Chapter 86

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A couple hours had passed...and Ana had heard nothing, she remained in the throne room for the first hour and decided to circle the palace before returning back, upon doing so...she heard talking in the throne room.
Quickly, she hid behind a pillar and observed what was being said, standing there was a guard, Seto, Isis, Shimon and Karim.

"We're sorry sir, we have scoured the kingdom and still no sign of the Pharaoh" the guard apologised on one knee.
"Oh no- what the hell happened?!" Ana pondered.
"Even if you have to drain the river Nile I want him found!" Seto ordered.
"Yes Sir" the guard responded.
"Know this: his majesty still walks this Earth, and if we expect Egypt to survive, our king must return to the Throne. I have no doubt the Queen can hold things, but the two of them together is what our land needs" Seto added.
"Isis, can you see what the future holds?" Shimon asked her.

Isis sighed and paused for a moment as she channelled power from her necklace.

"One tiny ripple moves across a sea of shadows, as it spreads one among us will vanish, more ripples will follow, and before long they will merge to form a devastating force. Time is running out!" she urged.
"Isis, does this foretell the fate of our kingdom?" Shimon demanded, fearfully.
"I fear this foretells the fate of the entire world" she responded.
"Good grief, now the world is ending, such a common thing ever since I came to Japan, and now this...but if that is right, people around us would be dropping like flies by the sound of it" Ana whispered.

Shimon rubbed a hand on his chin in thought.

"The order brought about by the seven Millennium items is falling apart, and I thought it would last forever. How could one man have caused all this?!" he asked in confusion.

"Something going on?" Ana asked as she casually walked in.
"My Queen" Seto said.

Everyone then bowed down before her.

"Yeah, yeah, spare me- what's going on with the Pharaoh, where is he, what happened?" Ana asked.

Everyone remained silent for a moment, full of despondence to try and provide an answer.

"I've asked you a question" she repeated.
"We don't know where he is your grace, but we are still looking" the guard responded.
"I see...ok that's fine, just make sure you find him, but what happened to him, against Bakura?" Ana asked.
"We don't know- "Seto started.
"Try not to lie to me" Ana sternly responded.

Everyone was taken back by the Queen's response.

"He fell from a cliffside into a chasm, we have been searching since" Karim answered.
"Ok, fine, get me a horse and some guards, I'm going to look too" Ana ordered.
"Your Majesty please, we believe the Pharaoh is still alive, but to save face and to keep up appearances we need you to remain here and conduct things in a normal manner" Shimon urged.
"Oh, you can't be serious- you expect me to sit here, and wait for results?" Ana questioned and folded her arms stubbornly.
"Your Grace forgive me" Seto said and called guards to escort her to her chambers.

Ana gasped in surprise.

"What the hell?" she demanded.
"I'm sorry my Queen, Bakura has harmed our King we cannot risk him having take you also" he responded, apologetically.

Ana was forced into her room, and guards were posted outside the door.

"I imagine using spells on them isn't a good idea, I want to get out, not lower the defences in the bloody palace" she pondered and began pacing around the room in frustration.

About half an hour had passed and she was still a little lost for a solution.

"This is ridiculous" she pouted and sat back onto a chair"

Suddenly the door opened and in came Isis and Karim.

"Hello my Queen" Isis greeted.
"What is it now?" Ana sighed.
"We're here to investigate your health, to our understanding you have been falling faint as of late, this is just a check" Isis responded.
"Fine" Ana agreed.

For the next 15minutes the pair carried out a number of checks on the Queen, including extracting a drop of blood.

"We shall let you know our findings" Isis said, and she and Karim left.
"I bet it's cabin fever, I'm going nuts just sitting here" Ana scoffed.

A few more moments passed when suddenly part of the wall beside her bed began opening.

"What the hell...?" she trailed off, then from the darkness of the entrance appeared Mana.
"Hey Princess" she smiled and waved.
"Mana...what are you doing here- how did you even get in here?! Ana asked, confused.
"Oh, there are passages like this all around the palace, in case of an invasion" she responded and stepped into the room, with the door closing behind her.
"So, you used it to break into my room?" Ana asked.
"Well I heard they were confining you to your room, so I just wanted to keep you company" Mana explained.

Ana smiled and sat down in one of the chairs in the room.

"I appreciate that Mana, however I'm not exactly planning on staying put per say" Ana stated.
"Oh, why not?" Mana asked.
"Oh please, I know you want to find the Pharaoh as much as I do- so why aren't you out there looking for him?" Ana demanded.
"I wanted to make sure you were alright too- you're my friend also, I can't just abandon 1 to find another" Mana pleaded.

Ana sighed and rubbed her temples.

"I know- and again I appreciate that" Ana repeated.

Silence fell between the girls.

