Chapter 81

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It had become apparent that Yami and Ana were now in Ancient Egyptian times...but the biggest concern was...where were the others and how were they going to get back.

In spite of this playing on her mind, Ana had to continue posing as the roll of Queen...which then dawned onto Ana, who as to who she was in ancient times...

"Yami, I've always wondered at one point what we were to each other, and well now I can see-" but during this Ana was cut of mid-sentence by quite the disruption.

Suddenly one of the guards collapsed from a fatal wound...then in stepped a rather familiar face.

"Pardon the intrusion, but someone left me off the guest list!"
"Bakura!" Yami called out.

Ana's eyes were wide with surprise and confusion, and all the lower servants ran for cover while the guardians stood their grounds before her and Yami.
Bakura looked very different, he too had dark skin, a scar on his face and wore a red robe and skirt, and to top it off; he was carrying a sack of Egyptian treasures on his back as well as many around his neck.

"What do you want from me?" Yami demanded.
"Now is that any way to speak to an old friend your highness. I believe you know what I came here to acquire" Bakura mocked.
"The Millennium items!" Yami realised.
"So you have been paying attention to me all these years haven't you?" Bakura laughed in amusement.

Ana then sat up and stared him right in the eye.

"Well, well her royal majesty, our fair Queen of Egypt, how does it feel my dear, hopefully no you are more of a believer" he smirked smugly.

Ana remained silent with a stern expression.

"Hope I didn't ruin your little celebration" Bakura chuckled.
"Your mockery is a disgrace to the Pharaoh, and for that you shall be punished rogue" Seto defended.
"Oh this is so trippy" Ana whispered to Yami.

Bakura then stepped forward confidently.

"Not so fast, I reside in the outskirts of your little kingdom, so your rules don't apply to me- now if you don't mind, hand over your millennium items!" Bakura demanded.
"What?" one of the guards questioned.
"Oh I didn't mean for free, I come baring gifts" he smirked and threw down all the treasures he was carrying.
"You stole those!" Shimon pointed out.
"How dare you!" Aknadin exclaimed in outrage.
"I assumed these trinkets wouldn't be enough, so I brought another token of my esteem" he added and whistled.
Then in came a horse that flung forward a sarcophagus, Bakura stopped it from sliding my pressing his right foot on the face.

"Say hell to your previous king" he mocked.
"Oh my God, that's so...horrid" Ana gasped.
"You dare disrespect the tomb of a former Pharaoh?!" Seto screamed.
"Now you've taken this too far- Bakura your soul must be judged by the Millennium items!" Yami ordered.

This it would seem was Yami taking on his role as the new Pharaoh, and to add further insult to Bakura's action...this was also Yami's father.
Seto then ordered for a blank tablet and Seto and the others stood ready...this was apparently a ceremony used to judge the soul of offenders, and was carried out by the special guardians.

Bakura however was never concerned, claiming that anything they try would fail.

"The Millennium scale is unable to find balance- that means the evil in his heart is immeasurable" Karim observed.

Then the older guardian, known as Aknadin stepped forward, and he had possessed the Millennium Eye.

"I see a darkness that knows no bounds, in his soul lies a creature that knows no end!" he agreed.

Another guardian, Shada stepped forward and used the Millennium Key to observe his soul...but upon doing so, he burst into a sweat and backed off in fear.

"That's no ordinary beast" he panted.

Ana then stood up.

"The most powerful being I've ever witnessed- that sealing tablet is far too small!" he urged.

Suddenly there was a burst of white light and from it emerged a mighty creature with the bodice of a monster and the bottom half of a snake, and this creature was call Diabound.

"Meet the instrument of your demise Pharaoh" Bakura mocked.

Seto however was not fazed and with great willingness, stepped forward and called upon the power of his Millennium item, the millennium Rod to seal away the monster into the tablet.
It appeared to have worked the creature was gone and an images had been etched into the stone tablet.

"Thank you master Seto you've saved my life, that horrible creature was controlling my mind, and now I'm finally free-Free to annihilate you that is!" he evilly chuckled.
"It didn't work!" Seto yelled.

Suddenly cracks appeared in the stone tablet and from it the horrid creature had burst out.
"This doesn't make any sense!" Seto objected.

Bakura broke into laughter and stood with great confidence.

