Chapter 67- Capsule Monsters 2

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Fearfully she backed up slowly, her breathing was unsteady.
Blue Eyes then began walking towards her and she felt her blood pressure increasing.

“Please don’t hurt me” he whispered.

The dragon lightly growled and moved its head towards her; Ana gasped and closed her eyes expecting the worst…only to feel warmth on her head.
Opening her eyes she saw Blue eyes had rested his nose on her head.

“Looks like you’re not going to hurt me” she realised and got up to her feet.

She raised her left hand and rubbed it on his head.

“Looks like he’s looking out for me no matter where I am- which I don’t know either” she sighed and began looking around.

Just then Blue eyes transformed into a white ball of light and shot into the device on her arm, Ana gasped from the surge of power and supported her arm with the other.
After the light had been absorbed into the device a small capsule like pot popped out onto the ground.
Ana picked it up and observed the capsule carefully.

“Looks like this device is used to get monsters in and out of these capsules, and that rock I touched earlier must have released Blue eyes…which means that there must be more of these lying around. But that doesn’t help the fact that I have no idea where I am or where Mr Mouto could be, I hope he’s alright” Ana said aloud.

Ana looked up to where she fell from, realising it was unlikely she would be able to climb up that steep slide. But maybe she could fly back there…smiling she took hold of the capsule and inserted it into the launcher.

“Blue eyes, I need your help!” she called out.

A beam of white light shot our and Blue Eyes was before her once again.

“Blue eyes, a friend of mine got lost in the woods; can you help me find him?” Ana asked.

Blue eyes growled and lowered his body down..

“Oh, I assume you want me to climb on” she realised.

Gathering her strength she managed to scramble onto his back, she held tightly onto his neck as he took to the sky. Ana gasped and tightened her grip on him.

“T…this is amazing” she said, exasperated.

Ana kept glancing down until they were above the woods.

“Down there, could you land?” she asked.

Blue eyes nodded and landed in a wide open space.

“He was a few feet from that ridge with the hole in it that I slipped from. So he should be around here somewhere” Ana pondered.

Ana ran back to where Mr Mouto was last seen, but to her disappointment and fear he was not there.

“Oh no- Mr Mouto- Mr Mouto- where are you?!” she called out worried.

Blue eyes then raised his neck up and began sniffing.

“What’s up?” she asked him.

She began looking around and realised the space they were in suddenly appeared smaller.

“Pretty such there was a bigger radius between us and those trees…” she pondered and rested a hand on Blue Eye’s arm.

She turned her back getting ready to climb on when something shot out from behind her and deeply scraped her arm, she screamed in pain and looked behind to see that it was a sharp vine, which shot at her from a tree- which was now alive.

“Woah…” she gasped.

She pressed herself to Blue Eye who growled and then fired a white lightning attack all over, burning the trees.

“Wow, great job!” she exclaimed and tightly hugged him.
“Ow- oh darn my arm…” she moaned and had to rip off part of her shirt to wrap around it.

“Well that will have to do- anyway we need to find Mr Mouto” she urged and jumped back on top of Blue eyes.

They took to the sky once more and began looking around carefully, it was then that she saw something, it appeared to be running.

“Blue eyes, lets get down there hun” she asked.

Blues eyes obeyed and as they got closer they saw it was Mr Mouro and he was running from those rolling bugs from earlier.
He stopped as he saw Ana and her Dragon land before him.

“You’re alright” she expressed.
“Well I could be better” he said and pointed behind him.
“We’ve got this, Blue eyes take them out!” she ordered.

But suddenly Blue eyes beamed back into her device and turned into a capsule again.

“Oh no…what happened?!” she screamed.
“We better run” Mr Mouto suggested.

Confused and flustered she had no choice but to run, as they were running Mr Mouto had tripped over, Ana ran to help him up and just as he got to his knees, there was a blinding flash of white light.

“What’s happening?!” Ana yelled.

When the light dimmed the pair looked up to see there was a Summoned Skull before them, it then launched an attack at the bugs, destroying them.

“Wow…” Mr Mouto said.
“This must be your monster, you must have tripped over his capsule” Ana explained.

Then continued to explain her theory on the matter, of which Summoned Skull returned to his capsule on Mr Mouto’s arm.

“Well we need to keep moving, I have no idea where we’re going or what’s happening but we can’t stay here” Ana suggested.
“Let’s go that way” Mr Mouto pointed.

So together the pair ventured east from their location in hopes of finding a way out of this mysterious place. 

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