Chapter 46

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Together the three of them made their way back to the caravan.

"There you guys are, we were worried about you 3" Mokuba said as he ran over to join Ana, Kaiba and Yami.

"We're fine, but now that we know who's doing all this its time to crash the party" Kaiba said.
"Well we better hurry fast cause Joey went on his own to find them" Rebecca urged.
"Oh good grief" Ana sighed.
"He better not mess this up for me" Kaiba commented.

Just then Tea came running over claiming monster like soldiers had appeared and were all over the city.

"Yami- I bet it's those Orichalcos soldiers we ran into" Ana pointed out.
"let's go we can all jump in my car" Duke advised.

The professor then appeared and explained that thousands of people globally were falling victim to collapsing and not waking up at all.

"It's those monsters" Tea commented.
"They must be using the power of the Orichalcos to capture people's souls" Rebecca added.
"Then let's get moving, we'll take these monsters down on our way to Dartz" Ana instructed.

So together they boarded the caravan and Duke drove the car.

"We're only 1 mile from Paradias HQ" Rebecca informed everyone.

Kaiba, Mokuba and Ana were sitting on a sofa, while Rebecca, Tea and Yami were at the table.

"We'll have our company back in no time, right bro?" Mokuba cheerfully and confidently asked.
"Don't be so sure, we're dealing with an extremely powerful organisation and it'll take everything we have to bring them down, this won't be easy" Kaiba responded.

Suddenly the car came to a complete stop and everyone ran out to see what was wrong, upon going outside they saw Tristan on the ground with one of the Orichalcos soldiers standing over him ready to attack.

"Oh no you don't!" Ana called out, then summoned her dark witch to defend Tristan and destroy the soldier.

Everyone then ran to his aid.

"Thank you" he said.
"You're welcome, good thing we got here, you would have lost your soul"

Tristan then explained how Joey was not with him and that he had gone after Valon, one of Dartz's men.

"We better find him" Yami urged.
"Hate to disagree with you, but we have more pressing issues" Ana pointed out and stood ready with her deck.
"What?" Yami said.

Ana just pointed her finger around.

"Look around you" Kaiba added.

He then stood next to Ana.

"We're surrounded- if anyone has a plan, please speak now" Tea exclaimed in panic.
"I suggest we fight- Rebecca I borrowed your disk, I hope you don't mind" Ana responded with a smile on her face.
"Something tells me you're enjoying this?" Kaiba coyly asked.
"I love a good fight" she winked back at him.

Then Kaiba and Yami's cards lit up and out came Timeous and Criticus.

"Now you're just showing off" Ana teased and then summoned her Stardust Spark Dragon; just in time to save Tea and Rebecca who were being surrounded.

"Picking on some ladies, how shameful" she said, and all their monsters returned back.

Kaiba then started walking away and Mokuba followed.

"Kaiba wait, we have to stick together!" Tea called out.

"Do you think because I just helped you guys fight some holograms, I'm suddenly part of your little pep squad, I'm afraid you got the wrong idea adios it's been a real blast" Kaiba scoffed.
"Kaiba, will you at least help us to find Joey?" Yami asked.
"Surely Ana can help you there" Seto responded
"Not without all my tech, of which my phone was lost" she groaned in frustration.
"Joey's Duel disk is activated so we can track him on the computer" Rebecca realised.
"Kaiba we need your company's tracking system" Yami pleaded.
"I know you can hear us!" Tea called out.
"Meh, we can hack it" Ana smiled and joined Rebecca in the caravan.
"Any luck in there girls?" Tristan asked for the 5th time.
"If you don't stop asking, I'll shove this laptop up your arse!" Ana screamed from inside.

10 minutes past and Ana nudged Rebecca aside and hacked into the KC Satellite.

"Well that was easy, surprised he didn't update this since Battle city" Ana commented.

Putting the location on a map Rebecca ran out and gave the map to Yami, but not before Tea and Tristan offered to come.

"Ana, will you come?" Yami asked her.

She smiled and winked at him.

"Evil Duel monsters couldn't stop me" she responded.

Together the 4 of them began to make their way to where Joey was located rapidly, there were very little words exchanged on the way as their biggest concerning was getting to Joey as soon as possible.

However, it got to a point that they had gotten a bit lost.

"We need a new plan" Tristan suggested.
"This way" Yami said and they followed him into various alleys.
"How can you be so sure?" Ana asked.

She then noticed Yami was holding Timaeus in his hand.
Suddenly the sky lit up and everyone stopped in their track, the seal was descending from the sky, which meant that a battle had begun and that someone would be losing their soul anytime now.

"We need to hurry!" Yami urged.

They ran even fastee for a little longer and soon came out of the alleys into the open.

"Oh my god!" Tea gasped.

They saw Joey limp and resting against and fence, and no one else was around.

"No way" Tristan gasped.
"He lost, his soul is gone" Ana uttered.

Tea tried to wake her friend but no luck, she fell to her knees and burst into tears, as did Tristan who rested a hand on his shoulder trying his luck.
It was then concluded that Joey must have beaten Valon who was also unconscious on the side, meaning that Mai beat him and left.

Yami filled with rage at this made a run towards the Paradias HQ, not without Ana who was running right behind him.
Together they arrived at a set of double sliding doors at the entrance, when they opened Mai had fallen out and into Yami's arms.

"She just lost a Duel by the looks of it" Ana pointed out.

Yami set Mai down, and together he and Ana entered the lift, Yami pulled out his deck and inserted it into his disk.

"This ends now" Yami commented.

The lift came to a stop and the door opened.

"Ready for our re-match Pharaoh?" said a voice.

Looking ahead they saw it was Raphael.

"This doesn't concern you Raphael I'm here to see Dartz, is your master so much of a coward that he sends you to do his battles for him?!" Yami insulted.
"Not quite, you owe me something- but first, why don't you take this" Raphael responded and threw a card a Yami.

He caught it and was surprised to see it was Hermous, Joey's card.

"You defeated Joey, didn't you?" Yami asked.
"Actually, Mai did, and I defeated her" Raphael responded.
"But why, wasn't Mai on your side?" Yami demanded.

Raphael smirked.

"I never trusted her, and it turns out I was right all along, after she took Joey's soul, she turned on us. But her best wasn't good enough"
"Just think of how many innocent lives have been destroyed!" Yami begged.

Raphael couldn't care less, instead he readied his Duel Disk and all he wanted was to fight Yami and capture his soul.

(Gonna fast forward the match)

During the Duel however Seto, Tea, Tristan and Mokuba had managed to find them and they were joined together once again.

The fight was a little emotional, and it did end in Yami's victory -  but not without a very surprising twist.  

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