Chapter 23

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Ana and Kaiba had finally met Noah, and he had Mokuba captive!
Noah had forced Ana and Kaiba to watch a memory which showed that Noah was apparently Gorzoboro Kaiba's real son.
During this time, Tea and Yugi walked in and handed Kaiba a picture of Gorzoboro and Noah. Everyone was in shock and completed surprise, maybe it was true.

"Not quite what you were expecting Seto, you and I being Step-brothers. I was supposed to have Kaiba Corp. You were only allowed in to train me! And that's the story of an orphan with no class who became the president of Kaiba Corp. But not it's time for me to take my place and gain control of my father's empire!" Noah boasted.
"That can't be right!" Ana gasped.
"How is it I've never met you before?!" Kaiba demanded.

Suddenly an alarm went off and everyone turned their attention to a screen showing Joey, Serenity, Duke and the Monkey racing away from an attacking 4 of the Big 5.

"Sorry, but I have to cut this short. I'll be back after I deal with them" Noah said.
"You're staying here!" Kaiba screamed.

Suddenly the room blackened out completely then a door emerged from the darkness. Everyone ran out and saw the truck had overturned but everyone was safe, but they were now in the middle of a canyon type road.

"You guys alright?" Yugi asked, worried.
"We're fine" Joey replied.
"That's the best news I've heard all day!" Yugi smiled, relieved.

Yugi and Joey hugged but Kaiba kept a straight face. As so he should, he still didn't have Mokuba. Ana glanced at him and saw he still had that picture in his hand. She walked over and placed a hand on his over the frame.

"We'll save him, don't worry about Noah" Ana tried to reassure him.
"Kaiba- could Noah story about you keeping his long-lost step brother actually be true?" Yugi asked.
"Noah's story is one big lie designed to mess with my head Yugi. The suppose conversation he had with Gorzoboro would have happened 6 years ago. Which is when this was taken, based on the imprinted date" Kaiba stated.
"Then...why hasn't he aged? He should be close to your age Kaiba" Ana noted.
"So, Noah's your stepbrother Kaiba?" Duke asked.
"That's none of your business" Kaiba scoffed.

But that does explain why Noah brought us all here" Yugi added.

"Yeah, to prove to his dad that he's the better son" Joey said.
"Typical sibling rivalry" said Ana.
"To show his power he teamed up with the Big5 and kidnapped Mokuba to weaken Kaiba" Yugi commented.
"I've heard enough!" Kaiba screamed, he then turned to leave but stopped as Tea ran ahead trying to block him.
"Stop right there!" she demanded.
"What's the problem?" he sarcastically remarked.
"Going somewhere, if so then that's the problem Kaiba" she yelled at him.
"Just step aside, I've already told you geeks, this is family business and it doesn't concern you. Now move it!" he screamed at her.

He then attempted to brush Tea aside, but she blocked his path once more.

"That's where you're wrong Kaiba!" she continued to scream.
"Just let him go Tea, it's not worth it" Joey sighed.
 "You may be too concerned with yourself to realize this; but we're all trapped here. Don't you realize we can help you save Mokuba?" Tea attempted to plead with him.
"Ha!" Kaiba scoffed and turned away from her.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" she demanded.
"You should worry about him instead" Kaiba motioned.
"Tristan!" Tea beamed. "That's not Tristan remember" Joey reminded her.

Kaiba then began to walk away, not saying another word.
Ana thought it best to follow him, knowing Yugi and his friends would be fine.

"Seto wait!" Ana called after him.
"Anastasia-" he started, but she cut him off mid-sentence.
"No, look I'm aware we're not close. But I care about that little boy. I will help him, and we will get out of here. You have no right or the ability to brush me off" she sternly explained, with that she walked with him side by side.

There was nothing but silence between them as they both continued on their way up some stairs that went on for a while. During that silence however, it was clear that Kaiba had a lot on his mind.

"I imagine you're confused or concerned" Ana said, breaking the silence.
"Why would that bother you?" Kaiba spitefully remarked.
"Oh, piss off, you always act like a wall of ice, but I know well enough you're not as you appear" she responded with great irritation.
"She's so stubborn, who the hell does she think she is?! I shouldn't have asked her to help had I known she would be!" Kaiba thought to himself.
"These stairs go on forever" Ana moaned.

Soon they got to the top of a mountain and from the ledge of it they could see that everything seemed to be smothered in a cloud of mist. But suddenly the mist began to clear, and buildings began to emerge from below them.

"What is-" Ana began to question.
"My designs!" Kaiba gasped.
"What are you on about?" Ana asked, confused.
"I've never shown my blue prints to anyone! How could Noah have recreated it?!" Kaiba yelled, in the same tone.
"Kaiba take a breath, what is that? It looks like a mini City" Ana asked.

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