Chapter 85

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Upon returning to her room Ana saw Yami sitting at the end of the bed, fiddling around with the Cartouche that Tea had given him.

"Yami, everything alright?" Ana asked as she closed the door behind her.
"Oh Ana, there you are. Yes, I'm fine thank you, did you find anything in the library?" Yami questioned.

Ana sighed and shook her head.

"Afraid not, there isn't a damn thing in thee that would apparently help us...but it's fine, I'm sure we'll figure something out" Ana reassured.

With that the couple settled into their bed, they wish each other good night and drifted off into another nights sleep.
However, a few hours into sleeping, Yami had shot up gasping, it appeared he had a nightmare.

"Woah- what happened?!" Ana yelled as she stumbled up and out the bed, poised incase something was happening.
Looking around she saw Yami had stood up from the bed...shirtless.

"Good grief, what's happening?" Ana asked, concerned.
"I...I don't know to explain it, but I feel that one of my guardians is in jeopardy" he responded and walked out unto the balcony.

Suddenly she heard him gasp and she ran to his side, they both looked on at the Guardians Shrines, and could see that Mahad's was glowing.

"Could it be he's engaged in a shadow game?" Yami realised.
"If he is...there's only one person I can think of that he's battling right now" Ana responded.
"Bakura" Yami gasped.
"Let's check this out!" Ana encouraged.

Slipping on a robe and her duel disk the pair made their way to his Shrine.
Upon arriving at the shrine, the pair were surprised to see that Mana had also made her way there.

"Mana?" Ana questioned.
"Oh hello you two" she greeted.
"Tell me Mana, why have you come to Mahad's tablet shrine?" Yami asked.
"I know it sounds weird, but I had this really bad dream that master Mahad was in trouble and needed help. He was struggling Pharaoh and I could swear that he was calling my name. I wasn't sure what else to do, and I thought maybe if I came to his sanctuary, I could help him or something" Mana explained, emotionally.
"I believe I had the same dream" Yami responded.

Suddenly there was a glowing on the wall, one of the monsters etched into it began glowing.

"It's Mahad's illusion magician" Mana pointed out.
"He must have called it into battle" Yami added.
"Oh no, but it lives inside Mahad's soul, if he loses it then my master can't exist in this world" Mana explained.
"Loses it...are you saying if he dies or something?" Ana asked, fearfully.

No sooner had she said that did crack begin appearing in the illusion Magician's image on the wall.

"Crap, well if we're going to help, we need to figure out where he went" Ana suggested.
"I'll take Mana and search for Mahad, see if maybe you can work on something to summon him back here" Yami suggested.
"I'll find Isis, maybe she can help" Ana greed.

Leaving the two to venture on, Ana made her way towards where the other guardians were.
However...on her way to Isis's room, Ana had suddenly fainted in the hallway.
She had been lying there for a short period until she had been moved to Isis's room by one of the guards.
Using her powers, she was monitoring Mahad's battle while the Queen was sleeping.

During this time, the remaining Guardians had joined Yami and Mana at the magician's training grounds in the desert in hopes of being able to help Mahad in his battle.
However, they were too late, Mahad had lost his battle, and was now merged with his illusion magician, forever seals in a tablet until Yami would summon him, he had become a shadow creature.

Upon everyone retuning back to the palace, Yami was informed of what had happened to Ana, fearing for her health he ran to her side, but the young queen was still sleeping.

"Is she alright?" Yami asked, as he held onto her hand.
"She is fine, my Pharaoh, she did not sustain any damage, is mildly concerning how often this is happening" Isis said, and squeezed out a fresh wet cloth before putting it on the Queen's head.
"She has been fainting quite frequently as of late- sadly we are unaware as to why this is happening, but I can imagine that we should have some of the priests and magicians look over her in the coming days" Isis explained.

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