Chapter 84

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The Royal couple continued on their way to the throne room, following Shamon as he requested.
Once there, they sat on their thrones ready for their next task.

Upon sitting down all the guardians became present, Mahad stepped forward and bowed down on one knee.

"I wish they wouldn't do that" Ana whispered to Yami.
"My King and Queen, rest assured, the sacred tomb of former King Aknamkanon will never be disturbed again. My team of sorceress is casting a spell to secure it's walls as we speak" Mahad explained.
"Excellent" Yami replied.

Just then, Seto interjected.

"Yes, but I'll believe that tomb is safe from intruders once I've tested it for myself. After all we've seen what your magicians in training are capable of. I would say a bit more training couldn't hurt" Seto scoffed.
"Wow, he was kind of a dick back then too" Ana commented.
"Alright Seto, that's quite enough" Shamon ordered.
"Yeah, more than enough" Ana added.
"Good luck to you Mahad, and thank you" Yami graciously said.

Mahad thanked Yami and took his leave, as he did so, Yami, Ana and Shamon made their way to the balcony to see him off, he was accompanied by his magicians and a large stone tablet.

"I hope whatever he is planning it will work" Ana commented.
"I hope so too" Yami responded.
"Mahad wait, please take me with you master! I've been practising my spells and I can help!" Mana screamed and came running, ready to jump of the balcony.
"Bloody hell!" Ana screamed and grabbed onto Mana's arms.

Shamon helped too, and with force Mana was pulled back and landed right on top of him.

"Oh dear" Ana gasped.
"I'm afraid it's too dangerous, and you're merely a student" Shamon groaned.
"I'm Mahad's top student, I have twice the skills of any magician he's leading to that tomb. My master needs me!" Mana insisted as she jumped to her feet.

Shamon staggered to stand up while rubbing his back in mild pain.

"It seems to me you underestimate the skills of your teacher. Mahad is a strong wizard, in fact you will not find a stronger magician if you searched the entire world. He'll be fine" Shamon insisted.
"Yes I know" Mana smiled, as did Yami.
"Well that is impressive" Ana commented.

There was a few moments of silence as they continued to watch Mahad leave the palace grounds.

"Well if that's everything, I have stuff to do" Ana said, and continued to walk away.

However, as she did so, Mana came skipping by her side.

"Um did you need something dear?" Ana asked, confused.
"Not really, but I thought you would like some company, when was the last time we hung out together anyway?" Mana asked.

Ana lightly chuckled and brushed her hair back.

"I haven't the slightest clue to be honest with you" she nervously responded.
"See, I was telling the Prince the same thing- you two have been so wrapped up with this Pharaoh and Queen stuff you're forgetting about life before that" Mana commented.

She then linked arms with Ana and leaned her head on her shoulder.

"So, I'm gonna stick with you for a little while, where were you going anyway?" Mana asked.

Ana sighed, realising that giving this girl the slip would not be easy.

"I was hoping to find a library, I wanted to catch up on some magic stuff" Ana responded.
"Oh really, that's odd, but I suppose you haven't been keeping up with that much stuff, I mean since you got married it's not like you've had the time. But it looks like at this rate, even I'll surpass you, even though at of all of us Mahad and you were the top magicians of the group" Mana replied.
"So I've been told" Ana chuckled.
"Well let's go then" Mana giggled.

With that Mana continued to lead Ana through the palace until they got to a set of large gold double doors.

"Well here we are" Mana said, and pushed the doors open.

Inside were many book shelves, each holding books and scrolls all around the room, and in the centre, was a large wooden table.
The room was very quiet, no one else was in there, the only thing that could be heard was the crackling of the flame torches that hung on the walls.

"So we are, well I don't suppose you know anything about...time travel per say?" Ana asked.
"Time travel, hmm, that's interesting, but I don't think we have anything on that..." Mana trailed off.

Ana sighed, this almost seemed like a waste at this rate.

"I see...well, that's not ideal..." Ana groaned.
"Why do you ask, it's a strange question" Mana responded.
"Well, I suppose you can say I've been having dreams, about travelling to a different time, I was just wondering if we had anything regarding something like that" Ana replied, knowing better than to try and explain her brain and all it's memories were from a different time, as opposed to her physical being which was from 5 thousand years ago.

"Wow, that sounds interesting, what sort of things do you see in your dream?" Mana asked.
"I can't explain it, but it looks as though the visions are thousands of years in the future, I was hoping there would be a way for us to see that" Ana explained.

Mana scratched her head and sighed in defeat.

"Sorry Princess, but there really isn't anything like that" Mana responded.
"Oh...well, never mind, but I'll just have a look around, you don't have to hang around if you don't want to"
"Well I don't mind, we can practice some spells together if you want" Mana smiled.

Realising this attempt at getting information was a bust, Ana decided maybe it would be best to spend time with Mana, maybe she could learn more about her past like this.

"Sure I don't see why not" Ana smiled.
"Great!" Mana cheered.

The two girls then made their way to the courtyard.

"Alright Princess, make me fly!" Mana yelled with a smile.

Ana became nervous.

"I'm sorry, make you fly?" Ana questioned, uncertain.
"Well yeah, I know it's been a while, but it's a good spell to practice, remember when we were kids, we used it to get fruits from the top of some of the trees, and to pull pranks on the guards" Mana giggled.

Ana lightly giggled back and smiled. It became more so apparent that in her past, she truly had a good life, which made her feel a little reassured that life here wasn't that bad.

"I just about remember that, well I suggest you keep still" Ana instructed and aimed her palms towards Mana.

Focusing her mind, she closed her eyes for a moment, suddenly hearing a gasp her eyes snapped open and she saw Mana was suspended at least several feet in the air.

"You did it!" Mana cheered.
"I suppose I did" Ana responded.

Using her concentration, Ana was able to move Mana about in the sky like a super hero, eventually she landed her back onto the ground.

"That was so much fun!" Mana giggled.
"Yeah, it was-" Ana replied, but was cut off by someone calling her name.
"Your Majesty" said a voice.

Turning around, Ana saw it was Seto, again her heart ached, because one more, she was reminded of her love back home.

"Yes, what can I do for you Seto?" Ana responded.
"I believe the Pharaoh is looking for you, he's in his chambers, I apologise, but it is getting late, food has been brought to your room, you should be resting" he advised.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right, thank you Mana, this was fun. Thank you, Kai,- I mean Seto" Ana said.

She then proceeded back to her room.

"I really wish I could go home" she sighed. 

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