Chapter 34

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By the time Ana arrived at the top of the tower, Tea was on her back on the ground and Malik had his Millennium item pointed at her.

"Hold it right there!" Ana shouted and ran to stand in front of Tea.
"Well, well Princess, you're being plucky" Malik smirked.
"Leave her alone, she has nothing to do with this!" Ana demanded.
"Maybe not, but my better half does" Malik responded forcefully.
"I don't care, now get out!" Ana spat.

Malik then pointed the Millennium Rod towards Ana.

"That doesn't scare me, you can't control MY mind" she said with great confidence, at the moment Malik really didn't scare her.

She continued to protectively stand in front of them.

"That's enough Malik!" said a pleading voice.

Ana turned to see Ishizu.

"Leave her alone Malik!" she said.

Malik smirked and raised his millennium rod.

"Maybe I should banish you all now and be done with it!" Malik threatened. "Over my dead body!" Ana yelled back.
"I'd hate to- but that can be arranged!" he smirked.

Suddenly Ana's locket and Malik's Rod began glowing.

"What?" Ana gasped.
"What's that?!" Malik demanded.

They all turned to see it Yami and even his Millennium Puzzle was glowing.

"Well aren't I popular today" Malik sarcastically mocked. and watched Yami come forward and stand at Ana's side.
"Yami..." Ana whispered.
"This nonsense has to end Malik!" Yami demanded.

With great surprise Malik did stand down and left the tower.
It was then Ishizu explained to Yami what Ana already knew, Malik's good side resided in Tea.
Upon Tea regaining consciousness it was best not to mention it.
They all left the tower and returned to the match, of which they were too late, Joey had lost but he put up an amazing fight!
Ana managed to excuse herself to your room and sat on a sofa, clasping the locket in her hand.

"I wonder what that was earlier..." she pondered.

Ana stood from her chair and paced around, trying to understand what had happened with the Millennium items.
Suddenly there was a knock at her door and thoughtlessly she opened it, and standing there was Malik.

"You!" Ana yelled.
"At least I knocked" Malik mockingly said and pushed his way into her room.
"You don't scare me, so what the hell to you want?!" she demanded.

He then stormed towards Ana and backed her against a wall, he smirked and reached for her locket, but a burst of energy pushed him back.

"Ah! What is this?! How did you obtain that?! There were only 7 Millennium items created, it must be a trick!" Malik exclaimed.
"I don't know what your problem is, but this item is mine and only mine!" Ana sternly replied.
"But this makes no sense! Never in any scriptures had a locket been mentioned before!" Malik screamed.
"I don't care, this has nothing to do with me, but this item is my possession, Millennium or not- now get out!" she demanded.

Confused and rage-filled Malik left Ana's room.

"What is the big deal anyway?" Ana gasped.

She then realised Yami's match would be starting soon, he would facing Malik in the Battle City Finals.
A match that would decide humanity's fate.

"I better offer my support" she said.

Grabbing her phone she made her way outside, of which she met with Ishizu, Kaiba and Mokuba caught in a discussion.

"What on earth is going on...?" Ana whispered.
"Yugi needs you" Ishizu said to Kaiba.
"That's enough! I hosted this tournament so I could become number 1. Not to help Yugi!" Kaiba abruptly said.
"Wrong. You were destined to organise this event, Kaiba!" Ishizu retorted. "And you had no choice in the matter. You were guided by a force beyond your control. And if you leave now, you'll be turning your back on mankind!" she added.

Ana began to put together how Ishizu was trying to get Kaiba to go to the match to support Yami.
But Kaiba didn't want to hear it as usual, he wanted to leave, the tower had held great symbolism to him.
It reminded him of his stepfather, and Kaiba wanted the island and the tower destroyed.
Mokuba however remained unresponsive and his eyes softened.

"Mokuba did you hear me?" Kaiba sternly asked.
"I heard you, but I don't think destroying the tower's gonna solve anything" Mokuba replied.

Instantly Ana was amazed at Mokuba's reluctance.

"All it's going to do is cause more destruction, more anger and hatred" he added.

Kaiba was astonished, Ana had never seen such a look on his face before.


Mokuba's little eyes flowed with tears and his words tugged at Ana's heart.

"I think what Yugi said about you is right! You're filled with hate! Why don't you smile anymore?! I know our childhood wasn't the best, but at least we had fun sometimes! And now you're always in a bad mood! And I want it back the way it was!" Mokuba screamed.
"Those days are over!" Kaiba yelled back.
"THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE! You can change! Instead of causing more damage, why don't you help Yugi win and prevent more damage? If you know the secret to defeating Malik, then tell Yugi!" Mokuba continued to scream.

Kaiba fell silent as he turned towards the tower.
Ana then walked over to them.
Kaiba turned to face her and they stared at each other for a few moments.

"I'm afraid Yugi's chances of defeating Malik and winning the tournament are slim, Malik is too tough. But as Mokuba said, I've figured it out. Just one card can do it! This all-powerful card lived in my deck and my deck alone. But it's not just a matter of holding this card, it has to be played in a certain way to take down Ra" Kaiba explained.

Kaiba then began to walk away towards the tower.

"Hey! Where ya goin'?" Mokuba called out.
"To the top of my Duel Tower" he responded.

Even Ana was shocked and she smiled at Kaiba's actions.

"Does this mean you're gonna help Yugi win Seto?!" Mokuba asked, hopefully.
"Just follow me" Kaiba simply responded.

And they all did just that.

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