Chapter 91

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As quickly as possibly the trio managed to make it back to the palace, heading to the balcony in the throne room, the girls set Yami down.
Using her magic, Mana was healing Yami, while Ana- with her eyes wide with amazement and shock, looked as Kaiba- her Kaiba summoned his Blue eyes ultimate Dragon to fight Zorc, their powers were drastically much so the energy of the attacks began to beam up into the sky...causing a swirling vortex with the clouds.

"Where's Zorc?" Ana heard.

Turning around she saw Yami back on his feet, he then joined her at her side watching the battle.

"Is that...?" he asked.
"It's Kaiba, he's fighting that monster alone" Ana whispered.

Then the sky began brightening, illuminating all the land, Yami then took the Millennium scale and jumped off the balcony.

"What the f-?!" Ana screamed.

Yami then transformed into the uniform of the Black Lustre Solider- he then worked to Kaiba to merged with his Blue eyes to attack Zorc- flooding the area in a blue bright light.

"Yami- Kaiba!" Ana screamed.
"Ana wait- Isis wanted me to tell you something!" Mana called out.

Sparing a moment...Ana stopped to listen before taking off again with great speed, she ran out the throne room, down the halls and out the front to Yami who was on his front.
The massive dust cloud where Zorc stood...diminished...but he was still standing there.

"No, he lives!" Yami screamed in a wince of pain.
"Yami" she called out and ran to his side.
"You moron, are you alright?" she asked him.
"I think so..." he said.
"We now stand face to face for the last time, the light of hope against the lord of darkness, and just as it has since the dawn of time; darkness shall prevails, that is the inevitable cycle of existence! You see Pharaoh, the universe itself was born without light, all that existed was a vast wasteland of shadows, and each time the light tried to find its way into the dark, in the end it is always extinguished" Zorc bellowed.
"Blah, blah, you think you'll win- ha, you can't have dark without light, light represents life- which is all around you and has been since the Earth began- you will be put down you monster!" Ana screamed with passion.
"Let's test that theory of yours my dear!" Zorc responded.

Gathering its evil strength once more he launched an attack at the couple, but suddenly, from the sky a brilliant beam of gold light shot down before them, right before them was Hasan...but as he stood there blocking the attack...the mask he wore cracked- revealing it to be Shadi.
He begged Yami and Ana never to surrender to the darkness and that the light of hope would arrive, baring the information they need.
Despite his best effort...Shadi vanished into a mist before their eyes.

"No!" Yami screamed.
"Look at the mighty couple now, barely standing among the ruins that was once their kingdom!" Zorc mocked.
"This is not over!" Yami yelled.

But because of his lack of energy he collapsed onto his front, Zorc then began powering his attack to launch at Yami.

"Yugi- please I know you're out there!" Yami screamed.

Suddenly 4 golden balls of light in the sky appeared...turns out it was Yami, Tea, Joey and Tristan, coming to their aid. Suddenly in the distance they could see the soldiers that aided Bakura coming towards them.
Seeing this, Yugi, Joey and Tristan manifested duel disks on their arms and each summoned monster to take all the oncoming soldiers out.

"I've had enough of this!" Ana screamed.

Focusing her mind- she manifested her disk in place of her ancient one.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" she smiled.

Summoning the Magician of Black chaos, he stood beside Mahad- whom Yugi summoned back; then appeared the Dark Magician girl, from Mana back at the Palace.

"My Queen you should not- "
"Don't start with me- just accept his help and take those bastards down!" she ordered.

The magicians smiled and began working together to lower the defences of the oncoming soldiers.
Then Yugi and his friends landed by Yami's side, helping him up.

"Thank you" Yami graciously said.

Suddenly Zorc readied another attack- but at a quick moment the magicians all attacked to keep Zorc off- however he responded with an attack of his own, thankfully they were able to dodge in time.

"Yugi, were you able to locate my name?" Yami weakly asked.
"Um yeah..." Yugi began.
"Well out with it!" Ana demanded.

