Chapter 58

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An early start to the tournament, 9am to be exact.
The park was flooded with people once more, more specifically the Kaiba Dome; not an empty seat in the stands could be seen throughout.

The competitors stood in the middle with a Duelling platform/stage being the centre piece of the Arena.
Excited murmurers could be heard all over the place, as the anticipation for things to start was just bubbling over.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Duellists of all ages/ Welcome to the KC Grand Championship! We've gathered the best duellists from around the world just for you. One of which will be crowned the next Duel Monsters Champ!" Roland explained.

Followed by loud and enthusiastic cheering from the audience.

"Now made some noise for out Master of ceremonies!" Roland introduced.

Ana, armed with a headset, mobile, laptop and tablet was on the sides of the stage co-ordinating the events.

"Ok, dry ice, raise platform now!" Ana instructed.

And from the icy clouds appeared Mokuba on an additionally raised platform with a mike in hand and a smirk on his little face.

"It's time to kick off the greatest Duel Monsters Tournament ever organised, and before the week is through, we may have a new international Duel Monsters Champion! So, give it up for the current titleholder- Yugi Mouto" Mokuba introduced and motioned his hand.

"Camera one, get a shot of the champ on the jumbo" Ana ordered.

Yugi, Tea, Duke and Tristan were caught on the shot. Clearly Yugi wasn't expecting it and went all shy, regardless everyone chanted his name.

Mokuba turned everyone's attention to the Kaiba-tron, the randomisation screen that set up the competitors for the duels.
First would be Joey vs Apnarg Outum, secret Duellist who really wasn't that much of a secret to some people.
He continued until it was shown Leon + the Dr would be playing in the first set.

"But before we get underway, I think there's someone we all want to hear from. So, let's try this one more time; Yugi come on up here and say a few words!" Mokuba insisted.

Ana was standing nearby and saw he went all shy and nervous. Smiling she went towards him and bent down.

"Don't be so shy, come on!" she encouraged and placed a hand on his shoulder leading him up onto the stage with the other Duellists.

He nervously smiled and waved at everyone.

"Ready Seto?" Ana said into her headset.
"I was born ready" he responded.

Ana giggled and glanced up towards the sky, everyone did the same as they all saw the Blue Eyes jet pass over the Arena, and out of it jumped Seto with a jet pack and he descended into the Arena, landing beside Mokuba.

Seto took the mike from Mokuba and confidently stood to address the audience.
As he did so he kept glancing down at Ana.

"Alright, I'm gonna make this brief this is not a show, it's the ultimate test of survival, and it will push everyone involved to their limits. If you came for a friendly game, then I suggest you go home.
This is a ruthless battle and, in the end, only one Duellist will remain standing. Now if everyone's clear let's move on; from this moment forward Kaiba land is a battlefield. So, trust no one and may the best duellist win!" he exclaimed.

The audience was fired up as they burst into a chant of Kaiba's name.
It would appear however, that he was still troubled and why wouldn't he be, things had been tense since the computer malfunction. So naturally Kaiba was on edge.

"Ladies and Gents, we'd like to give a special shout out to out co-ordinator, partner and sponsor for the KC Grand Championship- Miss Anastasia Starline!" Mokuba announced.

Ana's eyes widened not expecting a shout out but was flattered all the same.
Mokuba tossed her the mike, it would appear the expectation at this point was to take things forward and explain the first set.
Ana slid her headset off and took a deep breath.

"Thank you Mokuba and Seto Kaiba. We've been building to this exciting and momentous occasion for quite a while. So, without further delay let's get started! We have 16 Duellists who will be dulling throughout the KC Park, but the finalists will have the pleasure of dulling here in the Blue eyes Dome! And if that's not building up your duelling appetite the winner gets a shot at dethroning our current king of games- Yugi Mouto! Match 1 will be on the "Amazon Adventure Trail" and match 2 will be held below the "Dragon's lair floom"- Duellists make your way to your designated locations and best of luck!"

The cheering got even louder now, these people were buzzing. Mokuba came down from the platform to Ana who was looking through her tablet for the next few stages of the tournament.

"Ana, hey!"
"Hey kid, you did great up there your brother too.... who's gone already?"
"Back to the office I think" Mokuba said, looking around.
"I should have guessed as much" she responded.

Ana announced on her headset that Leon's match with the Dr was already underway, thankfully keeping things in good time. Apnarg was at his Duelling location also, however-

"Joey what you are doing here?!" Yugi screamed.
"Oh God no" Ana sighed and glanced to her right.

Mokuba also became frustrated as Joey was not at the Duel site as of yet.
His friends swarmed him in disbelief as he was munching on a couple hot dogs.

"Joey you should be on the "Amazon Adventure Trail!" Mokuba screamed.
"Guess again pal, Joey doesn't duel on an empty stomach. I gotta bulk up for my first match" Joey argued.
"Wake up, your first match has already started!" Mokuba yelled back.

Joey instantly panicked.

"And I'd get moving if I were you, cause in 10 minutes you'll be disqualified" Ana calmly explained.
"Hold on, peace of cake" Joey boasted.
"A 15 square mile of jungle- ha unlikely" Ana said in singsong.
"Ah I have no choice, I'm gonna have to- HEY COME BACK!" Mokuba screamed after Joey who made a run for it, followed by his friends.
"I admire the enthusiasm, but things could have been easier had he listened, well I'll leave you to it" Ana said and patted Mokuba's head.

Who then proceeded to a passage for guests leading to the Amazon trail.

"Steady progress...."

Ana then turned around to address the other Duellists.

"Please feel free to enjoy the park but keep an eye out for the matches as they progress. You may be next" she explained and went out the Arena to the KC Park Office.

"Roland, take over the announcements I've got things to do"
"Yes Miss Starline"

By the time Ana had reached her own office, the first set of Duels were done.
Leon and Joey had both won their matches, and Joey had learned his opponent was Solomon Mouro, Yugi's grandfather.

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