Chapter 52

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The next few weeks were crazy busy.
From ordering resources contracting, testing building and financial organisation; it was manic but successful.
Kaiba Land had reached a point it was ready for Beta testing.
And what better way than to hold a tournament to celebrate!
But this time neither Kaiba or Ana would be taking part in the event due to extensive additional work.
But that didn't matter as business was flourishing.

It was rare, but Kaiba and Anastasia were alone on the top floor of the Kaiba Land office.
Kaiba was working at his computer and Ana was at a table reading through some documentation.
She then sighed and leaned back in her chair.

"Gosh I'm tired" she yawned and stretched.
"It has been hard work, but by the end of the week our Beta testers and duellists will be here, then they tournament can begin" Kaiba responded.
"I know, I'm quite excited" she beamed.

There was a brief moment of silence between them.

"How would you feel about a celebratory dinner?" he asked her, calmly.

Ana was surprised and taken back by what had come out of his mouth.

"Um, sure, sounds lovely" she shyly responded.
"Great, we'll go out of the park to the town, best we leave and get ready now then" he responded.

Ana sweetly smiled and began absentmindedly fiddling with her hair, she quickly snapped out of her thought and gathered up the papers. She placed them in a folder then into a cabinet.

"I'll meet you downstairs in 30minutes?" she asked.

Kaiba simply nodded.
Ana left the room and went down a floor to the private living quarters.
Quickly she had a shower and did her hair and makeup; before slipping into a classic little black dress, with silver jewellery and red heels.
It never occurred to her how much effort she was putting into looking nice that evening.
Ana didn't realise how much she wanted to make an impression on Kaiba, despite how unlikely anything would come out of this.

"Miss Starline?" called Roland from outside her door.
"Come in" she responded while adjusting her hair.
"Mr Kaiba is ready and waiting" he informed her.
"Oh dear, I'm running late" she grabbed her coat, shawl and phone and followed Roland down to the car.

Once outside, Ana saw Kaiba in a stunning white suit, light blue shirt and blue tie- well he was quite handsome to say the least.
Ana's eyes fluttered, and her heart rate rose.

"Miss Starline" Roland said and opened the limo door.
"Thank you"

Kaiba allowed Ana to get in first and sat down beside her.

"You look handsome in that suit" Ana complimented him.
"Thanks, you look nice too" he responded.

Not that it was, but, that feeling of a first date seemed to be lingered between them.

"So did you finish the signing off on legals?" Ana asked trying to break the silence.
"Yeah, I did, they said it'll be processed tonight and signed off tomorrow. It'll be ready for the tournament"
"All the invitations have been sent out I hope..." she started.
"Mokuba's handled it"
"Then it's certainly done, where is he anyway, didn't he want to come?" Ana asked.
"He said he was tired, and it was too late to go out"
"Hmm that's surprising, kids love any excuse to stay up late, but I suppose Mokuba isn't a kid" she giggled and smiled.

She then turned to Kaiba and saw him smirking.

"He's a good kid and works hard- I appreciate his help, but I wish he would try and have a life" he commented.
"Well, it appears to be his own choice, he seems to do what he wants to do. He's a lot like you in that respect" Ana added.

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