Chapter 10

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"Pharaoh, how did she know what or who you are?" Yugi asked Yami, in slight shock.
"I...I don't know..." he stuttered.
"What could this mean?"
"Well she's either with us or against us" Yami replied, not really sure of either.

He then walked away back to the streets, not long after blending into the crowd he got a close look at Joey's match.
It was a very tight match, and even when Espa wasn't cheating he was still a darn good duellist, but Joey just pulled ahead and managed to win the match and Espa's Jinzo monster card. And from what Ana and Mokuba heard it sounded like Joey had a younger sister named Serenity who was in hospital recovering from an operation. At least that's what Tea had said when she appeared into the crowd to support her friend. Ana decided to take a small break and talk a wonder through town, as she walked on she came to a coffee shop and decided to get herself a nice mango smoothie.
As she was buying it, her phone went off saying that a duel was in action. So quickly she pulled out her tablet and saw that Kaiba was duelling some random punk in an alley way; but to no surprise Kaiba had won, and as she knew he was on the search for the other 2 Egyptian God cards.

"What the-?!" she gasped.

Suddenly she saw that for some reason her surveillance software was telling her that Yugi was suddenly not online. She then checked that the satellite receiver was connected, it was perfectly fine and everyone else was connected, but for some reason she couldn't see him.

"Oooh I better ring Kaiba and he is not going to be happy about this" she sighed.

Swiftly she dialled his number and in no time be responded.

"Kaiba! Oh, thank goodness" she gasped.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I'm sure you're aware but Yugi cannot be found with our software" she informed him.
"I know, have you-" he tried to ask.
"The satellite connection is fine I can see everyone else but Yugi, I have no idea where he is, but wherever it is, the signal can't be received from that location.
"Well have you-" Kaiba started.
"No software I have at the moment can pin point his location, I'm going to grab my laptop from the office and try to track him down, but I don't know if it'll work" she informed him.
"Alright, and keep me posted, but I'll be there soon myself" he replied.

Ana cut the phone and quickly she flagged down a cab and took it to the Kaiba corp building. She paid the guy an extra $100 and arrived there in seconds, instantly she went to the main computing Lab and had everyone push the signal sensors to their limits.

"I want you all working on this, we have one of the bests duellists missing and I want him found!" she ordered.
"Yes, Miss Starline" everyone said in unison.
"Good, now get to it!" she shouted.

15 minutes had passed and so far, and not much progress had been made.

"There must be something I haven't tried as of yet...Networks! Signals need to come to the KC mainframe!" she realised.
"Nice one" said a voice.

Ana jumped out of her seat and turned around to see it was Kaiba.

"Oh Seto, it's you" she sighed.
"Let's see what will happen" he said.
"Well first of all ladies stop tampering I'll take over" Ana ordered.

She then started looking for all Networks which were compatible with the KC Network, as a result she would be able to track down and isolate the ones which link as well as attempt to find any other Networks which didn't want to reveal its link or connection to the KC system.

"Seto where's Mokuba?" Ana asked.
"Looking around the Battle City centre" he replied.
"FOUND HIM!" Ana exclaimed.
"Do you have to shout?!" Seto shouted back at her.
"Oh...sorry, but here, he's here in this building, looks like its underground or in a cellar or something; send Mokuba there!" she pointed out.
"On it" he said and contacted him.
After confirming Yugi's location and after the confirmation from Mokuba Ana left the main computer room and went back to the main office.
On arrival she logged onto the main computer and decided to do a check of her business and see how well sales were going.
Suddenly the door opened and in came Seto again.

"Hello" she said.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Just checking on what's happening back home"
"Everything should be fine"
"And so, it is...oh yes, and one more thing, I heard you challenged and amateur duellist who used your rare cards and still lost against your Obelisk the tormentor" Ana pointed out.
"Are you surprised?" he smirked.
"Not really, well what do you suggest we do for the rest of the day?" she asked.
"Well I'm going to monitor the tournament for while" Seto responded.
"Alright, have fun" she cheerfully said and smiled.

