Chapter 83

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Despite their situation, both Ana and Yami had a surprisingly relaxing night's sleep.
Yami was the first to awake and sat up in bed.

"Good morning Ana" he greeted sleepily as he rubbed his eyes.
"Morning Yami" she responded and gave a big stretch.
"Did you sleep well?" Ana asked.
"Surprisingly I did" he smiled.
"Dude, you slept shirtless?" Ana asked, disapprovingly.
"Sorry, but it was warm" Yami apologised.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Um, come in" Yami stuttered.

Both doors opened and in came three servant girls.

"Good morning your highnesses" they all said.
"Hey" Ana responded, and got up from the bed.
"Is there something we can do for you?" Yami asked.
"Well, we're here to get you both dressed" one girl said.

Ana and Yami both became quite nervous.

"You don't need to so that, we can dress ourselves, just point us to the wardrobe and we'll sort ourselves out" Ana responded.
"A wardrobe, your grace?" another girl questioned.

Ana then realised that she would need to reduce her choice of words and amend the way she spoke.

"Don't worry, please come in" Yami instructed.

Ana was quite reluctant with all this, quite honestly, she would rather have done this herself.
The girls entered holding garments in their hands for the couple, each taken behind a screen, they were changed into fresh clothes for the day.

Ana eventually came out from behind the screen in a more conservative outfit.
When Yami came out from behind his, he instantly stared at Ana in awe.

"You look beautiful" he whispered.

Ana's cheeks became rosy as she looked down shyly.

"T...thank you" she responded.
"Awwh" the servants cooed.

Realising the inappropriate reaction, the girls excused themselves and left the room.

"We should get on with the day" Ana advised.

In agreement they walked out their room proceeding towards the throne room.

"I don't think I could get used to any of this, people doing everything for you like that" Ana commented.
"I thought this would be similar to your normal life" Yami teased.

Ana rolled her eyes and lightly punched him in the arm.

"Very funny, at least back home I can dress myself and cook my own food" she responded with a smile.

The pair laughed together and upon their arrival in the throne toom, they were greeted by guards, servants and the guardians, who all bowed before them.

"Good grief" Ana whispered.
"Good morning your majesties" Seto announced.
"Morning" Ana responded.

There in the middle of the room was a large table full of fruit.
Settling into seats, everyone dined together, once finished the tale was cleared.

"I think I'll do into the gardens, Ana, will you join me?" Yami asked.
"I'm gonna have a wander around, I'll never be able to see architecture like this again, but I'm sure I'll see you later" Ana responded.

Yami stopped Ana by resting a hand on her shoulder.

"Just be careful, Bakura got in once, there is a chance it could happen again" he cautioned her.

Ana simply nodded and smiled, then proceeded to leave the room. However, when she did, she saw she was being followed by two maids.

"Di you girls need something?" Ana asked, confused.
"Of course, not your grace" one girl answered.
"Oh good, then, why are you following me?" Ana questioned.
"We're accompanying you, in case you need anything" the other girl responded.

Ana realised these were considered 'ladies in waiting', understanding that they were only doing their job, she still didn't want them to follow her, with them handing around her while she was looking around would be distracted.

"Um, ladies, I would rather proceed with this alone, so if you don't mind, skittering off?" Ana asked.
"But we shouldn't really leave your grace" a girl pleaded.

Ana sighed and rubbed her head.

"If anyone asks, I'll explain that I authorised this, now, why don't you ladies take it easy" Ana instructed.
"But your grace, it's not too safe to wander around"
"Well I have my Diadiankh in case of danger, that should be sufficient"

Unable to try and argue further, the girls did as they were told, and let Ana go on her way.
Finally, alone her first little trek was to venture onto the palace grounds, looking around the place she was in awe at the place.
The pillars stretched up so high, the walls were decorated in paintings and hieroglyphs everything was so clean and pristine.
But one thing in particular caught her eye, looking to the far left of the place she would see what appeared to be small mastaba, sort of block pyramids.
Curious she ventured up the stairs and arrived at the top which appeared to be like a little temple.

"This is awesome" she gasped.

Once inside, she was gazing up at the walls and ceilings, and on them, appeared to be carvings of monsters, which seems very similar to that of duel monsters.

"This must be where they summon the monsters from" she speculated.
"Your Grace?" said a voice.

Ana gasped and turned around to see Priest Seto.
Instantly her heart began aching, he looked so much like Kaiba, and it just reminded her how much she was missing him.

"Kai- I mean Seto, hello" she responded.
"What are you doing here?" he asked her, concerned.
"Just looking around"

He was quite confused by that answer.

"Oh I see, well it's- "
"Yeah, yeah, it's not safe, everyone keeps saying that- but I'm not that bothered, I can handle myself" she responded.

Seto chuckled and came to stand beside her.

"You've not changes despite taking position as Queen, even after marriage you were the same" he said.
"Oh really, wait what's that supposed to mean?" she asked, confused.
"You've always been confident and brave. One of the things everyone adores about you" he responded.

Ana smiled feeling slightly happy that she seemed to share something with her past self.

"Well, if you say so" she responded.
"If you pardon my asking your grace, has something been troubling you?" he asked her, concerned.
"Um, no not really, why?"
"Well you seem a bit nervous as of late, I mean, that is you aren't quite fully acting like yourself, and you and the King appear to be not as close" he stated.

Ana wasn't sure how to respond, she couldn't exactly blurt out she was from the future and that she didn't even love Yami.

"I...I think it may be a hormonal thing, I just feel a little off as of late, but I assure you everything is fine" she reassured him.

Not really permitted to speak further, Seto took her word for it.

"I see, but if you need anything let me know" he smiled and bowed his head.

Ana smiled and patted his chest lightly.

"I shall indeed, well excuse me" she said.

With that she wandered back outside, as she did so she began to walk back towards the palace.

"Hey Princess!" called a voice.

Turning around Ana saw Mana and Yami walking together.

"Hey you two" Ana responded, waving.
"Where have you been?" Mana asked.
"Just wandering around, getting some air"

Mana giggled and linked arms with both Yami and Ana.

"Well I hope both of you don't continue to neglect your friends, I know you're rulers of Egypt now, but there's more to life than that" Mana explained.

Ana lightly laughed and nodded her head.

"Yes, I suppose you are right"
"Well, I need to practice more of my magic, Ana remember to keep up with your studies too, I know you're ahead of me- but one day I may surpass you" Mana teased and skipped away.

Ana was left...confused.

"What does she mean by that, am I like a magician or something?" Ana responded.
"Well they can od magic, I assume maybe you can too, have you tried?" Yami asked.
"I don't think that's I have no idea"

Ana took and deep breath and held out her hands, facing her palms upwards, focusing, she wanted an item to appear in her hand.

"You did it!" Yami cheered.

Ana then opened her eyes to see that a mango had appeared in her hand.

"Oh my God, that is mental" she gasped.
"Looks like in this life you were a magic expert" Yami said and chuckled.

Ana giggled, maybe he was right, but if that is the case...surely that means that she could potentially find a way for them to leave this place.

"Hmm, I bet there's like a library here, it might have information about how we can leave this place" Ana suggested.
"You may be right- let's go"
"Your majesties!" called a voice.

Ana groaned and rolled her eyes to see Shamon coming towards them.

"What?" Ana responded.
"You're needed in the throne room" he answered.

Unable to argue, they followed him back, hopefully at some point Ana would get the chance to be able to look at some scriptures that might be able to help them. 

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