Chapter 27

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Eventually Ana stirred awake to happily see Kaiba and Mokuba were safe...but something else appeared to be going on.

"So that's why it seemed so real here, our minds are being tricked into feeling things that aren't really there!" Tea realised.
"Of course! When the floor opened up, we didn't fall into a virtual vortex. We were knocked unconscious and locked in your cyber simulation pods!" Kaiba added.
"That's almost a relief, I was worried I was going mad" Ana commented.

Suddenly the sky became dark with violet, purple and black clouds forming.

"Now what?!" Joey asked annoyed.
"You have failed me for the last time Noah!" said a booming voice.
"That voice! It can't be!" Kaiba gasped.
"Father, no, give me another chance!" Noah begged towards to the sky.

Then there in the sky was the face of Gorzoboro Kaiba, Kaiba's and Mokuba's estranged Step Father.

"Too late for that" Gorzoboro shouted.
"What's going on?" Yami asked.
"Gorzoboro!" Mokuba pointed.
"Wait father, not yet, I need time" Noah pleaded.
"More time?! You've had more than enough time to prove yourself. It's time for me to finish things off now" Gorzoboro blared.

Ana pushed herself off the floor and stood next to Kaiba while everyone was staring into the sky.

"That's why I digitized my own mind, when Seto disgraced me and took over my company. I wanted revenge! Now the time has come" Gorzoboro announced.
"So, you've been behind this the whole time?" Kaiba questioned.
"Yes, he is, right father? Now he's going to give Kaiba Corp to me" Noah boasted.
"You had your chance Noah! And you failed son!" Gorzoboro bellowed.

Ana then noticed Mokuba's eyes softened as he looked at Noah.

"Look pops, you had your chance also, and you failed when you lost Kaiba Corp; to someone more fit for the job" Kaiba boasted.
"You?! I taught you everything you know! Seto! You fool, you thought you could outsmart me, it's about time you learned the truth about why I adopted you! After you beat me at chess, it thought you'd be the perfect person to motivate my son Noah; who was quite a slacker"
"So, you just used him?!" Ana yelled.
"Noah needed to work more on his studies. I thought Seto would give him the push he needed to someday take over Kaiba Corp. But then Noah had his little accident and his body was rendered useless. I tried to preserve his mind in Cyber Space, but I realized he would be the same spoiled brat, unworthy of managing my company. So, I turned my attention to you Seto. I thought you would be the heir to my fortune, so I pushed you to your limits" Gorzoboro explained.
"You gave up on your own son! And you trapped me all alone in Cyber Space" Noah cried.
"Poor guy" Mokuba whispered.

Ana then rested a hand on Mokuba's shoulder.

"Not at first...initially I thought I could still use Seto to help you" Gorzoboro continued.
"You used me!? And what was it you planned to do with me Gorzoboro?! Forced me to play virtual chess with your son to increase in intellect?!" Kaiba mocked.
"No not quite Seto, I had something far more interesting planned. Even if Noah could learn how to run a billion-dollar corporation he still lacked on major thing- a body. And that's where you came in Seto" Gorzoboro explained.
"Dear God" Ana gasped, it was so sinister.
"The plan only lasted a short time. Noah's mind- ha why would I give you Noah's mind when yours was perfectly fine? So, I concentrated on you Seto, so you could inherit my empire- but then you stole it! Then I uploaded my own mind into Cyber Space to ploy my revenge." he continued.
"Father! So, you used me to trap them here?" Noah wept.
"That's the only thing you did right, but I'll take it from here, the fun and game are over"
"You snake!" Kaiba spat.
"I can't believe you have the nerve to call me a snake. I was the most powerful being on the entire planet, before you came along and stole that power away from me Seto! Don't you realize I treated you better than I treated my own son?!" Gorzoboro exclaimed, trying to justify himself. "Thanks for nothing, and I'll make sure you never regain your power!" Kaiba yelled back.
"You're too late!" Gorzoboro yelled.
"What the hell is that?!" Ana pointed out.

Then an image of what appeared to be a satellite in space appeared in the sky.

"This is one of many satellites Kaiba Corp put into orbit when I was still in charge" Gorzoboro began to explain.
"And what are you gonna do wit dat?" Joey asked.
"These satellites can beam any signals on Earth and can connect them back to the underwater based that holds my super computer. No one on Earth, no one; will escape me! I'll have access to everyone home on the planet!" Gorzoboro evilly laughed.

Even Ana had to scoff at such an idea.

"Please. That has to be the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard" Noah mocked.
"I'm surprised to hear you feel that way Noah; after all the idea came from you. Don't you remember?" Gorzoboro recalled.
"Oh no!" Noah gasped.
 "So, you can see Seto, I am no longer interested in taking control of your body in order to regain Kaiba Corp. I've set my sights on bigger things!" Gorzoboro continued.
"Lunatic" Kaiba spat.
"You can believe whatever you want about me Seto. Because once my plan works; I'll be the most powerful being on the planet once again! And no one will be able to stop me!"
"Mid-life crisis" Ana sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Seto, Noah this is so much more than acquiring one company, for when I'm finished, everyone on Earth will become virtual! I plan to digitize the entire world! And I will reign as the Cyber Ruler of a new planet earth!"

Gorzoboro then vanished into thin air.

" what? There must be something we can do" Ana pondered aloud.
"My father's gone for now, but you have to escape quickly, and I know the way out so follow me!" Noah urged.

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