With that Seto left the room.
Quickly she popped up her laptop and connected to the KC network to view the tournament.

"Now let us see who's duelling..." she trailed off.

She could see a number of duels underway, one of which was Joey Wheeler against the "apparent" top duellist Weevil Underwood.
Suddenly the phone land line rang, and she had to answer.

"Seto Kaiba's office can I help you?" she responded.
"Hello Miss Starline, is Mr Kaiba not there?" said a woman from the monitoring team.
"No, he is not, why what is wrong?" Ana asked.
"We just got word that Yugi is about to have a duel" she replied.
"Oh really, well don't worry I'll keep an eye on the match, the rest of you just keep an eye out for the rest of the God cards" Ana instructed.

Instantly she opened Yugi's match and began monitoring it.

"Who the...that is...what the? Who is this guy?!" she exclaimed in frustration.

Intently, she watched the match and Yugi looked as though he was in deep trouble.

"Come on Yugi!" she cheered.

Ana was gripping onto her hair and shirt in frustration and panic hoping and praying Yugi would no lose the match. And then came the most shocking turn of events.

"'s an Egyptian God Card. Slifer The Sky Dragon!" she gasped.

She bumbled around looking for her phone and quickly dialled Kaiba's number...and anxiously waited for him to answer. Once he did she practically screamed down the phone.

"Why must you yell?!" he yelled back.
"Sorry! But I found one, another Egyptian God card it belongs to some weird duellist, he's battling Yugi, I'll transmit their position, you go, and I'll meet you there!" Ana said.
"Alright" Ana cut the phone and texted him the location.

 Once she was done she rapidly grabbed her bag and tablet and made a run for it.
When she reached the outside of the building she was met with one of Kaiba's Limos, quickly she jumped in and demanded to be taken to the location.
As she got closer to the location she saw the most magnificent figure in the sky, a colossal red dragon with yellow eyes and two mouths.

"Holy crab apples!" she gasped.

She urged the driver to hurry, of which he increased his speed, and within no time they had arrived. There she saw Kaiba standing on the bank and she ran to him panting.

"There you both are" she gasped.

Both he and Mokuba turned around to see her.

"What's happening?" Ana asked trying to catch her breath.
"And now, just what I need to take you down! I reveal my face down card, monster reborn, and I bring back my mighty Buster Blader!" Yami exclaimed.
"Hmm, interesting" Ana mused.
"Buster Blader in attack mode" Yami instructed.
"But that will not work, all the effects from the cards on the field and Slifer's special ability makes this hard, I just don't..." Ana contemplated and observed intently.
"Time for me to win this duel right now! Attack!" Yami called out.

He attacked the revival jam who revived once more after an attack, then using Brain control Yami took control to take over a card that was not expected at all, well almost never and took control over the duellist's revival jam card.
He then attempted to attack Yugi, but thanks to revivals jams ability Yugi had a continuous defence that would not stop, and because he kept reviving the duellist kept drawing and eventually the duellist ran out of cards. And as par obvious rules, Slifer was to lose this duel because of its own effect.

"Oh my God...he...he's amazing" Ana swooned.
"Amazing!" Mokuba yelled and ran down the bank towards the duellist who lost, quickly picked up Slifer the sky dragon and his locator card.

Ana then ran down and took the card from Mokuba.

"Forgive the lack of professional behaviour but I must have a look at this wonder" Ana said as she held the card in her hands, in awe that it held such power but was still defeated in the match.
"Amazing, well Mokuba, give Yugi his card" Ana said and handed it back to him.

Proudly and playfully Mokuba gave the card to Yugi and stepped back.

"I must be careful with this" he warned himself.

Then Kaiba came down to join the three of them.

"So, you defeated Slifer the Sky Dragon, well done. It's a real shame you won't have it for too long" he smirked.
"Why not?" Yami sternly responded.
"Because you and I are going to Duel for it right now, then when I defeat you Slifer the Sky Dragon will be where it belongs, in my Deck. You see I'm already in possession of one Egyptian God card and I plan to win the others. Now it's time to duel, once I win Slifer from you, I only need one more, then I'll be the number one duellist in the world" Kaiba boasted.