"Look Mana, I need you to help me get out of here" Ana asked.
"But Princess, you should stay here, if anything did happen to the Pharaoh, you need to be kept safe" Mana responded.
"I'm not a fragile thing that needs to be kept under lock and key for fear of damaging- please, help me find him, he's my husband after all, what kind of wife just sits back and does nothing?" Ana asked.

Mana sighed and rubbed the back of her head.

"Well, alright, let's go in the morning though, we're going to need our rest, I'll get you come first light and we'll leave" Mana explained.
"You will come wont you, you're not lying to me?" Ana questioned.

Mana smiled and held up her right hand.

"You have my word; I'll be here, and we'll go find the Pharaoh together" she promised.
"Great, now get some rest too" Ana advised.

With that Mana went to the wall and cast a spell to open it, she went through, and Ana then decided to get some sleep.
The night was restless for both girls, but they had to do their best.
Come first light Ana changed into clothes less fitting for a Queen.

"Princess...princess- excuse me have you seen the Princess?" said a voice.

Ana smiled and turned around to see Mana.

"That's me silly" Ana giggled.
"Oh wow, I didn't even recognise you, why are you dressed like that?" Mana asked.
"Well if we're sneaking out I don't need attention drawn to myself" Ana responded.
"Oh, well great idea, come on let's go" Mana said.

The girls then ventured through the passage way, grabbing water and some food from the kitchens as they sneaked out the back.
Once in the safety of being hidden in the village they composed themselves.

"Alright, we made it where would you suggest is a good place to look?" Ana asked.
"I'm not too sure, he really could be anywhere" Mana responded.

Ana paused for a moment to think.

"Right...think logically, I imagine he will need food and water to survive, and it's unlikely he's anywhere in the about the Nile?" Ana suggested.
"That's a great idea, but we'll have to walk, there's no way we can sneak a horse" Mana explained.
"Right...well we better get started if we get there by lunch, we can take a break" Ana advised.

With that plan in mind, the girls made their steady journey towards the river Nile.

Once there as calculated they were tired and hungry, they ate some of the bread and fruit they bought before just taking a small rest.
Mana remained by the river and was practising her magic, as for Ana she was wandering around nearby...after a few moments she saw nothing of interest of benefit, so she made her way back to the river side.

Upon arriving back...her eyes instantly widened, she could not believe what she was seeing, standing there, with Mana, was Yugi, Joey, Tea and Tristan and a large round man with a fish in hand and a cape on his back.

"No way" she gasped.

Before taking a step further everyone's attention was drawn to their left, Bakura's guards appeared and began charging towards them on horseback.

"Oh no you don't!" Ana called out.

She then raised her hands and summoned a wave the whipped the thugs off the land and into the water.

The group were greatly surprised and turned to see Ana standing there.

"Who is that?" Joey asked with his jaw dropped.
"That's the Princess- well the Queen" Mana responded.

Ana then ran over and pulled her shawl down.

"Fancy meeting you all here" Ana smiled.
"Ana?!" they all yelled and began circling her.
"It's great to see you all" she added.

They all then embraced each other.

"What's going on here, Princess you know them?" Mana questioned.
"I do, but we can talk about that on the way to finding Yami- now come on!" Ana said.

With that, the group ran in the other direction, until they felt safe, they slowed down to catch up on things.

"Wow so you're a magician, I've never met a real magician before" Yugi said to Mana.
"Well I'm only half a magician, considering only half of my spells actually work" Mana chuckled.
"You know back where I come from, there's this card game called 'Duel Monsters', I'm sure you've never heard of it, but there's this character in the game that looks just like you" Yugi happily said.
"So you're saying I'm a character?" Mana questioned.
"Not exactly Mana" Ana interrupted.
"Her name is Dark Magician Girl and she's really powerful, and I bet if you keep practicing your spells you could be just as strong as she is" Yugi smiled.
"One day I might!" Mana cheered.

Everyone had a small laugh about it which was a nice little ray of sunshine during this gloomy time.

"So Ana, what's going on?" Yugi asked.
"Guys, it's been crazy- Yami and I got beamed here, and Bakura showed up, threatened the whole kingdom and is causing such a problem- I have no idea what it is that's he's after but he's full of rage. Last I heard- since I was stuck in the palace was that Yami had been in a fight with Bakura and lost, so now everyone is looking all over the place for him" Ana summarised.
"Wow, that is crazy, but I'm sure we'll find him, I can just feel it" Yugi responded.

Ana smiled and rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Coming from you, you're the only one I would believe" Ana said.

Suddenly Bobassa- the big round gentleman came to a stop, everyone was confused and walked around him to see why...there he was...Yami, at the bottom of the hill before them, he was a little beat up but was alive and watching over the Nile.

"Pharaoh!" everyone screamed and ran down to be reunited with the young King once more. 

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