Chapter 32

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The pre-semi finals were now over, and it appeared that Joey would be facing Malik, and Yugi against Kaiba.
With that the platforms the duellists were in shot up to the very top of the tower.

"Come on, this way" Mokuba said.

They all then proceeded up some escalators, thankfully it was sunny outside.
By the time they got up there it appeared as though the trash talking had begun.
So the first match was Joey and Malik.


Never had Ana seen such a match in her life.
Towards the end of the Duel Serenity had left the blimp to come and support her big brother, and Joey was forced to face Malik's Winged Dragon of Ra in its Phoenix form.
But by the time Serenity had gotten there, Joey was being incinerated by Ra's flames, and with that energy stream linking Joey to his monster in this Shadow Game...well it was a slim chance he would have survived.
So they all had to wait and watch as the smoke slowly cleared.
Of which to everyone's immense surprise, Joey was standing but in a strange dazed state.
Summoning what little strength that he had, Joey weakly summon Gearfree the Iron Knight, but that's where it ended.
Joey collapsed with only 30 seconds left.

"That's the end of the Duel" Roland announced.
"Forget the Duel, can't you see Joey's in trouble?!"Mokuba yelled.

Ana was so proud of Mokuba, he climbed onto the platform and ran to Joey's side. Roland declared Malik the winner, but Ana ran to Mokuba and helped him help Joey, of which his friends also raced over to try and help.
Serenity screamed and stumbled to her brother's side in tears.

"Let's get him out of here, he needs to see a Doctor now!" Mokuba urged. "Yes Sir!" Roland bumbled.

The platform lowered and everyone tried to shake Joey awake while in tears.Even Ana's eyes welled with tears.

"Now that your friend is out of the way I'm 1 Duel away from world domination Pharaoh!" Malik laughed.
"Enough! When will all this madness come to an end?!" Yami exclaimed.
"When the infinite power of the Pharaoh belongs to me!"
"Malik! You'll be duelling against me in the last round and I intend to win" Kaiba interrupted.
"Is that so?" Malik scoffed.
"Yes. First I'll face off against Yugi and once I strip him of Slifer the Sky Dragon, I'll be ready to crush you and claim your Winged Dragon of Ra" Kaiba boasted.

For once however Ana remained silent, she watched as Mokuba took charge and ordered Kaiba's men to take Joey to the medical room immediately.
She watched Yami and saw the rage in his eyes, he then left to go to Joey's side, leaving her alone with Kaiba.

"I've barely seen you since we arrived" he noticed.
"Yeah well my contract said nothing about me having to be present every match" she replied, then ran back to the blimp to try and find the Pharaoh.
"These guys need help, and I'll do what I can" she whispered.

Wasting no time she ran to the control room where she found Mokuba.

"Mokuba, you ok?" Ana asked.
"I'm just trying to get some help" he explained.
"I imagined something was wrong- what's going on at the moment. Are they working to repair the engines?" she continued to ask.
"They're trying but we don't know how long it will take" he responded.
"Much like my phone signal I imagine, we're not sending or receiving communications from our location?"
"No, nothing"
"The most you can do is keep trying, bring up the communications com" Ana instructed, then sat at a PC trying to figure out a way to increase the signal.
"Joey needs help!" Mokuba yelled.
"I know, poor guy. Look keep trying we'll get through his" Ana reassured him.

Ana attempted to be positive and stood up and began pacing around trying to come up with a solution.
Suddenly there was a loud crash and flashes in the sky.
She gasped and stumbled to the ground. 

"What the devil was that?!" she yelled.
"I don't know but our signal is stronger now" Mokuba beamed.

Tristan then came in overhearing how KC HQ heard the distress call and was sending a rescue helicopter to help.

"Oh thank God!" Ana sighed.
"I'll go tell Serenity!" Tristan smiled and ran out.

Ana ran over and tightly hugged Mokuba.

"Great job, so proud of you! Better go check your brother, I'll monitor from here" she instructed.

Mokuba nodded and ran to the tower.

Using the video system Ana was able to bring up the Duel on her monitor. Instantly her eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my God...they both have their Egyptian Gods on the field, guess I missed a lot" she gasped in awe.


That Duel could not have been bouncing back and forth more than a tennis ball in a tennis match.Ana held her breath through most the match.

"God I'm going to have a heart attack from days like this- AH!" she screamed as the screen exploded upon Slifer and Obelisk clashed in an eruption of pure power.

"Jesus Christ!" she screamed.

Curious she ran to the top of the blimp and gasped as she were blinded by such an intense bright white light, eventually it diminished revealing that Obelisk and Slifer had vanished.

"Where did you the- oh I have to get up there" she gasped.

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