Chapter 88

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Mana's Dark Magician girl had stepped in and managed to save Yami's Dark Magician from being hit by Bakura's Diabounds attack.
Mana then jumped down into the underground shrine to help Yami where she could.
Ana maintained her guard and kept and eye out for anyone coming over, and in no time someone did....Seto came riding over with some of the other guards from the Palace.

"Well, the cavalry has arrived" Ana smiled.
"My Queen here you are!" Seto called out.
"Don't lecture me, please just get down there and help" Ana ordered.

And just as he was told Seto made his way underground, along with Shimon, Karim and Isis.

"I think there's very little I can do down here" Ana realised and ran down to join everyone else.

Upon her arrival, Yami had been healed by one of Isis's creatures.
The guardians all stepped forward, including Mana to fight against Bakura who had his monster by his side.

"Well isn't this a party" Ana commented.

She then joined Yami at his side.
However all the attacks of the guardians did nothing...apparently the spirits of those who died had come forward to defend Bakura's monster.

"This looks bleak" Ana added.
"your attacks will never penetrate my spirit shield" Bakura boasted.
"He's right" Seto said.

With that Bakura launched his counterattack, destroying Isis's monster, stopping anyone else from regaining their strength.
Despite all their valiant effort, the guardians all fell to the spirit shield...even when they tried to fuse their monsters.
During the attack however...Bakura managed to attack Karim and steal his Millennium scale, causing their creature to defuse and everyone to be an open target- which was an all too tempting thing as Bakura launched an attack at everyone, causing them to all get hurt and spread apart.
Ana found herself beside Seto, she moved towards him to see if he was alright.

"Seto?" Ana asked.
"I...I'm fine my Queen" he muttered.

But Bakura wasn't done there, he then merged two of his creatures together and laughed as he stood ready to deliver the final blow.

"Spare my friends, and take me" Yami uttered as he staggered to his feet.
"No Pharaoh!" Mana called out, weakly.

While everyone was weak on the ground, Yami began to walk towards Bakura.

"Now prepare to be trapped for eternity in the spirit world!"
"Yami are you insane?!" Ana screamed.
"When my father ordered the creation of the Millennium items, they needed evil spirits to create them" Yami began to explain.
"And now they want revenge" Seto realised.
"These dark spirits blame my father for trapping them here, and they want me to pay the price. So, I shall allow my soul to join them and this grudge will be laid to rest once and for all!" Yami spoke aloud.

Bakura took that as his que, using his power he summoned the spirits of the sacrificed souls, who all gathered and entered the Pharaoh's body.

"NO!" Ana screamed, she wanted to run over but Seto held her back.

Suddenly...Yami began shivering and a gold light was emitting from him.

"What on earth?!" Ana trailed off.
"What's this?!" Bakura demanded.
"Spirits of Kul Elna it is not my son's soul you want, it is mine!" said a ghostly voice.

Suddenly from Yami appeared a ghost...the ghost of his father, King Aknamkanon.
He stood with his arms open and absorbed all the souls, causing his Diabound to be weakened.

"You saved me, but what happens now father?" Yami asked.
"King Aknamkanon will now lead these wandering spirits to the realm of shadows where they belong" Mahad explained.
"But then he'll be trapped there as well- that's not fair!" Yami rebuffed.
"Spirits- I command you to return to me at once!" Bakura ordered.

But that failed as the former king vanished in beautiful gold glitter.
Yami then wasted no time, he commanded Mahad to attack Diabound, which seemed to have caused quite the damage to Bakura. So much so that his monster was indeed destroyed.
Bakura was bent down in agony but was insistent that Yami was not going to succeed.

He eventually collapsed on the ground but then staggered back up to the Millennium stone tablet where he put the items into the tablet.

"That's enough, now return those items to me!" Yami ordered.
"Those items will remain where they are!" said a voice.

Looking behind them everyone saw Aknadin standing there with the Millennium key in his hand.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Yami demanded.

