Chapter 87

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The group slid down the side of the hill, running with great speed right to Yami.
It would appear he had gone through a great deal from his last fight, but he was alive, which was all everyone could have asked for.
In no time they arrive at his side, Mana jumped at him embracing him tightly, followed by Yugi and Ana.

"Thank the God's your safe" she sighed holding him tightly to her.
"I'm fine Ana, thank you, but what are you doing out here?" he asked her confused.
"I came to find you stupid" she giggled and punched his arm.

Yami then turned his attention to his friends.

"Let's get you looking more like a king" Ana said.

Taking her shawl off, she dunked it in the river and cleaned Yami's face, to finish off Joey handed Yami his cape back.
Back to his normal self-everyone sat by the river to catch up on things, expect Mana and Bobassa who were running and playing up and down the Nile.

"I heard about Bakura, so he's the evil force you battled all those years ago" Yugi summarised.
"That's right, and now he has our puzzle, an item passed down to me by my father" Yami explained.
"Your father, does that mean your memories back?" Yugi asked.

Yami sadly shook his head.

"Only a small piece, a fragment of my childhood, when I was Prince, when my father protected me, he was a powerful leader who created the Millennium items to restore peace, but I'm afraid these 7 objects have a dark side as well. And I have to do everything in my power to stop him, just like I did in the past" Yami continued.

"We'll we're all here to help you" Yugi reassured him.
"That's true, we could use all the help we can get" Ana said.
"Hey did you every learn what your name is?" Tea asked, curiously.

Yami then pulled out the necklace from his shirt and sighed, he then showed it to was still blank.

"No one here calls me by my real name, they refer to me as "King" or "Pharaoh" "Yami explained.
"It is rather frustrating, can't even trick them into saying it for some reason" Ana groaned.
"Wait, do you tie into all this again?" Tea asked.

Instantly both Ana and Yami became very red with embarrassment.

" that's an interesting see in this time...I used to be his wife" Ana explained.

Everyone screamed in shock at this, they were very surprised.

"You two are married?!" Joey repeated.
"Yes, it seems so" Yami responded.
"Wow, that's so weird- so Ana have you gained memories of this place at all, if you were here in ancient times?" Tea asked.
"Not a damn thing I'm afraid, it's like I'm just me here, but I can't recall a thing, and no one calls me by my bloody name either, so that's of very little help" Ana moaned.
"But back at the river there, you did magic right?" Yugi asked.
"Yes apparently I specialise in magic, which is interesting, must have been a good magician else I wouldn't have been able to do half of the things I can do" Ana explained.
"Wow married, you two holding out ok with that?" Tristan asked.
"Well I suppose we have to, for now" Yami responded.

Uneasy by the situation, Yami was still right and Ana had grown to accept that.

"Pharaoh!" called a voice.

Looking ahead everyone saw a large group of soldiers racing over on horseback, one of which was Shadah.

"Looks like you've been found" Yugi said.

In no time they stood before Yami and bowed in respect.

"My Pharaoh its true, you're safe" Shadah said.
"Yes, I'm sorry to have alarmed everyone" Yami apologised.
"So he can't see my right?" Joey aske waving his hand in front of Shadah.

As it would be, no one would see them, or Bobassa for that matter, Ana and Mana were not as lucky
"Wait a moment- Mana!" Shadah yelled.
"Haha, hi Shadah" Mana nervously responded.

Mana then ran and hid behind Yami.

"You know his whereabouts all along?!" Shadah screamed.
"No of course not, I came looking for him!" Mana responded.
"And who is this girl?" he asked pointing at Ana.
"Say what, do I really look that different?" Ana asked confused.
"Oh goodness, my Queen I'm so sorry, I didn't recognise you, why are you dressed like a peasant?" he asked while bowing his head.
"My aren't we proud, I escaped from the palace to find the Pharaoh, you don't expect me to sit on my butt and do nothing do you?" Ana asked.

Shadah nervously chuckled and clapped his hands together.

"Of course not your grace, but we did worry about what had happened to you-"
"Yes well, we are both fine, now is there anything you people have learned about Bakura?" Ana asked.

Shadah then stood to attention.

"Yes my Queen, we've found Bakura's hiding spot" he responded.
"Excellent" Yami said.
"We have traced his trail to a deserted village, it was once know as "Kul Elna" "Shadah explained.

With that Yami jumped on a horse and Ana joined him, she held onto his waist.

"Onto Kul Elna" Yami ordered.
"We're comin too!" Joey yelled.

Yami however politely refused, and advised that they return home, on that note, everyone including Mana who rode with Shahad, all left the scene pressing towards the forgotten village of Kul Elna.

About 20 minutes of riding did the shattered remains of the once lively village come into view.

"My god, it's in shambles" Ana gasped.

Carefully they rode through the city.

"What is this place?" a guard asked.
"I'm told this place was once populated with criminals and deviants, and one day they just disappeared" Shadah explained.
"I've heard this place is inhabited by ghosts" a guard said.
"Oh don't be ridiculous, that must just be a rumour to keep people away" Ana responded.

Suddenly they could all heard whispering voices from all around them.

"Well rare as it may be, I can be wrong" Ana said and held onto Yami tighter.

Suddenly Skellington's arose from the ground, armed with swords.

"Oh good grief" Ana sighed.

Armed with their weapons the guards tried to fend off the monsters.

"We need to protect them!" Shadah urged the guards.

Mana then jumped down from the horse and raised her wand.

"You don't need to be protected, I should really be the one protecting you, if I want to be one of your elite-spell casters someday, then I need to stop hiding behind you , if Mahad were here, he's say the same thing!" Mana passionately said.
"I'll do the same" Ana insisted.
"No, I need you with me" Yami insisted.
"Yami, I'm not listening to this, they need help and if I'm really as good a spell caster as I've been told, I need to put my skills to good use" Ana responded.
"Which is why I need you please?" Yami begged.

Yami could need all the help possible with Bakura, so she stayed with him.
Upon arriving at an underground entrance, Ana decided to stay on the surface in case anyone tried to sneak in.
As she stood there she began feeling cramps in her stomach once more.

"Ah crap!" she gasped and held it.
"I need to focus, Yami may need me!" she urged and tried to compose herself.

Suddenly the Earth began shaking and blasts from below were firing their way out from the ground into the sky.

"What the hell is going on down there?!" Ana demanded.
"Princess!" called a voice.

Turning around Ana saw Mana running towards her, a familiar face.

"The Dark Magician girl?!" Ana exclaimed.

Ana sat beside one of the holes to see Mahad was the target for an attack, so swiftly she sent her magician down to help him.

"Nice job" Ana cheered.
"Mana!" Yami called out.
"Thought you might be needing a little help" she giggled. 

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