Suddenly the trash talking was interrupted by the rival duellist who had fallen to his knees, he laughed and stood up from the floor.

"Silly fools!" the duellist said, almost distorted.
"Not to worry Pharaoh, you'll be meeting me sooner than you think, I'm on my way to Battle City as we speak, once in there the next phase of plan will begin, I assure you the power of the pharaoh will be mine. My loyal mind slaves are preparing for my arrival right now" the duellist boasted.
"Where are they Marik?" Yami demanded.
"I have Rare hunters everywhere in battle city and I can see all, I can see the millennium puzzle is destined to be mine and I see a defenceless city waiting to be conquered and I see potential mind slaves in every crowd, I'm always looking for servants to add to my army of rare hunters. I wonder who'll be next. So, tell me Pharaoh which of your friends will make a better mind slave, Tea? Or Joey perhaps, or even you...dear, sweet, beautiful Princess" the duellist said as he turned towards Ana.
"What?!" she exclaimed.
"History has made no mistake in the descriptions of you and your true power, and once I am Pharaoh and have you as my Queen I will truly have all the power I need, for you see Princess, the powers do lye in the cards and the puzzle but further power dwells within the Princess herself!" the duellist explained.
"You're crazy!" she shouted at him and took a few steps back.
"You leave them and Anastasia alone! Understand?! I'm warning you!" Yami threateningly said. "Well I've hit your sensitive spot haven't I Pharaoh? Perhaps I can use your friends to get what I want from you, namely your puzzle and the Egyptian God cards!"
"I told you leave my friends out of this!" Yami warned him once more.
"Or what? Your friends are meaningless to me, and beside I have nothing to lose and the whole world to gain!" the duellist mockingly laughed.
"Do not test me, if any harm befalls my friends or Anastasia you will regret it Marik! They did nothing to you, so you settle your score with me!"
"Just as my dragon's one weakness destroyed it your loyalty to your friends will destroy you!"

Then the duellist suddenly collapsed onto the ground.

"O...oh my God!" Ana gasped, clasping her hands over her mouth.
"I must save them!" Yami bravely said and turned to run but was stopped by Kaiba.
"Hey get back here now!" Kaiba ordered. Yami then stopped.
"Our duel will have to wait Kaiba, my friends are in great danger and their safety is more important to me than anything in this world" Yami declared then raced off.
"Yami..." Ana sighed.
"Good luck" Mokuba called out.
"Running away from a challenge is against tournament rules!" Kaiba warned him.
"Oh, for Christ sake!" Ana groaned and walked away.
"Anastasia where you going?!" Mokuba yelled.
"Don't worry about it!" she replied.
"I've never seen someone care so much about a group of people before, I don't know why but...I...I feel I should help the Pharaoh, and I will!" Ana said to herself.

She then jumped into the limo and ordered the driver to take her back to the KC HQ there she would download a portable satellite software that would help her track down Yugi's friends.
Suddenly as she were sitting in the Limo her phone rang, quickly she answered.

"Hello Anastasia Starline speaking"
"Anastasia, it's me, just letting you know I'm about to Duel" Kaiba informed her.
"Oh, well good for you...?" she remarked, unsure of what else to say.
"With Yugi" he further clarified.
"I thought he ran off" she stated.
"Yes, he did, but we are duelling a pair" Kaiba added.
"A pair?""Me and Yugi are duelling two weirdos we ran into"
"Oh, I see, well good luck, I'll be monitoring your match" Ana said then cut the phone.

When she arrived at the KC office building she rapidly ran to the top floor and popped open her laptop and as soon as she did she was blown back at the brightness on her screen.

"What the hell?!" she yelled and saw Kaiba had summoned Obelisk the tormentor.
"Oh god" she gasped.

Ana stared at the screen wide eyed, and in the blink of an eye Seto had won the match for both himself and Yugi.

"O...oh my...duelling Seto may be harder than I thought.... upon that, I really should consider maybe redoing my deck at some point- AH!" she jumped as her phone starting ringing.

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