Chapter 41

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At intense speed on a very rocky road Duke sped his way to where Yugi would be.

"Sunrise" Ana pointed out.
"I hope we're not too late" Joey expressed.

Time passed and suddenly a green beam of light appeared in the distance beyond the rock formations before them.

"Do you guys see what I see?!" Joey shouted.
"Is that what I think it is?!" Tristan responded fearfully.
"It's the Seal, that biker weirdo must have played the seal" Anastasia uttered.

Speeding even faster on they found themselves arriving at a ledge, everyone jumped out the car trying to get as close as possible.
A formation was in the middle of a gorge and the bridge leading to it had been destroyed.
On that centred formation stood Yami and Raphael and they appeared to be duelling.

"No way dude!"
"What's going on, whys that Orichalhcos thing on Yugi's head?!" Joey demanded.

Sliding down to a lower ledge they were oddly met with Weevil and Rex once more.
They then explained that Yugi had played the card, hence how it was present on the field and on his forehead.

"Yugi wouldn't play that card, it's evil!" Joey rebuffed.

Refusing to accept that his friend has made a grave mistake.
Ana remained silent as she looked over at the Duel, the Seal appears to emit a darkness, of which is was coming from Yami.
Was his heart so black inside?

Throughout the Duel Ana's heart was breaking, each turn that Yami played was shattering her vision of how she saw him.
He used the seal to get more power, he sacrificed his monsters one by one without any regard for them- even going as far to insult them.

"That doesn't sound like the Yugi I know" Joey expressed.

Tristan and Duke were cheering on their friend too happy that he was being victorious.
But Joey knew better, the style of duelling, the way he spoke it was not that same Yugi.

"I told you the seal would reveal the truth, this is you, you're evil Pharaoh. Wicked, greedy and full of hate. The power of the orichalcous reveals all, and just as I suspected; you're evil pharaoh and you're getting worse. As time passes the darkness grows" Raphael revealed.

Yami appeared to be in shock and disbelief.

"If you don't believe me all you have to do is look around the field see what you've done to your monsters, at one time they were pure but now they are evil shadow creatures!"
"Oh no, you've deceived me!"
"You chose to play the seal of orichalcos even at the cost of losing Timaeus. Your lust for power destroyed a valuable monster. Only a truly dark individual would show such blatant disregard for his deck!" Raphael barraged at Yami.

It was true, so sad but true that this had happened.
But that was not even the least of everyone's the duel came to close Yami was struck down by his prised monsters- Guardian Neatos...her ability absorbed the souls of all his fallen monsters and with their power wielded by Raphael they struck down Yami, winning him the Duel.
He had lost, for the first time in his duelling career Yami and Yugi had lost the Duel.

A blinding light surrounded the area and once it cleared, Yugi had fallen to his knees.

Ana's eyes filled with tears as she saw him collapse to the ground, and he didn't move.
Suddenly a helicopter appeared and threw down a ladder.
Raphael mounted it carrying Yugi in his arm, then as they got closer to the others, he threw him down.
Still unconscious Tristan and Duke helped him to his feet, Ana however just looked upon him with sad eyes.
They all rested him on the ground and tried to wake him; after a few moments of calling out for him did his violet eyes open and he sat up.

Everyone was relieved, however as he sat there, he was trembling.

"How'd you do it Yug, how'd you escape?" Joey asked.

But noticing his friends' demeanour he became concerned once more.

"No Joey, its far from alright, I didn't out smart him, he succeeded, Yugi's gone" he cried as tear filled his eyes.

Ana gasped as she now realised that it was the Pharaoh alone before them.

"I don't get it, how can you be talking to us if he took your soul?" Joey asked confused.
"Not mine, Yugi's – its all my fault- Yugi come back- it should have been me- not him- it's not far!" Yami screamed as he fell to his knees pounding at the ground.

Ana sighed and turned towards the car.

"We need to get back, Tea and Rebecca would be worried" she simply said and made her way there, she sat in the front passenger side waiting for the others to come.
From getting in the car to going back to the caravan, Ana said nothing to Yami, she didn't even look at him as he rode beside them on Rebecca's horse. Her perception of him was destroyed, his character was not like it used to be. He lost a dear friend in exchange for power. Raphael may have been on the wrong side, but he was right.

As they neared the Caravan it could been seen that Tea and Rebecca were outside at a table, it would appear they had been waiting for their friends to return.

Once Yami dismounted the horse Rebecca ran to embrace him and instantly pulled back.
With great regret and distain, they explained to Tea what had happened, all of which was not only unbelievable but devastating.

"This is not Yugi, they took his soul, he's gone, that sweet, innocent caring boy you knew has been taken!" Ana screamed and hit the dashboard.

Rebecca broke down in tears crying that Yugi had been lost.

"I let everyone down, Yugi warned me but my rage took control- he paid for my mistake- he's gone and it's my fault" Yami uttered.

In a fit of rage Joey ran over and punched Yami clear in the face sending him to the ground.

"Joey!" Tea screamed.

Ana jumped out the car and stood in front of Joey.

"That isn't going to get your friend back, but I agree that we cannot simply sit here and do nothing, we need to find out where Dartz is and find where these souls are being sent to" she advised and made her way into the caravan.

Shortly after everyone else followed inside and sat down pondering exactly how to articulate their next moves. 

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