"It looks like I've already won this game before it's already begun" he boasted.

All the guardians then stepped forward and raised their left arms, on it were similar devices that Yami and Ana had on.

"You mean you all have Duel disks?" Yami exclaimed.

Ana them lightly tapped his shoulder, trying to hush him, naturally they wouldn't know this.

"Oh that's a device used for calling forth shadow creatures that have been sealed away in stone tablets. Once these monsters have been trapped in stone, they're stored in tablet sanctuaries until someone summons them using a mechanism called Diadiankh" Shimon explained.
"Oh, so like ancient Duel disks" Ana concluded.
"Well can the guardians come out and play" Bakura teased.

The first to act and summon a creature was Seto, who was convinced that he could take Bakura down alone.

"And now I summon, Garestgolath, a very large orange and red Dragon"
"This is how it all began!" Yami observed intently.
"Now this is a shadow game" Bakura chuckled.

Seto waged an attack, but in his attempt to do so, it had sadly failed as Bakura summoned another creatures that destroyed Seto's Dragon.

"Only those in the Royal court can do that!" Seto screamed in disbelief.
"Yes how did you do that- you do not possess a Diadiankh!" Mahad called out, the keeper of the Millennium Ring.

Bakura burst into an amused laughter once more.

"Don't you remember, I paid a visit to your old Pharaohs tomb and while I was paying my respects I thought I might borrow a few of his little toys- like this!" he explained and lifted up the sleeve of his robe, revealing he too had a Diadiankh.

Everyone was mortified, essentially this was considered grave robbing, and in these times was an incredibly severely punishable offence.
Bakura continued to boast how he now had access to all the monsters that were present in the former Pharaohs and that he indeed showed no remorse for what he had done.

"Those creatures were placed there to guard the tomb of the great Pharaoh!" Aknadin objected in outrage.
"So you say, but I disagree- he was a tyrant- he destroyed my village when he tried to fashion the 7 Millennium items in a selfish attempt to further his own power!" Bakura rebuffed with great detest.
"You lie, King Aknamkanon put an end to the great wars that ravaged out nation. He brought peace and prosperity; he then created the 7 Millennium items to ensure that harmony would reign forever in Egypt!" Aknadin defended.

Yami and Ana were in fascination, disbelief and great shock from all that was unravelling before them...was this all really true?

"He then gave those tools to us, in order to keep the peace" Seto added.

Bakura was not backing down from his claim, that Aknamkanon had created the items in an old city of Kul Ellna, in order to further his lust for power. And that in the ruins of that city was a structure known as the Millennium stone, where the items had been created...and in placing them there would allow the person untapped power.

Because of his ignorance- the guardians all summoned a monster to battle against Bakura, it was then that Karim used his scaled to bind Seto's monster and his own...this is what appeared to be fusion.
With Bakura's monster temporarily disabled, Mahad tried his hand at binding the monster, but it failed as it burst free from the hold, sending all the guardians flying back.
Ana got to her feet and ran to Seto's side...out of instinct, but not wise.

"Are you alright?" she asked him.
"I...I'm fine your grace, but please stay back" he pleaded and stood defensively before her.
"Bakura, you're on sacred ground and your disrespect is appalling!" Yami outraged.

Ana then looked down at her Diadiankh then at Yami.

"Pharaoh, I say we take a stand" she smiled.

Yami then jumped down and stood by her side.

"Please my Pharaoh, allow us to fight this beast for you" Seto pleaded.
"Oh stand down, I'm sure we can resolve this" Ana smiled.

She then rested a hand on Yami's shoulder.

"I think you know who you need to call" she said to him.

Yami nodded and revealed his left arm, in doing so...he summoned forth Obelisk the tormentor.
Everyone was in great astonishment, as it had believe not only were these creatures guarding the tomb of the Pharaoh, but that only the chosen king would know their names and be able to Summon them, of which it would appear...Yami was that King.

The creature appeared in all its terrible glory, and by Yami's command, he ordered it to attack...Bakura however did his best to defend the attack...he orders his Diabound to use the attack of White Lightning- that attack associated with only one creature- the Blue Eyes white Dragon.

Ana was in amazement as she looked on at the display.

"What I wouldn't give for my camera right now!" she whispered, clenching her hands to her chest.

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