Chapter 42

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Everyone was now in the caravan, Ana however kept her distance from Yami.
She was still disappointed at how he could have fallen pray to such desperation for power, he let his judgement get so clouded, and in turn lost his best friend's soul.

"So they wanna rule the world, we've dealt with that before"
"No Joey, this time things are different" Yami interrupted.
"Yeah, they're not just talking about wiping all life out on earth, they're actually doin it!" Tristan added.
"But we know how to stop em- we gotta go straight to the source and destroy that secret weapon of theirs"
"You mean that monster zapper in the sky?" Tea panicked.
"Regardless its not just taking monster souls, it's taken human souls also" Ana commented.

There were several ideas being thrown around, including going to authorities, but with Professor Hawkins lab have been destroyed they had no evidence.
And to make matters worse all the discoveries of the underwater ruins were destroyed.
Dartz and his group appeared to be constantly ahead of the game, making things appear somewhat hopeless.

Suddenly Professor Hawkins emerged from the bedroom to join the group in their contemplation.

"You're right about looking to the ruins for answers, based on the inscriptions I found, they could be descendants of Atlantis, an ancient continent said to have disappeared into the ocean thousands of years ago without a trace" the Professor explained
"But why destroy what was left of their ancestors city?" Duke asked.
"Why would you destroy something, unless you were trying to hide it" Ana pointed out as she sat on a sofa.
"Exactly. Those ruins revealed the history of Atlantis and it's not a pleasant one, they must be wanting to keep it a secret" the professor agreed

The professor went onto explain how the city was such a paradise and that they were the most advanced civilisation of its time. However, one day a beast had emerged from the depths of the Earth by an evil king.

"An evil king- oh no" Yami whispered and despondence spread across his face.
"What's wrong are you OK?" Tea asked Yami.
"I'm fine" he simply responded.
"It seems this power-hungry king drew his strength from a mysterious stone, which drew it's strength from another world" the professor continued to explain.
"It's that rock they wear on their neck isn't it?!" Joey exclaimed.
"I'm not sure, that's all I was able to translate" the professor responded
"They are trying to cover something up about that mega-mega-monster" Joey expressed with distress.
"Of course- there may have been something in the ruins that explains how to destroy the monster before it destroys us!" Duke elaborated.

"The ruins may have been destroyed, but there are copies of the inscriptions at a museum in Florida- where I was doing my research" the professor explained, lifting everyone's hope of finding a solution to all this.

"Perfect, so all we have to do is go there and translate the rest"
"Let's get going!" Joey exclaimed.
"How are we supposed to get there?" Duke pointed out.
"Ana, surely you can arrange something?" Tea pleaded.
"You know what, I would- but thanks to Duke's driving earlier, turns out I lost my mobile phone somewhere in the desert I have no ability to contact anyone" she calmly explained.

"I've got it!"

Joey rushed to the video phone and dialled a number.

"I think I know who you're calling, but don't expect a positive answer" Ana stated, and stood beside Joey.

"Hey, I'd like to speak to Kaiba please. This is Joey Wheeler it's urgent"
"One moment.... putting you through"
"Wow he really took your call?" Tea said, surprised.
"What he did- Kaiba- is that you in there?!" Joey called out, his face pressed close to the screen.
"Sit back you idiot" Ana groaned and pulled him into his seat.
"Make is fast Wheeler"
"We found some clues about those Biker punks" Joey started to explain.
"What kind of clues?" Seto responded

Even his mild interaction to the conversation was astonishing.

"I'm not giving them up that easy Kaiba, but if you give us a lift to Florida, I'll fill you in on the way"
"And Ana can't do that for you"
"My phone was destroyed- don't ask!" she called out and folded her arms in frustration.
"So what's it going be?" Tristan pressed.
"Time is running out, those creeps defeated Yugi and took his soul!" Joey screamed at the camera.

Everyone was irritated that Joey released such information, Ana slapped her hand on her head and sighed.

Tristan grabbed Joey's face and pulled him back in rage.

"What's he mean?" Mokuba asked quietly.
"Please disregard my last statement folks" Joey attempted to recover from his mistake.
"Kaiba doesn't believe in all this stuff anyway, its all a "hocus pocus mind trick" Duke mocked.
"YUGI LOST!" Kaiba screamed in great anger.

Everyone was shocked at his reaction, but Ana was more surprised that he believed them at all. What convinced him exactly.

"Yugi just gave his Championship Crown to some nobody- no one deserves that title but me!" Kaiba screamed.

"Hold on- "Yami was cut off mid-sentence.
"I don't wanna hear it- you're a disgrace to the game Yugi!" Seto screamed once more and slammed the phone down, cutting the call.

Everyone was in realisation there was very little that could be done now.

"Now what?" Yami expressed.
"That' stinks!" Joey shouted
"That jerk, how are we supposed to get to Florida now?!" Tristan added.
"Well I say the professor stays here and we hop the next flight"
"Duke stay here and keep an eye on the professor"
"A private plane is out of the question, right?" Tristan joked.
"Lucky I have my card- Rebecca book our flights, get us to an airport, I believe we'll have to catch a train to get to the terminal" Ana insisted.

"Sure, thank you, I'll book the earliest I can, we have to save Yugi!" Rebecca expressed with sadness in her eyes. 

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