Chapter 44

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The match felt like an insane vision of de ja vu.
Yugi ended up playing the exact same way Yami did when had faced Raphael, and that included the dreaded use of the Seal of Orichalchos.
But the ending was different.
Yami pulled his courage and determination together, realising that in order to save his friend he would have to defeat him; which is what happened.
Yugi had forgiven Yami for what happened and encouraged him that in order to beat Dartz he needs to move forward and not let the darkness that once consumed him do that again.

From where she stood Ana could see that Yami's eyes were flooded with tears, he fallen to his knees crying as Yugi's spirit disappeared from sight.

"Oh Pharaoh" Ana sighed and looked on at him.

Suddenly the sky turned dark, the Earth started shaking and lightning emerged and crashed onto the ground.
Then in a wisp of darkness that swirled from a random cloud in the ground it formed a beast like warrior with the orichalcous seal on its head.
Raising it's hand it summoned an old duel disk.

"I once fought this very soldier and his army in a great battle to save Atlantis" Ironheart explained
"I'm sorry- what?!" Ana exclaimed.
"The battle was fought on this very land against the evil Lord Dartz, and now the battle continues" he concluded.

Then from the sky the seal emerged sealing Yami in once more, it would appear he would have to duel for his life; but this time it was not a Duel monsters battle.
The soldier summon a monster that went straight to physically attacking the Pharaoh.

"Yami!" Ana screamed.

The beast was stopped mid attack by white mists that appeared around Yami.

"The lost spirits of Atlantis are here to protect you Pharaoh, but they cannot do it alone. Summon your monsters and the spirits will assist them" Ironheart instructed.

"I have to get down there!" Ana said and took a step forward, only to have Kris hold her back.
"Let me go, please" Ana begged.
"You wouldn't be able to even enter the seal, he needs to be able to battle on his own" she explained.
"But he's not alone, I'm here to help!" Ana uttered and fell to her knees, unable to do much else.

As instructed by Ironheart, the Pharaoh began summoning his monsters; but each time he managed to destroy the soldiers monster it came back stronger each time, as a result he was slowly chipping away at the Pharoah's life points; and not even Magic or trap card seemed to be working against it.

Down to 800 life points now he was one hit away from losing his soul.

"There is but one thing that can save him, the Eye of Timaeus, the creature that fought by my side so long ago" Ironheart explained.

Then with great speed he jumped down from the ledge and began to make his way over to Yami, facing all the evil spirits, but as he went along he summoned creatures of his own, and even Kris jumped on Sky and they both ran down to help.

"Oh my God" Ana gasped, as a bold of lightning hit Ironheart causing him to fall.

With what little energy he had he gave the card to Kris, and burst into small spheres of light.
She was charged with getting the card to Yami...her efforts failed as Sky was hit, causing the little girl to try and run on foot to Yami.

"Pharaoh, Grandpa wanted you to have this!" she screamed, collapsing in front of the Pharaoh.

It was the Eye of Timaeus.
Poor Kris also vanished from sight in the same manifestation of light.

Pulling the last of his strength, the Pharaoh summoned Timaeus and his Dark Magician girl, fusing them together, and with impressive yet surprising impact the beast was destroyed, and the whole area was flooded with light as beautiful as the Northern Lights themselves.
When the light faded everything in the area returned to normal.

The Pharoah made his way back up to Ana, upon doing so they discovered a small carving with Ironheart and Kris on, it depicted the battle of Atlantis years ago.
Which potentially meant that they had been in contact and helped by their ghosts, sadly now...Dartz had captured them.

"This give me 3 more reasons to hunt down this mad man and bring peace to the world once again" Yami stated.
"Then we better get going" Ana added, so together they climbed back up the mountain to the rail road tracks.

"This is going to be a long day" Ana groaned, then she and Yami began walking down the track together.

There were a good few moments of silence between them.

"So, are you alright?" Ana asked him.
"I'm fine, thank you" Yami responded.
"You were very strong back there, I'm proud of what you did"
"It was a hard test and lesson to learn, but all of this will help us take Dartz down!" Yami explained.
"I wish I was down there with you, I wanted to help" Ana urged.
"I understand Ana, and I know you did. You always do" he responded.

Ana lightly blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Maybe next time then" she smiled.
"Ana- do you see what I see?" Yami said.

Ana's eyes turned to the sky and it was flooded with bright the first day all this began.

"What the hell..."
"This is just like when the great beast appeared the first time" Yami explained.

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