped itself around the floating island.

"That doesn't look good guys!" Tea fearfully commented.
"No shit Sherlock" Ana responded and protectively rested her hands on Mokuba's shoulders.

The serpent loosened its grip on the island and hovered above the island, from where they were standing it appeared that the beast was looking down at Yami, Seto and Joey- and in no time it wasted no time in firing an attack that blinded the while area in a lilac light.
When the light cleared the same familiar light that resembled the northern lights lit up the skies, drawing everyone's attention upwards.

"It's those light again" Tea noted.

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