Chapter 2

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Ana was in awe at the mansion, it really was stunning, Kaiba certainly took pride in his home, and why wouldn't he? He worked hard enough for everything he had.

Then suddenly she saw Kaiba grab her bags off her.

"Seto!" she let out.

He then put them down on the small bit of flooring on the bottom of the stairs, and then turned to Ana.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"Well no, but I could have carried the bags myself" she replied, taken aback.

Kaiba once again picked up the bags and proceeded upstairs, Ana sighed before following behind him. Once at the top of the stairs they turned right following down a white marble tiled corridor.

Kaiba stopped about several doors down and stood before a set of white double doors.

"This will be your room" he explained.

He then set one of the bags down and pushed the doors open with his free hand.

Ana gasped at how beautiful the room was; a combination of cream, white and lilac.

Cream walls, white floor and furniture and lilac bed sheets and curtains.

"Seto, the room is amazing" she gasped.

"Thought you'd like it, get settled then come down the hall to the end, my room is there" he instructed.

"Oh, okay, thank you" she politely replied.

Kaiba slightly smiled and brought Ana's bags into the room before leaving and closing the doors behind him.

Ana sighed and walked over to her King size bed and fell back onto her back.

"Oh, I look forward to getting started with the Battle City Tournament" she beamed.

Slowly she pushed herself off the bed, grabbed her bags and threw them on the bed.

"Better unpack" she said as she unzipped the lids.

She took out all her bits and placed them in the walk-in cupboard and chest of drawers.

"I better change; it's hotter here than I thought" she said to herself.

She changed into a mid-length black pleated skirt and a white blouse.

Once ready, she then left her room and did as Kaiba asked and proceeded to his room. She saw a set of creamy double doors and knocked before entering.

"Come in" called a voice from inside.

Ana did as she was told and saw him sitting at a large desk in a fairly big office chair.

"Hello" she smiled.

Kaiba just stared at her for a split second before responding.

"Yeah, hi, settled I take it?" he asked her.

"Yes, thank you" she replied.

"Well how about I show you around the house?" he suggested.

"Oh, don't worry, in fact I'm going to step out for a bit, of that's alright, would quite like to familiarise myself with the local area" she said.

"Oh, well okay; guess that would give me time to run through a few things" he responded.

"If it's for the tournament I'll stay and help" she suggested.

"It is, but I have to do these myself. I have to prepare to give a speech on the Tournament this evening, it'll be streamed all over the city" he explained.

"Well I look forward to it"

"So, we'll see you later, keep an eye out for my announcement" he said.

"I shall, see you later" she said as she waved on her way out.

Quickly she ran back to her room and grabbed her handbag, she then made her way down the stairs but just as she was going to open the door she heard someone calling her. Turning around and saw it was Mokuba.

"Hey Mokuba, what's the matter?" she asked.

"Where you going?" he asked back.

"Out for a bit, don't worry Seto knows about it" she explained.

"Let me call you a limo" he insisted.

"No, no, no I'll be casual and walk" she politely refused.

"But it's kinda far" Mokuba advised.

" me a cab in which case" she changed her mind.

Mokuba smiled and nodded before doing as Ana asked, he then came back and told her it would arrive in 5 minutes.

Ana thanked him before they both went outside to wait for the Taxi to arrive.

"What are you planning on doing?" Ana asked.

"I may help Seto if he needs me" Mokuba replied.

"Aww, aren't you sweet?" Ana playfully teased as she patted his head.

He lightly laughed and then shyly started playing with his hands.

"Anastasia, do you think you and Seto will form know...partnership?" he nervously asked.

"Mokuba, I don't know; that's a big commitment, but it's up to your brother, I mean if he asks me then I will definitely consider the offer" Ana replied.

"It'd be a great partnership if you did" Mokuba coaxed.

"Hmm, I certainly would like to think so too" she smiled.

Mokuba smiled sweetly then pointed to the gate

"Hey the taxi is here"

"Ah so it is, well I'm off, see you later this evening" she replied.

She walked down the steps waving at Mokuba as she got into the Taxi.

"Driver, Domino town centre please" she politely said.

"Right away miss" he replied.

The journey wasn't too long and Ana soon found herself walking around an area called. Domino Station.

"Well this place is full of life" she admired.

As she was looking around she didn't notice where she were going and suddenly felt someone bump hard into her chest causing her to fall back on her backside.

"OW!" she shouted.

Ana then looked before her and saw a boy on the floor rubbing his head and then rushing to get on his hand and knees apologising over and over again.

Ana then slightly gasped to herself as she saw who it was, the one and only Yugi Mouto.

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