Chapter 94

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The boat had finally docked at the island of the final resting place, hearing the announcement, Ana popped her remaining belongings in her bag and proceeded to leave her room.
As she walked down the hall, she heard a voice behind her.


Turning around, she saw it was Yami.

"Good morning Atem" she greeted.
"How are you?" he asked as he caught up with her.
"I'm ok, yourself?" she asked.
"I'm fine, just a little nervous about all this" he replied.

Ana rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Everything will be fine, 'What will be, will be' – at least that's what my mother always says" Ana reassured him.

Yami chuckled and smiled at her.

"I suppose you're right"

He then began to notice a sense of sadness in Ana, something was wrong and he was worried for her.

"Ana, I know you said you're ok, but it doesn't seem that way, is something troubling you?" he pried.

Ana remained silent for a few moments with her head down, eventually she lifted it up and a couple tears were flowing down her face.

"I...It's just, Seto and I broke up last night" she quietly wept.
"What- but why?!" he demanded, shocked.
"'s because of what happened in Egypt, he saw everything and yet still thinks I was kissing you and slept with you- I mean that was 5000 years ago!" she raised her voice.

Yami sighed and stopped walking, Ana did the same and she turned to him in confusion.

"What?" she asked.
"I'm sorry" he replied.

Ana smiled and cleared her tears away.

"It's alright, what will be will be after all" she commented.

So together the pair exited the ship, as they came down the ramp all the gang were there, waiting with words of encouragement and smiles.

"Well you two took your time" Joey teased.
"Just packing some last minute things Joey" Ana responded.
"This way" Ishizu instructed.

With that everyone followed Ishizu as she lead them through a valley between some large rock formations, the walk did go on for a little bit, allowing everyone to observe around them and talk.

"Seto?" Mokuba whispered.

Kaiba then looked down at his little brother.

"What is it Mokuba?" he responded.
"I heard last I was walking by Ana's room, did it true you're not together anymore?" Mokuba asked.
"Yes it's true Mokuba, but that's in the past, we're not together so move on" Kaiba sternly replied.

Mokuba's little face dropped in sadness as he looked up at Ana who was walking alone in the middle of the group.

"But why?" Mokuba asked.

Mokuba managed to walk away from his brother and walk beside Atem.

"Yugi?" he asked.
"Mokuba, is something wrong?" Atem replied.
"I wanted to ask you something" Mokuba responded.

A few more moments passed and soon a tablet in the side of a rock formation came into view, it was covered in ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and below it was a door that seemed to open up into the ground.

"Behold, the shrine of the Millennium stone" Ishizu explained.

As they stood before the doors, they opened up revealing a set of stairs descending into the darkness.
Everyone followed Ishizu down, but all came to a stop when Tea pauses partway down the stairs.

"Something wrong dear?" Ana asked, concerned.

Tea then summarised how this was the last time they would every see the Pharaoh again, and it was important that this Duel go ahead, but that they wouldn't have had any additional time with him before he left them for good.
Ishizu understood Tea's emotions, but echoed once again that this was of great importance, and if not resolved soon, their opportunity could close.
By now Yugi had switched with Atem, and he also concluded that was true, and that the battle was something that would help the Pharaoh, it was indeed what he had come to this world to do.

"I know you're right...well let's do it then" she said with a forced smile.
"Tea, you're one of the bravest people I know for putting up with all this, just wanna say I'm proud of you" Joey complimented his friend.
"If you geeks start holding hands I'm leaving, I didn't come here to listen to your lame friendship speeches" Seto commented.

Ana rolled her eyes and shook her head, Joey however, had a different response.

"Maybe if you had some friends you wouldn't feel that way!" Joey screamed.
"That was harsh man" Tristan commented.
"What, and he didn't deserve it?" Joey replied.
"Let's go" Yugi pressed on.

Ana then noted Kaiba's expressed and brushed a hand on his arm.

"Ignore him" she said and continued to follow the rest of them down the stairs.

They soon arrived at a very large room, at the head of the room in the ground was the Millennium stone, as they had seen it before, each section was carved out to hold each item individually.

Yugi then stepped forward with his bag in hand and proceeded to place all the items in the stone, as he did so Ishizu explained that upon the wall behind the millennium stone, was the Eye of Udjat; it would then pier into Yugi's soul and separate him from the Pharaoh.

Yugi understood what was going to happen, so without hesitation he did what was right for his friend.
Upon placing the last Millennium item Yugi turned to face them once more before placing his Puzzle into the stone.

As soon as he did the eye on the wall began glowing and the light shone upon Yugi, the light was quite blinding and became so intense that once it dimmed, before them...Yugi and Yami stood, as separate beings.
Without saying another word, they went their separate ways, preparing for their battle.

"Wait who do we cheer for?" Mokuba asked.
"We have to cheer for Yugi" Joey responded.

Ana had no thoughts in regard to this, again 'what will be will be' so she had to just watch and wait and see how things will unravel.

"I guess we're about to find out who the true king of games is" Kaiba commented.
"Best of luck Yugi" Atem smiled.

He then started things off by playing 1 monster on the field and placing a card face down.
The first round was intense, it was actually heart-breaking to see such a sight, the pair that were once one, were fighting each other, it was...surprising and unique, they were quite evenly matched.

But throughout the duel however, Atem was not holding back, he even went as far to summon his Egyptian God, Obelisk the Tormentor to try and attack, but that wasn't enough...Yugi was really about to be put to the test when Atem summoned the remaining 2 Egyptian Gods. Now all 3 of them were on the field.

"Bloody hell" Ana gasped.

Now this was a real test, how was Yugi going to take down all 3 of the most powerful creatures in Duel monsters?

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