Chapter 55

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The boy set the simulation to level 2 then started a new match, everyone gathered and watched as it began.

"Initiating game play" the computed introduced.

"Let's Duel!" the kid said enthusiastically.

Suddenly the power cut and the machine stopped, and the lights flickered off.

"It looks like the Kaiba boys forgot to pay their electric bill" Joey joked.

"Either that or there's still some kinks in your system" Rebecca commented.

"Don't be stupid, I did and it's all done thank you very much! And the system is perfect I'll have you know, everything is the best and no less" Ana defended.

"We've worked out every possible bug" Mokuba added.

"Well apparently you didn't, one bug must have somehow slipped through the cracks" Duke stated.

"Any luck Mokuba?" Ana asked Mokuba.

Mokuba was fiddling around and soon enough everything started working again
But as everyone was celebrating suddenly all the exits to the dome closed quite abruptly. 

"Mokuba...what did you do?" Ana asked, annoyed.

"It's not me I didn't do it!" he called back.

"Something isn't right here..." Ana said looking around.

"Activating duel sequence" the computer said in a distorted voice.

"It's not responding!" Mokuba called out.

"Move let me try" Ana said.

Ana then pulled out a laptop from her bag and plugged it into the computer and turned it on, she went to press a button on the duling system, but a sudden surge and she were shoved away and fell back on the floor.

"OW! O... oh god that hurt!" she screamed.

"You alright?!" Yugi exclaimed and ran to her side to help her up.

"I'm f... fine, damn it's never done that before...Becs you know how to use the system?" Ana asked.

"I think so, let me see" she responded.

"Can't you work?" Yugi asked Ana

Ana then held up her hands and saw she was burnt badly.


"That looks bad" Tea said.

"I'll live" Ana responded.

"Looks like your computer is being controlled by an outsider" Rebecca analysed.

"WHAT?!" Ana screamed, then slammed her hands on the floor and screamed again even louder.

"OW! N... not a good idea, I guess I should be more careful" she whimpered.

"But we're not dealing with any normal hacker, this is a high-end job" Rebecca further concluded.

"Who would do this?!" Mokuba asked.

"Yeah, t... this is just an amusement park attraction, of all things this" Ana pondered.

"Well my guess is that they are using it to want to get something from you" Rebecca suggested.

"What makes you think that's gonna work?" Mokuba scoffed.

"They got your attention, didn't they?" Rebecca responded.

"I say let's tare that trash heap to pieces" Joey brashly suggested.

"I'm with you bro, let's go" Tristan agreed.

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