Chapter 21

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After some time, it came into light that Johnson was cheating during Joey's outcome turns.
And to everyone's surprise, Noah had beamed into the courtroom.
He told Johnson that his cheating is a bad reflection on him, thus causing him to nearly stop the Duel.
However, Joey asked for the duel to continue, providing Johnson stopped cheating. Noah agreed and left, but not before gazing upon Ana once.
The duel ended in Joey's victory which was briefly celebrated, until they all realized that they needed to find the others. Joey, worried for his sister Serenity, convinced she would be forced to Duel and would be in danger as she wasn't even a beginner.

Fearful the group all raced off together out into a tunnel, running on and on hoping something would lead them to the others. Joey's concern for his sister was so moving, he truly loved and cared for her. Ana felt that at that point she would do her best to help them find their friends. As they continued a white light came into view and they found themselves in a factory type place on an upper level.
Joey looked around and was relieved to see his sister in good health. However, it came to their attention that Tristan wasn't around, to which Serenity revealed he lost the Duel leaving Serenity and Duke alone to manage. Joey attempted to ask if he could join the Duel in Tristan's place, but he was refused- but that didn't matter.
With intense support from her brother and his friends Serenity, had won the Duel! But to everyone's dismay, it was revealed that Tristan would not be released. His mind had been digitized and his body was in a holding unit ready to be taken over. Joey embraced his sister, reassuring her.

"We'll find him and save him" Yugi added.
"Then we better get going, I'm worried about Kaiba and Mokuba" Ana stated.
"So, Anastasia what is it you see in Kaiba?" Joey asked, quite bluntly.
"I bed your pardon?" she replied.
"Yeah, even I'm curious" Tea added.
"What so you mean by that, I don't quite understand" Ana responded, seeking clarification.
"Well why are you with him, ya know why'd you care so much?" Joey verified.
"I'm not "with" him- are you crazy. We're just doing the Battle City Project together" she exclaimed nervously.
"Huh? Guess we all thought he was your boyfriend" Yugi laughed.
"Ah, no! We're just friends...if that, through business- hey look!" Ana suddenly changed the subject.

Everyone rapidly turned their attention to see Tristan face to face with Kaiba and Mokuba as though he was going to attack him with a large wooden pole.

"Look its Tristan!" Yugi pointed out.
"And Kaiba and Mokuba!" Tea added.

They all ran to meet them, and Ana ran to Kaiba and Mokuba's side.

"Thank Gods you're alright!" Ana sighed, in relief.
"Tristan! I knew we'd track you down pal" Joey smiled.
"Are you okay?" Serenity asked, concerned.
"Why don't you kids run along?" Tristan replied.

Yugi gasped in realisation that this was not his friend.

"Wait a sec, you're not Tristan you phony!" Duke called out, realising the same things as Yugi.
"What are ya talkin' about?" Joey asked.
"Wait Joey I think he's right" Serenity said nervously.
"Yes, I've taken over your friends' body and now that that's over I can take care of you!" said the fake Tristan.
"Seto!" Ana shouted and threw him a metal pole that swiftly got knocked from his hands.
"Why are you doing this?!" Kaiba demanded.
"Because you need to pay for what you did to me, goodbye!" said the fake Tristan.

Suddenly a small robotic monkey jumped onto the fake Tristan's head, distracted him long enough before being thrown aside in time for Joey to kick him into a wall and through it!

"Joey! It's still Tristan's body!" Tea reminded Joey.

Tea and Serenity ran to the wreckage only to jump aside as the impostor came flying out on a motorcycle as he did, he scooped up Mokuba and drove away.

"Kaiba, I've taken something from you! Now we're even!" said the fake.
"Mokuba!" Ana called out.
"Come back now!" Kaiba demanded.
"It's too late, he's gone!" Joey said.
"Stay here, I'm getting him back" Kaiba ordered.
"Seto!" Ana called, but Kaiba found another bike and raced behind them, determined to get his little brother back.
"Well what now?" Yugi asked.
"Kaiba's after the fake Tristan, so we gotta find where the real one is" Joey explained.
"Joey's right" Serenity agreed.

Everyone paused and turned towards an electronic chirping which appeared to be coming from the little monkey.

"It's that robot runt again" Joey pointed out.

The robot then squeaked and began waving its arms.

"I don't trust this little rat" Duke said, sceptically.
"He's a monkey and how dangerous can he really be?" Serenity defended.
"Wait, don't touch it Serenity, for all we know this chimp could be a trap" Duke warned her.

The monkey began flailing its arms around in protest.

"Good point Duke, maybe we should just take this guy apart" Joey suggested.
"Yeah, we could unscrew his head and take the batteries out- Anastasia you can help, you're techy" Duke added.
"No way! Don't you lay a finger on him!" Serenity warned them.
"Seriously?" Ana said in disbelief.
"This little guy risked his life to save Kaiba" she reminded them.
"I guess that's a good thing" Joey sighed.
"Just look at him, he's adorable" she cooed.

The money then happily jumped into Serenity's arms and she held him tightly.

"Whatever, come on; we have to find Tristan's mind and help save Mokuba. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him" Ana urged.

The monkey then pointed to himself but Joey yelled at him.

"Zip it! I got my eyes on you!" Joey warned him.
"Over here!" Ana called and climbed into the driver's seat of a pickup truck she found.
"Bloody steering wheel is on the wrong side!" she groaned.

Everyone followed her lead and jumped in with Joey next to Ana and the others in the back.

"Hold on!" Ana called out.
"You sure you can drive this?" Joey asked fearfully.
"Of course, I passed my test when I was 17"

In a flash, they were racing down the road until they were on a bridged motorway, and suddenly Ana put on the brakes.

"Thought you could drive?!" Joey exclaimed.
"Oh, shut it, look!" Ana pointed out.
"Huh?" Yugi said.
"It looks like some kind of rocket" Duke noted.
"Seto" Ana whispered.

Kicking it into high speed Ana carried on down the bridge.

"What's going on? I can hear Tristan!" Ana called out to the back of the vehicle.
"Tea and Yugi think he's the monkey!" Joey explained.
"But we're not convinced, he's tied up" Duke verified.
"Seems harsh- shit, shit, shit!" Ana yelled and harshly braked again as she saw part of the bridge was missing, but on the other side was Kaiba duelling a Jinzo.

Everyone swiftly jumped out and gathered at the break in the road.

"Seto!" Ana called out.
"Ana!" he replied, realising she was there.
"Kaiba's up against one of the baddest Desk masters of all time" Joey pointed out.
"Jinzo, so no traps can be used by Seto through this whole Duel" Ana explained.

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