Chapter 11

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"H...hello?" she answered the phone.
"Anastasia it's me" said Kaiba.
"Oh, yeah, hi, um nice match" she responded.

She flattered him.

"I know, now I need you to do something" he said.
"I'm in the middle of something Seto" she replied, irritated.
"Like what?" he remarked.
"I'm helping Yugi track his friends, the poor guy is worried sick about them and it's the least I can do"
"Well as soon as you've found them tell me, so I can tell Yugi" he instructed her.

Immediately she was confused.

"We're gonna help him find them so that we can finally duel" he explained.
"Alright, I'll let you know asap, just bear with me" she said and cut the phone, quickly she brought up the tracking software and tried to detect where Joey would be.
"Gotcha!" she smiled once she found where he was.

Quickly she called Kaiba back and told him the location, it would appear he was at the aquarium. As soon as she told him, she grabbed her tablet and proceeded to make her way there too, but before dong so she needed to pick up Mokuba, she brought up a tracker and told the driver to go to the location. In no time they had arrived at a large building.

"The locator says he's on the roof" the driver informed her.

Ana then made her way up there, and once she arrived she thankfully saw him with his laptop briefcase talking to Kaiba.

"Mokuba!" she called, and he spun around to face her.
"What's going on? Did Seto find Joey?" Ana asked hopeful.
"No, it's weird" Mokuba replied.
"What! But I was so sure they were there!" she groaned in frustration, and pulled out her tablet.
"But...what I can't find him! Something is blocking the signal to the HQ and me!" she yelled.
"Let's go back to HQ and try there" Mokuba suggested.
"Right, come on" she said.
"Oh, I don't think so" said a voice.

Ana and Mokuba both turned around to see three strangers in cloaks on the roof entrance.

"Mokuba run!" Ana screamed. "AH!" Mokuba whined.

Ana then turned to see him on the floor and before him a tall intimidating figure, she gasped and ran over and helped him up.

"You're both coming with me!" the stranger said. "I don't think so!" Ana said.

She then launched a kick and punch at one of the strangers behind her, knocking him out.

"Impressive" one of the strangers smirked.

Suddenly the remaining two came at her and she tried to fight, and thanks to her fight classes she knocked them out, so they were bruised and bleeding.

"Hold on Princess, unless you want harm to befall your friend!" the stranger warned her.

Fearfully she turned around to see he had a hold on Mokuba.

"NO! LET HIM GO!" she demanded.
"Come with us quietly and we won't hurt him" the stranger instructed.
"Anastasia no! Don't! just run!" Mokuba pleaded.
"FINE!" she gave in and fell to her knees.

Then she was roughly grabbed by the arms and was bound by her wrists and ankles.

"I don't know what you want, but you won't get away with it!" she screamed.

The stranger then lifted up her head.

"You'll find out soon, worry not Princess" he whispered to her.

Then she and Mokuba were forced onto a helicopter, but Mokuba was left to hang from a rope alongside and two of the strangers held Ana tightly near the opened door.

"You pack quite a punch sweetheart" one of them whispered into your ear.

She slightly flinched and moved her head away.

"You better watch it else I'll do it to you again" she screamed at him.
"HELP SETO!" Mokuba yelled.

Ana then saw Kaiba and Yugi standing before another cloaked person on a roof.

"Mokuba!" Kaiba screamed.
"Seto! Seto help us!" Ana begged.
"Anastasia?! Let them go!" Kaiba ordered.
"Release them!" Yami added.
"Save us!" Mokuba shouted as they were flown away over the city.
"Where are you monsters taking us?!" Ana demanded to know.
"Master Marik's orders, so just do as you're told" the stranger replied.
"Marik...?" Ana repeated.

Soon they landed above a type of warehouse. Harshly the strangers dragged both Ana and Mokuba away and to the ground floor.
Next thing they knew they were both thrown into a room.

"Ah! You'll pay for this! Kaiba and Yugi will find and save us!" Ana shouted.

Ana then noticed Mokuba had slightly hurt his knees and she rushed over to help him.

"Oh Mokuba, are you okay?" she asked.
"I'm fine" he groaned.

Then the door slammed shut.

"Better hope I don't get free! Else I'll kick your arses!" she screamed.
"All this for the Egyptian Gods!" Mokuba noticed.
"Maybe Mokuba, but I don't know if that's all they want. I'm sure there's more to it than cards" Ana replied.
"I know they want Seto's God card and Yugi's but why did they kidnap you?" Mokuba asked.
"I don't know, but I do know that I need to get you out of here" she said.

Ana then looked around the room.

"There, I think that window is our ticket out of here!" she pointed.

She and Mokuba then started piling the cardboard boxes one on top of the other and soon they reached the window on the roof.

"There we go, now let's escape, you go first sweetheart" she said.
"Right come on" Mokuba urged her.
"Hey!" screamed a voice.

Ana then turned to see those creeps coming in and then ran towards her and Mokuba.

"Mokuba go! Go now!" Ana screamed.
"But I can't leave you alone!" he called back.
"Just get lost and go! Go now!" she screamed louder.

Just as Mokuba gripped onto the edge Ana removed the boxes and they began toppling and sadly she began to fall with it.

"Get help!" she called out and fell right on top of the guards.
"Get the Kid!" one of them screamed.
"Thank goodness" Ana sighed and smiled.
"Don't think so smugly, we'll get your little friend" another guard warned her.
"Leave her here!" the other one said, they then tossed her aside and left her alone.
"At least I know he's safer since he's not here, I hope he'll be ok" she whispered, reassured, but still worrying for herself.

Suddenly the door opened once more and in came a larger cloaked figure from earlier.

"Oh great, what do you want?" she groaned.
"To take you away, come on!" he ordered, then forcefully picked Ana up and flung her over his shoulders.
"Unhand me! I know my rights! Put me down this instant!" she screamed.

Next think she knew she was thrown into a chair and bound to it.

"Release me!" she ordered.
"I don't think so" the stranger said.

He then walked out and closed the door behind him.

"When I get out of here you morons will be SO damn sorry!" she screamed, suddenly the door opened and there was a rather reliving face.
"Joey! Oh, thank heavens, help me out of here!" she begged.
"Your little friend belongs to us now Princess" Joey said...but it didn't sound like him.

She looked at Joey's eyes and saw they were cloudy and empty, it appeared as though he was in a trance-like-state.

"Joey!" she called out to him.
"No use my dear, but worry not; depending on what happens you'll either be unlikely saved or you will be made into a mind slave" Joey said, distorted.
"I'd like to see you try! You can't control me!" she bravely said.
"We'll see" he said and left.
"Oh God, please help me, someone please" she whispered.

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