Chapter 30

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As Noah said Ana and Yugi found themselves outside the KC building.

"Let's go!" Ana yelled.

Together they both rapidly ran inside.

"Time is running out, if you don't get through that exit soon your minds will be lost forever!" Noah urged.

They both went into an elevator to the KC Duel Monsters Arena.

"I hope we're not too late" Ana whispered and held her hand over her heart.

Upon arrival they instantly saw Kaiba was going to be attacked, immediately Ana shut down the DM system.

"Jump Kaiba!" Yugi called out.

Quickly they all made a run for it.

"We need to hurry" Yugi urged.
"You've got to escape, head for the Domino Arcade!" Noah called out.

They were all on the roof of KC with Gorzoboro in a red monster form chasing after them all until they reached the end.

"Jump now!" Noah yelled.
"Forget it!" Kaiba screamed.
"We must trust him!" Yugi urged.

With no choice, they had to jump and as they did, they found themselves falling into a white hole. Suddenly Ana's eyes fluttered open and she found herself in a pod.
She jumped out and saw Kaiba and Yugi were okay- but Mokuba was still in his pod.

"Oh no!" Ana gasped.
"Mokuba wake up! Open your eyes!" Kaiba urged.

In that moment he did and Kaiba was relieved, as was Ana.

"Mokuba!" Kaiba sighed.
"Seto, Noah is still inside!" Mokuba urged.
"There's nothing we can do" Ana said.
"Central Computer will destruct. Evacuate base immediately" announced a computer.

So they all made a run back to the blimp.

"Why did Noah have to go back to that place guys? It's not fair" Mokuba wept.

Soon they all made it to the surface and the blimp was already taking off. But the door was open and Yugi's friends were there.

"Hurry up guys!" Duke called out.
"You can make it!" Tea yelled.

Joey and Duke held out their hands

"I'm not gonna make it!" Mokuba panted.
"Guess again!" Kaiba bluntly said.

He then grabbed Mokuba by the shirt and threw him at Duke after which he grabbed Ana by the waist and jumped on. Ana glanced back and sighed at Joey safely pulling Yugi in. At that second the entire base exploded, shaking the blimp upon departure. Causing everyone to scream.
Kaiba dropped Ana then ran to the main control room.

"How rude" she groaned.

Suddenly the ship burst from the explosion and they were all safe.

"Noah may have been a spoiled brat when we met him, but he turned out to be alright" Joey admitted.
"Do you think his mind was deleted when the computer was destroyed?" Tea asked.
"Knowing him, I bet he saved his mind on a backup file" Yugi replied. "Yeah, I'll bet he'll be back" Joey added.
"Me too. See you around Noah!" Mokuba waved.

Ana looked down at Mokuba and smiled.

"Alright, that little detour was a waste of my time. So let's move on and pretend that nonsense never happened. It's time for us to continue the Battle City Finals" Kaiba yelled, irritated.

With that they were all back on course to Kaiba Corp Island. But it appeared that despite what had happened Kaiba had not really learned anything from it.

"Attention Duellists. We are now back on course to Kaiba Corp Island, for the conclusion of the battle City Finals!" Roland announced.

By now Ana had gone to her room to change and lay down before arriving at the island.

"Now we have to worry about Malik" she sighed and stood up from her bed and clenched her fists.
"This monster can't win- only Yami can win this"

Oddly in that moment, Ana seemed to forget about Seto; for the one second, Yami seemed to the only ray of light in the darkness they were sitting in.

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