Chapter 65

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"What the hell did I say?!" Ana moaned.

Ana then noticed the Pharaoh was still there looking at her.

"I suppose you're going to walk away from me too?" she asked him, defeated.
"No Ana, I'd never walk away from you" he said and walked towards her.
"I don't understand the issue here" Ana whispered.

The Pharaoh stood beside her.

"I think their reaction would be expected, this is a rash decision- which to my understanding means that, you don't return my feelings?" he asked her.
"Yami understand this, it's not because I'm meeting this boy that I'm saying this- but- I'm afraid I don't feel the same way you do. We're friends for sure, and I know I would do anything in my power to help you, and I think I've proved that. I'm sorry but I really hope you understand...please, please don't hate me and walk away like everyone else" she whimpered, her eyes slightly watering.

The Pharaoh sighed and tightly embraced her.

"I don't hate you, I never could. Despite you not feeling the same about me, I will always have a place for you in my heart" he reassured her.

Ana lifted her head to look at him.

"Thank you" she responded and pulled back.
"I hope to see you again soon" he added.
"I hope so too, well I better pack. No one else seems to want me here" she said and made her way towards the main office.

Meanwhile at the office Kaiba was pacing around his room in frustration.
While deep in his thought he didn't realise the door opened and in came Mokuba, his little eyes red and wet.

"S...Seto?" he uttered.
"Oh Mokuba, what is it?" Kaiba asked confused.
"Seto, you're not gonna let Ana walk away, again are you?" he asked his big brother.
"What are you talking about?" Kaiba responded.
"Seto, don't lie to me. I know you like Ana, in fact I think you love her" Mokuba exploded.
"Mokuba don't be silly- "
"Don't lie, why can't you admit it, you love her. You've been through so much together why would you let her walk away from you again?!" Mokuba demanded.

Kaiba fell silent, he was lost for words...but maybe this is why he acted in such a manner towards Ana just now...could it be that he really had fallen for her.

"I...I'll think about it" Kaiba responded.
"Ok..." Mokuba said and walked out.

Seto was alone once more and sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands, it was then he realised he was wasting time; so, he grabbed his phone he made his way to his office.
Once there he called Ana's phone.

"Good timing, I'm already here" Ana said, and before he knew it she was in his office too.

Seto nervously looked at her then placed his phone on his desk.

"Did you want something from me?" she asked him.

Seto cleared his throat and walked towards Ana, standing before her.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I need to tell you something but I need to understand something first" he began.
"Alright, what is it then?"
"Why would you go ahead with this engagement?" he asked, point blank.
"Seto, I'm not going ahead with it, I'm just meeting them first, if things so well...well it may well turn into an engagement, the choice will be mine" Ana explained.
"But do you, well would you grow to love him?" he asked.

Ana was taken back by such a line of questioning from Seto, why would he even give so much of a damn about this, essentially it didn't have anything to do with him.

"I don't know, its more for business and religious reasons. Besides, not as if anyone has confessed undying love to me anyway, at least no one I consider returning said feelings to" Ana responded.
"So, you don't love Yugi?"
"No I- wait a moment, why would you ask that...?" she asked back, suspicious.
"I.... I saw you kiss him in the rose garden the other night" he admitted.
"I'm sorry, you were watching me?!" she exclaimed.
"It's not like that- I saw you from my office"
"So you were spying by accident?!" she added sarcastically.
"Don't even Ana, you love him, just admit it I see the way he gazes after you and speaks to you"
"And if I did, and if he admitted he loved me- what the hell is it to you, why would you give a crap?!"
"Because I love you!" he screamed back.

Ana's breath stopped in her throat and her face expression froze. She gasped for air and cleared her throat
"I may have misheard you there.... you love me?" she asked in disbelief.
"Yes, I don't like to beat around the bush, but I love you. I have for a while and I hate seeing you with Yugi or anyone else. I get jealous- I shouldn't I have no right- but I do-I never could tell you, I just...found it hard and with work between us it didn't feel appropriate" he admitted.

Ana said nothing and stood there as her breathing became unsteady.

"But it's fine, I can see you love Yugi. So I don't expect you to say it back-"Kaiba was cut off as Ana pulled him into a deep, passionate, loving and longing kiss.

The world around them didn't exist, everything was was as though they were the only people alive in the universe in that moment.
She slowly pulled back and whispered on his lips.

"It's not fine, because...I love you too...ever since Battle City. I've never been able to admit you, it was..."
"Inappropriate" they said in unison.

Kaiba chuckled and Ana lightly giggled on each other's lips.

"You mean that?" he asked her as he looked her in the eye.
"I do, I don't love Yugi, I care for him, like any of my friends. But I could never love him in that way" she explained.
"I told him that before I even came here...and the arrangement in India was my mothers idea, she assumed the same as one would be interested in I guess that means I need to tell her" Ana continued.

She then ran her hands though Kaiba's hair and smiled.

"Well, despite you admitting this to me...I will still need to go anyway. A meeting is a meeting, but I plan on turning them down on the marriage" she concluded.
"Well good, cause I really don't want to share you" he whispered into her ear.

His breath so hot and his voice so deep, it sent chills up and down her spine.
He then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into another passionate array of kisses.

"I love you Seto Kaiba" she gasped.

Suddenly the door opened and they both stopped and turned towards it, and there they saw Mokuba.

"Seto I-oh...oh wow- excuse me!" Mokuba panicked, slammed the door and ran out.
"I...I better see to him" Kaiba said and ran out after his little brother.

Ana giggled in amusement and made her way back to her room to pack, as she was putting the last of her things away there was a knock at her door.

"Come in" she called out.

It slowly opened and in came Kaiba.

"Oh it's you. How's Mokuba, is he alright?" Ana asked, concerned.
"He's a little grossed out, but he's fine. Much happier now" Kaiba responded.
"I imagine he was upset about me leaving?"
"Yeah, like all honesty we didn't want you walking out of our lives again" he responded sheepishly.

Ana walked towards him and pecked him on the lips.

"I'll be back at some point soon. We'll have to arrange things a little better, as a result I may need to set up head office in Japan instead" she explained.

"So when will you be back?" he asked her and brushed a finger on her cheek.
"In a week or so...don't worry" she responded and smiled up at his stunning blue eyes.

He sweetly kissed her once more and pulled back.

"I'll let you get on with it" he whispered.

Ana grabbed her bags and went to the lift.

"I'll be back soon" she said and sweetly smiled at him until the lift doors closed.

When they did she leaned against the walls, her heart racing, her stomach filled with butterflies and her head so light and dizzy.

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