Chapter 45

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"Regardless, we still need to keep moving" Ana said.

With that the pair continued on their way until they came to a stream, stopping for a while on the side they decided to take rest.
Ana took her shoes off and her jeans.

"Ana, what are you doing?" Yami sheepishly asked.
"Getting the feeling back in my legs, wouldn't want my jeans to get wet" she explained and stood in the water moving further in until it reaches above her knees.
"Oh my gosh that feels so good"
"If you say so..." Yami blushed.
"Oh grow up silly, you're acting like a little boy" she playfully mocked.

Ana walked a little ways up and down the stream before returning back to Yami.

"We better get going" he said.

Ana wiped her legs down a bit before putting her shoes and jeans on again.
Together they made their way back onto a main path and continued walking.

"I hope the others are alright" Ana expressed.
"Me too- what the!" Yami exclaimed as his Duel disk began glowing brightly.

A white flash emerged from it and vanished just as quickly.

"What the hell was that for?" Ana asked confused.
"Look!" Yami pointed out.

Glancing up there was an Airbus Plane in the sky that looked like it was losing altitude.

"Oh my gosh" Ana gasped.

But the plane isn't what caught her attention it was all 3 of the Dragons, Timaeus, Critius and Hermous; all of them were flying along side it, bring it to safety on the ground near a lake near Yami and Ana.

"That's something you don't see everyday"

Turning around Yami and Ana saw Tristan, Tea and Joey who had a passed out Rex on his back.

"You're alright" Yami expressed with relief.
"I hope the same can be said for the passengers, those Dragons just saved their lives" Ana pointed out.
"Hey, that's one of Kaiba's planes, I hope everyone is alright" Tea noticed.

Wasting no time everyone ran towards to the plane, hoping that no one was hurt.
The door opened and out jumped Kaiba with Alastair in his arms.

"Seto, Mokuba!" Ana called.
"Oh great, the dweeb patrol" Kaiba mocked.
"You need to learn to be a little nicer" Ana sighed.
"Roland!" Mokuba shouted looking at the sky.

In sight were 3 helicopters and 1 chopper.

"So you duelled this guy on top of a moving plane? "Joey asked
"Maybe I did, don't you geeks have someone else to annoy?" Kaiba snobbishly said.
"Kaiba we can't do this without you and you know it, so please accept your destiny and help us to stop this evil" Yami pleaded.

Seto smirked and scoffed at Yami's words.

"If I had a dime for every time you used the word 'destiny' I'd be even richer"

Ana smiled and giggled.

"Gracious me" she sighed.
Everyone else groaned in frustration at his stubbornness.

"Mr Kaiba, Mokuba, are you hurt?!" Roland shouted as he ran over.
"We're fine" Mokuba responded.
"Good, but I've got terrible news" he reluctantly added.

Everyone boarded the plane safely and the casualties- Rex and Alistair were put to rest on beds on the chopper.
Roland had explained that Kaiba Corp had now been bought out by Dartz, he officially owned Kaiba Corp now.

"How did our networks not pick this up?" Mokuba asked, trying to understand how this had even happened.
"They must have hacked into our accounts" Seto suggested.
"This may not be a good time, but we're releasing protective software soon, you really should consider upgrading" Ana interjected.

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