Chapter 16

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The match was overwhelming and intense, but the end result was even more shocking as the winner wasn't the only thing to be revealed.
A vicious lightning stuck both the duellist, with great astonishment Joey was able to stand within the time limit before the duel was declared as over. As soon as Joey was made the winner, he ran to Marik as he was barely conscious post the match.
Ana was fearful but remained at Kaiba and Mokuba's side. Swiftly Yami joined Joey and Marik, and everyone watched as Marik apologised to Joey and said how he was honoured to have Duelled him.
However, he also reveals a shocking twist...that his real name was named Odieon and the real Marik is actually Namu.
He further explained that he was a servant to the real Marik, and was only doing as he was commanded, sadly due to the sheer fatigue he was unable to stay conscious and passed out. Suddenly Namu- AKA Marik broke into a fit of physical and psychological rage, it appeared he was fighting with himself, but once he eventually calmed down, something was indeed different about him, his hair, eyes and voice and drastically changed. His being revealed that he was the true Malik and that the Marik before as his weaker self, who was no longer in control.
Kaiba was in complete denial where as Ana and Mokuba appeared slightly fearful.
Everyone else however was convinced this was real and that the real evil was now revealed and standing before them.
Malik then reveals how only a select few can control the power of an Egyptian God and Odieon had proved that theory as he had failed to control the Winged Dragon of Ra.
Malik then diverted his attention to Kaiba, stating how he cannot escape his 5000-year-old memories; hence why he was able to successfully control Obelisk.

"The only reason I can control Obelisk is because I am a Master Duellist" Kaiba sharply responded.
"Alright, that's enough. Joey, Yugi if you can take him to his room, I'll have doctors see to him immediately" Ana said, then proceeded to gather the medical staff.

By the time she and the staff arrived at Odeon's room he was resting in bed with Yugi's friends and Yami around him.

"How is he Doc?" Joey asked, concerned.
"His test appears fine, but all the mental stress has taken its toll; thus, casing his unconscious state" the doctor replied.
"Miss Starline, Mr Kaiba wants to see you" Roland said as he appeared in the doorway.

Ana politely excused herself and left to find Kaiba, of which she located him in the drawing hall.

"You wanted to see me?" she asked him.
"You are aware all this Ancient Egyptian stuff is a load of crap, right?" Kaiba scoffed.
"Why do you say that?" Ana replied.
"Ana, you're an educated girl, you can't possibly think any of this is real" Kaiba said sternly.

Ana rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I don't know what's real and what isn't. But I am wary of it. However, my concern is ensuing the injured are tended to. I don't want blood on my hands or yours" Ana explained, then left the room, leaving Kaiba alone to stare out the window.

Shortly after she had gone, Joey then came in and boldly approached Kaiba.

"Yo Kaiba, since Malik entered under a fake name shouldn't he be disqualified?" Joey asked, curiously.
"Wishful thinking Wheeler, but this contest is about skills not names. If you were man enough, you'd get rid of the competition with your deck and not on some technicality" Kaiba replied.

Ana strongly disapproved with Kaiba's thinking and some of the choices regarding the tournament but legally she had to abide by what he said. Glancing up and focusing her eyes to look at the windows reflection she could see Yami behind her, but she maintained herself and just waited for the next pairing. #4 Mai Valentine and #5 the real Malik


Mai fought valiantly and even obtained the Winged Dragon of Ra. But because she didn't know the chant on the card-written in ancient scriptures- she couldn't' use it.
So, Malik took it back and won the duel. The whole duel was emotional as each time Malik or Mai would lose their memories of a person, they knew each time they lost life points. Both Joey and Yami attempted to help Mai, shielding her from Ra's attacks, but it was in vain. Malik approached Mai to banish her mind to this Shadow Realm, but Ana was more worried about Yami who had passed out from attempting to block Ra's attack from hitting Mai in the Duel. Worried for him she ran onto the platform and lightly lifted his head.

"Yami please wake up" she gasped.

Suddenly she and Joey were frozen in place unable to move at all and being forced to watch Malik trap Mai's mind in the shadow realm. Malik then turned his attention to Ana and walked towards her, he got in fairly close and rested a hand on her face.

"As soon as I can, I'll obtain you; then with the Pharaohs power and yours under my control, I'll have the world at my feet" he whispered on her lips.
"Leave her alone Malik!" Joey demanded as he rose up and attempted to punch him.

His friends however stop him and advise not to do so. Listening to them he scooped Mai into his arms and vowed to save her. Finally able to move, Ana gently placed her hands on Yami's face, encouraging him to wake up. Seconds later he eventually awakens, and his eyes soften instantly upon seeing Ana.

"Joey and Mai-" Yami started.
"Joey is fine, but Mai is unconscious; Joey will take her to her room" Ana explained.

Suddenly Kaiba ordered everyone off the duelling platform as he was next to duel finalist #8, who no one had yet met. Carefully Ana helped Yami to his feet then accompanied Joey as he returned Mai to her room.
Once Mai is settled Ana excused herself once more, wondering where Mokuba was, so she thought best to try and find him. Oddly enough she could hear him talking in the distance so she followed the sound to a computer room where she saw Mokuba on a call.

"Mokuba?" Ana spoke.

Swiftly he turned around to see her.

"What's going on, you disappeared during the match?" Ana asked.
"Seto wants the translations for the winged Dragon of Ra, so I'm working on it" he replied.
"I see"
"He's starting his match soon, he was wondering where you are" Mokuba explained.
"Oh well, I'll go watch it then, by the way no onw knows who this #8 duellist you?" Ana asked.

Mokuba shook his head and returned to his task. Leaving him to it, Ana left and went up the platform.
Once she arrived Kaiba was waiting for his opponent and Yugi and his friends were on the side-lines. Ana then walked over to Kaiba.

"Mokuba said you were wondering where I was" Ana stated.
"So, where were you?" he asked her.
"I went to see Mai, then Mokuba. Don't worry I wouldn't miss your match" she smiled then went to the opposite side of the platform.

Soon the duellist arrived, and it was revealed to be Ishizu...who turned out to be Malik's big sister.
Ana and everyone else was surprised because they had all met her once before but actually knew little to nothing about her.

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