Aknadin had a sinister look in his eye, it was frightening as he burst into evil laughter.

"Pharaoh, I am responsible for the creation of these items and I shall decide their fate!" he shouted.
"Oh no" Ana gasped.
"That item belongs to Shadah, what have you done to him?!" Seto demanded.
"What's important is that his Millennium item will be put to good use, as will all of yours" he responded and walked closer to them.

Suddenly Bakura stood up and began glowing.

"The shadows are taking me, someone help me!" Bakura begged, then he vanished into a cloud of dust, leaving nothing but his clothes behind.

"He's gone" Yami observed.

Suddenly Shadah came staggering in, he appeared to have been badly injured.

"Pharaoh, you must stop him!" he begged.

Aknadin then walked on ahead and stood beside the tablet.

"Careful Pharaoh, Aknadin is a traitor- now give me back my Millennium Key!" Shadah yelled and tried to take it back by force...however due to his lack of strength he was knocked back.
"Anyone else?!" Aknadin mocked.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Ana demanded as she stood beside Yami.

"A new King shall soon rise!" he announced.
"Hold your tongue, how are you utter such venomous words, and in the presence of the great Pharaoh no less!" Seto screamed.

Aknadin raised his hand and froze Seto in his place.

"What have you done to him!?" Yami demanded.
"He's stopped time!" Ana realised.

Suddenly he raised his arms and did the same to everyone no one could move.

"That should hold you for a while" he said and burst into evil laughter.

His plan was to gather the items, put them into the Tablet and summon a great bests that would clear the world allowing him to rule the world.
Essentially he was doing what Bakura had intended to do, and he certainly wasted no time in doing so, he snatched the remaining Millennium items and advanced towards the stone to place them.
However...he failed to obtain Ana's locket, it would seem that was not a valid item for there was no place for it on the tablet itself.
As soon as the items were placed one by one light emerged from the tablet and with the final blast of light emerged blinding the whole area.

"Master Zorc hear me; I now offer you the 7 treasures" Aknadin screamed.
"So the mortal responsible for creating the millennium items has returned. Now denounce your allegiance to Egypt and pledge your loyalty to me, do this and everything you desire shall be yours" said a raspy voice from a tall shadowy figure.
"My only wish if for a new Pharaoh to be named, he shall be my own beloved Son, Seto!" Aknadin screamed.
"You're your transformation is complete" said the voice.

It then aimed it's hand towards Aknadin and a purple beam engulfed in transforming him in a terrifying shadow creature.

"Now, great shadow magus, banish the Pharaoh to the darkness, so your son may take the throne" Zorc ordered.

Aknadin, now known as Magus burst into laughter.

"This is what I have always wanted for you Seto, ever since you were a young boy!" he announced.
"This is insane!" Ana thought.
"There is something else you should know my son, the former King, Aknamkanon was my brother, that means should anything happen to the current Pharaoh you are next in line for the throne!" Magus screamed.
"Seto my boy, no longer shall we live in the shadow of my brother!" he screamed and raised up his arms.

He then summoned a great ball of electric purple lightly and targeting right at Yami.
But as soon as the attack nearly hit Yami, a figure in a gold mast appeared and blocked the attack.

"Identify yourself!" Magus demanded.
"I am Hasan, protector of the Pharaohs, for centuries I have defended the honour of the Kings of Egypt, so fear not your highness, I shall shield you from the darkness, just as I shielded your father and his father before!" Hasan called out.

Hasan was deflecting all the attack and was holding his own well.

"Darkness be gone!" he called out and directed the attack upwards.

Suddenly when the attack left the area, everyone was once again able to move and speak.

"What, but I rendered these fools immobile, they were prisoners in their own bodies!" Magus refused to accept.
"Not anymore, your shadow spell has been broken" Hasan explained.

For now things appeared to be back to normal, maybe at this point they could all band together to defeat Magus...unless something else was suddenly going to happen again.

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