Suddenly Zorc began chuckling.

"They may have found your name Pharaoh, but they were unable to read it!"
"But why?" Yami asked.
"Oh God- it was written in hieroglyphs wasn't it?!" Ana screamed.
"That's right my dear, and they would not have been able to decipher it!" he laughed evilly.
"Is that true?" Yami asked.

Yugi nodded his head and explained how they found the name...and that they recalled what it looked like but they were not sure how to say it.

"Name or no name- we got some butt to kick" Joey encourage and he and Tristan tried their hand at attacking Zorc.

But each of their monsters failed, each being destroyed in the process, all that was left were the Magicians, and to make things worse the soldiers of darkness reappeared.
With all their power...the magicians pooled their energy in another last-ditch effort to attack Zorc...but once failed.

"Have you fools learned I am impervious to all attacks- even yours!" Zorc screamed.

Then with flashes of purple flames, all the magicians were destroyed, both Ana and Yugi screamed as the pain their monsters felt was reflected on them.

"Ana!" Yami yelled.
"I...I'm ok" she muttered.
"Surrender to the darkness" Zorc ordered.
"No way Zorc, we're gonna help the Pharaoh remember his name so he can lock you away like he did before" Yugi screamed.
"But how?!" Yami asked.

Just then from beneath his cape, the blank cartouche he wore hung down.

"Hey guys, I realised how we can help the Pharaoh" Tea exclaimed.
"Oh do tell!" Ana responded.
"All we have to do is concentrate, I bet if we thing about those symbols hard enough, we can make the pharaohs name appear on that cartouche" Tea suggested.

With that the friends put their hands together and began concentrating as they tried to envision his name onto the blank necklace.

"You have been a nuisance to me long enough!" Zorc screamed.

He the channelled his energy, ready to attack the group.

"Oh no you don't!" screamed Ana, she then stood before the group and held up her arm.
"Do you really think you can stop me?!" he chuckled.
"Matter of fact I do" she smiled.

As he launched an attack she summoned the Millennium shield to defend the group.

"Nice try" he mocked, and destroyed it.

He then tried to attack once more...but Ana was too slow to summon something else to block instead...she summoned castle walls to push the group back, and she then ran over and took the hit herself.

"NO!" everyone screamed.

The pain from the attack was excruciating, it was like being burned by fire and when she cooled down her energy was fading from her, with a smile on her face at having been able to take a last stand.
As she fell onto her back, she rested her left hand on her womb.

"I'm sorry my baby...I'm sorry" she sighed as tears fell from her eyes.

Behind the temporary wall the group had done it...they could see the name on the cartouche...however...with great shock and disappointment, as soon as it shattered.

"NO!" Tea screamed.
"Now what do we do?!" Joey asked.
"What happened?!"Yugi asked.
"I don't know" Yami responded.

They all then saw the wall fade, and there they saw the young Queen on her back.
Eye widened wide with fear, despite his lack of energy Yami ran to her side.

"Ana, Ana why did you do this?!" he begged her.
"Because we're friends Yami, I know in this life we were happy, and I know I loved you once...I'm just sorry then and now I couldn't give you something we created together" she whispered and took his left hand and placed it on her womb.
"Yami, in ancient times I was pregnant, I was carrying your baby" she continued.

Yami's eyes teared in sadness hearing this, had he truly lost everything?

"Ana, I'm sorry, but I love you, don't leave me, not again" he muttered, then lent down to kiss Ana.

As soon as he did...the area was engulfed in gold light...the light emitted from the necklace around Ana's neck, her Millennium locket.
The locket clicked open and on the inside was an inscription in hieroglyphs, Yami saw it and read it aloud.

"To my Queen Shanti, I will love you in this life and the next, forever yours...Atem" he whispered.
"T...that's his name?!" Yugi called out.
"It is my name is Atem!" he announced and stood up.

Ana was barely hanging onto life as she was able to watch him stand up confidently...and just as he did...her vision faded to black.

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