Chapter 7

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Morning came and Ana stretched and yawned herself awake.

"Oh, what a lovely night's sleep" she sighed.

She then looked at her phone and saw it was 9:00am.

"Oops better get going" she said, then ran into the bathroom and decided to take a quick shower, once she was done it was 9:15.

Quickly she wrapped a towel around herself and started to look around for what to wear today.

"Hmm...I think I'll be a bit more colourful today" she said to herself.

But just as she slipped on her underwear there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" she called out.
"It's me...mind if I come in?" said Kaiba from the outside.
"Oh, um okay...just a sec"

She quickly put a top on and slid on a black skirt before running to open the door.

"Good morning" she said as she opened it.
 "Morning, sleep well?" he asked.
"Very well thank something wrong?" she enquired.
"No, just wanted to know if you wanted to have breakfast"
"Yes please" she smiled.

Kaiba then stepped back waiting for Ana.

"Oh more thing" she said, then went to her side table and picked up the memory stick she used to save the database on last night.
"All done and dusted" she said.
"Good, we'll have it uploaded and sent to all the registry offices around the city after breakfast" Kaiba said and took the memory stick from her and slid it in his pocket.

Together they proceeded downstairs and saw passed Mokuba sitting on the sofa munching on toast while watching TV in the living room.

"Good morning" Ana greeted him.
"Morning Anastasia" he replied with a mouth of toast.

She smiled and she and Kaiba sat at the table where there was a large English breakfast spread laid out.

"Oooh English Breakfast huh?" she teased.
"Thought we'd try something different this morning" he casually commented.

Ana sweetly smiled and enjoyed a large portion of the food.
Once done the plates were taken away and she, Kaiba and Mokuba headed to the Kaiba Corp building to upload the database.
As she sat in the limo she opened her laptop and decided to check her emails.

"The tournament starts in a few days and people will start registering tomorrow then the day after the tournament will officially start" Kaiba informed her.
"Mhm, should be interesting, I look forward to watching some duels" Ana enthused.
"Me too" Mokuba smiled.

Soon they had arrived at Kaiba Corp and headed straight to the top where Kaiba uploaded the database onto the system, Ana then emailed each registry office in town and sent a copy of the database for them to install onto their system.
Once done she sat back and read through a little book which had all the tournament rules in it, Kaiba however was looking through his deck.

"Perfecting your deck?" Ana casually asked.
"Hmfp no need, it's already perfect, and no one is going to defeat me, not in my own tournament" he scoffed.
 "Well let's hope not, it's not that I doubt you Seto; just be wary of Yugi; he always seems to win every Duel" Ana teased.
"Well I guess I'll have to put a stop to that" he confidently smirked.
"Hmm, so you have to make a number of sacrifices before summoning a high-level monster huh, makes sense" she read aloud.
"Well you don't have much to worry about till the finals, and I look forward to facing you in a battle" Kaiba commented.
"Oh, I bet you do Seto Kaiba, and that-SHOULD it happen- will be an amazing Duel" she responded in a similar tone.
"Should?" Kaiba repeated.
"Well you never know who's going to end up on top now do you. Anyway, the tournament will start soon so...what should I do now?" Ana asked as she closed the book and placed it on the table in front of her.
"You and Mokuba maintain watch over as many Duels as you can, I won't be able to do much about it because I will be participating" he responded.
"Sure, that could be fun; I get to watch and enjoy the matches that way- Oh um...I have a quick question" Ana started.
"Yeah, what's that?" Kaiba replied.
"Well I had noticed in the database that there were some Duellists with LOW stats and well, why did you put that in there?" Ana asked, curiously.
"Because even those who THINK they're good enough to enter will NOT enter, that way no one is wasting their time with amateurs in my tournament, remember Anastasia it's a battle not just a game" he smugly responded.
"Just asking, anyway it appears we have only 3 sign up stations I better go check and see if everything is running smoothly" Ana said and stood up from her seat.
"You could just call you know?" Mokuba suggested.
"I know but in person it's more professional you see" she smiled.
"Alright go on, call if you need anything" Kaiba said as he dismissed her.
"Will do" she said and waved as she left the office and headed for the lift.Kaiba sat in his chair, drifting in and out of his thoughts.
"Hey big bro?" Mokuba said as he waved a hand before Kaiba's eyes.
"What is it Mokuba?" he replied.
"Well I was wondering, um...that is...would you ever start a partnership with her?" Mokuba asked.
"A partnership- with Ana?" Kaiba repeated.
"Oh, you know what I mean, wouldn't it be great? I mean you've known each other for a long time; this could be the next step. Imagine how great it would be for the two of you?" Mokuba enthused.
"Mokuba, this is serious, I'm too busy to think about such things" Kaiba replied and went back to typing on his computer.
"Well I don't know about that, but I just thought it would be the best idea, not like either of you couldn't handle it or anything" Mokuba coaxed.
"Mokuba, just go and check on the main computer for the tournament and ensure that specific programme is running for the tracking and recording of duels" Kaiba dismissed him.
"Oh...okay" Mokuba simply said, then he jumped off his seat and made his way out of the office.
"A partnership... NO, I've lost my mind, I asked her here to help with a tournament and not this...this emotion filled crap!" Kaiba exclaimed to himself.

He brushed the thought out of his mind and began looking through his emails.

"Well it would be great if they had a partnership, it just means that Seto can get a load off so much work, and they work so well together, they would be really successful, oh well" Mokuba sighed, realising a merger wouldn't happen.

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