Chapter 53

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In agreement to Duel, they both jumped into one of the golf carts and made for the Blue Eyes Stadium.
Once there they approached the Duelling platforms and stood ready before each other.

"Why the sudden interest in duelling me?" Kaiba asked while shuffling his deck.
"It's not sudden at all, we're both great duellist- no question. But I've yet to face you Seto Kaiba, and I love a challenge. Don't tell me you're not the slightest bit curious how I perform?" she responded.
"Only a bit"

Ana giggled and set down her deck.

"Ladies first" she playfully said and drew 6 cards.
"I'll play this face down in defence mode, and place 2 cards face down. That's me done, now show me what you've got"

Much like a tennis ball being batted back and forth- was more or less exactly how the duel went.
But ended in a tie, Ana used 'Ring of destruction to reduce both their life points to 0.

"That was amazing and fun, you're really good- no you're great" Ana flattered Kaiba.
"Well, you're nothing to snuff at, I'm impressed" he responded while gathering his cards.

Ana smiled and grabbed her deck before getting down from the platform. She stretched her arms and yawned while waiting for Seto near the door.

"As much fun as that was, I'm knackered, time for bed" she yawned once more.

Seto chuckled and they both walked out of the stadium to the golf cart.

"I wish I could have entered my tournament, but- "
"I know, there's just too much to do, but don't worry. We'll make this a success" she positively said.

They soon arrived at HQ and grabbed the lift to the 2nd top floor.

"It was a great evening, thank you Seto"
"Ana..." Kaiba started.
"Yeah?" she promptly responded.
"I...well, thank you too. Good night" he stuttered.
Then walked on and turned right into his room.

Ana was slightly confused but didn't dwell on how that conversation ended.

"Men" she sighed and rolled her eyes.

Ana sat in her bed and was checking her mail, one of which involved her having to return to London for an important shareholders meeting.
Clearly of high importance, so she responded confirming she would be there.
A flight was booked for tomorrow morning and she would arrive just in time for the meeting.

As soon as she woke up the next day, Ana packed a small bag and raced to Kaiba's room to inform him of her sudden and brief leaving.

She knocked on the door but heard nothing.

"Seto?" she called.
"Hey Ana, morning" said a voice.

Ana turned to see Mokuba behind her.

"Good morning Mokuba, Seto must be in his office; I'll pop up and see him-"
"Nope, I think he's in his room, I was in the office didn't see him" Mokuba responded.

He then stood before Kaiba's door and creaked it open.

"Mokuba, should you really just walk in, what if he's sleeping?" she asked in a hushed tone.
"He's my brother Ana, he doesn't mind me- wait what's the bag for?"
"Mokuba come out of there, he may be tired, just let him sleep" she urged.

Suddenly a light emerged from another door in the room.
Ana's eyes widened and she gasped all while dropping her bag and tuning around. Kaiba had stepped out of his bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Oh gracious" she gasped.
"Mokuba!" Kaiba shouted.
"I'm so sorry I didn't do anything" Ana blurted.

Kaiba sighed in annoyance and shook his head.

"What's going on here?" he asked, irritated.

Ana explained everything till that point of which Kaiba realised he needed to have a word with Mokuba on intruding.

"Why do you have a bag?" Kaiba asked.
"Um, I have a shareholders meeting back home, I'll be back on the Beta open day" she stuttered to explain.

Suddenly Kaiba was standing behind her dressed in trousers and a shirt.

"I didn't mean to disturb you- "
"It's fine, I'm normally awake and in office, but I was a little restless last night" he responded.
"Oh, I see"

There was an odd and moment of silence.

"Well, I need to go, see you all in a few days" she smiled, then grabbed her bag and proceeded to leave.

Kaiba watched until she got into the elevator, then went back to his room.

"Mokuba, next time just come in on your own. That was embarrassing and inappropriate" Kaiba scolded.
"Yes Seto" Mokuba sheepishly said and made his way back up to the office.

Kaiba closed the door to his room, the curtains were only slightly open, and a few rays were peaking through; mildly illuminating the room.
He sighed and sat on the edge of his bed while putting his tie on.

Truth be told, he was already missing Anastasia.
After a more social even last night with her, things felt different. That profession barrier was slowly crumbling away.
Kaiba stood up and straightened his shirt as he walked towards the window.
He pulled the curtains apart and looked down at the gardens, quite absentmindedly, he smiled as his eyes caught onto the blossoming white roses...making him think of her.

The meeting was positive, shareholders were satisfied with the company's revenue.
In fact, one of them began a conversation that excited everyone else.
They were fully aware of the business Starline Enterprises and Kaiba Corp- they were hoping for a merger between the companies.
Ana had said it was something in the company pipeline, but until contracts were actually drawn up and sighed, they would have to wait.

During her time away, she didn't not receive any calls or emails from Kaiba which was rather surprising. Regardless, she immediately made her way to the airport after the meeting. She was excited and happy to return, by the time she would arrive the park would be open, and the tournament would be starting. 

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