Chapter 14

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Battle City Finals begin as of now" Ana announced, and motioned towards the blimp.

Kaiba got on first, then Mokuba followed; Ana stood with the guards as the finalists boarded. Last to get on was Yugi, Joey, Mai and their friends.

"Hey you 4 aren't finalists, you're not allowed on" said one of the guards, stopping them from getting on.
"Yes, they are, considering all they have been through they deserve to be here" Ana interrupted. "Alright!" Tea cheered.
"You rock Anastasia!" Tristan winked.
"Please, it's the least I can do" Ana smiled.
"Thank you" said Yugi, shyly.
"Oh, anytime Yugi" Ana winked.

She then stepped aside so everyone could walk on.
She then turned to the guards, telling them to wait another 15 minutes, and that if the last finalist didn't make an appearance then they would be leaving without them.
After giving her instructions she too made her way inside, following Kaiba and the others. Kaiba had lead them to the top of the blimp which had a duelling deck on it.
Ana went over to Kaiba and lightly tapped his shoulder.

"We better take off soon it's getting late" she informed him.

Suddenly her phone rang mid conversation.

"Hello""Miss Starline, the 8th finalist just boarded. Shall we take off?" asked one of the guards.
"Okay, close the door and start her up I'll run and tell Mr Kaiba, thank you" Ana replied and cut the phone.

Ana informed Kaiba that they were ready to leave. Kaiba then turned to the duellists and made his introduction.

"Well, you're all here. Welcome to the Battle City Finals, you are the lucky few to have made it this far. The same rules apply in the finals, and all the Duels will take place up here. On the latest state of the art Duelling area"

Yugi looked slightly stressed and Ana was slightly worried about that, in fact she thought later she would go speak to him.

"And by now I'm sure you're all wondering why Miss Starline is in the tournament. Well other than helping to set up the tournament, she is also the official number 1 Duellist in the whole of Europe, and the winner of the Battle City Finals gets the chance to Duel her. And that match will be broadcast live at the Domino Mall for everyone to see. And as a reward you get 1 of her rare cards as a well as 1 wish she can grant that's within her power" Kaiba explained.
"SHE'S A DUELLIST?!" Yugi thought to himself.
"It is surprising" Yami said to Yugi.
"Yeah but, out of the whole of Europe" Yugi added.
"Well I can't imagine her being a threat Yugi, and besides maybe with that 1 wish she could help us, she's done so much already" Yami praised.
"I guess so Pharaoh, I...I guess I find it hard to see her as a Duellist; not to mention a very high ranking one" Yugi replied.
"All the more reason for us to win Yugi, besides I would certainly like to Duel her" Yami mused.
"Oh, I'm sure you would Yami" Yugi teased.
"Why do you say that?" Yami asked confused.
"Oh no reason" Yugi smiled.

They were both then interrupted by Joey.

"Hey Yugi, think a date counts as a wish?" Joey asked, cheekily.
"Um sure Joey...why not?" Yugi replied, confused.
"Aw yeah, I know what I'm doin' once I win" Joey grinned.
"What makes you think you have a shot Wheeler?" Mai scoffed.
"Well I made it this far, so I think I got a pretty good shot" Joey replied.
"I mean getting a date with someone like her is way out of your league Brooklyn boy; she's from a high-class society" Mai teased.
"Ah says you Mai! You'll see at the end of the finals she'll have a new boyfriend on her arm" Joey rebuffed.
"Aww Joey thinks he'll meet and Duel his true love" Tea teased.

All of his friends laughed at him in amusement.

"That's right, so near enough anything reasonable will be granted" Ana verified.
"So, stay on your game" Mokuba added.
"You all better check into your rooms then you'll be escorted to the meal hall where we'll eat before deciding the pairings for the matches" Kaiba advised.

With that everyone left and made their way to their rooms.
Just as Ana was leaving, Kaiba stopped her.

"Something wrong Seto?" Ana asked.
"Here, your room card" he said and handed her a light blue swipe card.
"You'll need it to access your room and any other places around the blimp if needed" he informed her.
"Thank you" she smiled.
"Come on I'll show you to your room" he said.

He said, then lead the way and she followed behind.
When they arrived at her room, she swiped her card and gasped at the splendour of the room.
The far wall was covered in small round windows, showing a beautiful view of the outside. The far-left side had a king size bed with curtains hanging from the centre of bed on the ceiling.
In the middle of the room was a coffee table surrounded by 4 single sofas, there was a mini fridge in the far right and opposite the bed was a large rectangular table with a mouse, and flat keyboard and mounted on the wall a 42" flat screen.

"Oh Seto, Seto this room is amazing" Ana gasped in amazement.
"I know, I designed it myself, your things are already in there" he explained.

He then pointed to a door just beyond the bed, she walked over to it and saw she had stepped into a walk-in wardrobe and everything was already in place.

"And there's another door in there leading to the bathroom" he added.

Ana then turned around and looked to see a white door with a golden handle. Gently she pushed it and saw a marble bath built into the floor, and a toilet in the far right with a sink next to it.

"My goodness" she sighed in astonishment, but by the time she came out, Kaiba had gone. "Hmm, I didn't even get to say thank you" she said disappointingly.

No sooner had she closed the door was there a knock on it, she swiftly opened it and saw Kaiba and Mokuba.

"Oh, there you are, I was wondering where you went" Ana said and glanced down at his hands to see he was carrying a black box decorated with white flowers/vines/leaves.
"Um...what's the box for?" she curiously asked.
"It's a small gift" Kaiba said.
"The box is huge Seto, and you've already done so much for me" Ana replied.

Kaiba then stepped inside and placed it on the table.
Sighing, she sat down and undid the blue ribbon wrapped around it; it gracefully unfolded in her lap as she slowly lifted the lid.
Her eyes gleamed and she smiled at the gift.

"Seto...t...this is amazing" she gasped.

It was her own personalised Duel Disk, it was a beautiful sky blue, detailed with flowers and vines in royal blue.

"It's the only one in the world like it; a thank you for your time and effort and I thought you deserved it" he explained.
"I don't know if I can accept such a gift" she politely said.
"Well it IS a gift" he sternly said.
"He spent a bomb to make it look like that, just for you" Mokuba teased.
"Seto?" Ana questioned.
"Mokuba is exaggerating"
"Honestly, most guys give girls dresses, jewellery and perfume, but you Seto Kaiba spoil a girl with a Duel Disk" Ana sighed.
"You don't like it?" he asked.
"No" she bluntly responded.
"Oh, well...I-"
"I love it! Thank you so very, very much!" she happily interrupted.
"You were right then bro" Mokuba smiled.
"Let me guess he was unsure about the gift?" Ana asked.
"Well it's hard to get a thank you gift for someone he hasn't seen in years" Mokuba replied.
"I wouldn't worry, it's a lovely gift, a perfect gift in fact" she smiled and winked.

In that moment she was pretty sure she saw him SLIGHTLY blush and smile too.

"I'll go tell everyone to grab some food, see you guys there" Mokuba smiled and left the room.

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