Chapter 37

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Wearing normal work attire, Ana went into town a little early and wandered around before making her way to the Museum, all while checking her emails on her tablet.

"Well, things appear steady at the moment, so that's good-"she said to herself.
"Oh Miss Starline!" someone called out.

Ana spun around and was surprised to see Professor Arthur Hawkins.

"Professor- oh my god! It's so nice to see you" she enthused.
"Oh Ana, you look wonderful" he complimented her.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I just did my research and uncovered an ancient temple under the sea" he explained.
"You're kidding?! That's amazing!" she gasped.
"Thank you, but I did some to meet a friend- ah there he is!" he pointed out.

Ana glanced behind her and was slightly confused.

"Mr Mouto?" she said confused.
"Miss Starline?" he replied, equally confused.
"You know each other?" Dr Hawkins asked.
"I'd ask the same thing" Mr Mouto said.

Clearly they were all confused.

"Well I know Yugi and Dr Hawkins is an archaeologist from the British museum, I'm a patron" Ana explained.
"Small world" Dr Hawkins chuckled.

Together the 3 of them went into the museum and down a set of stairs to an all too familiar place.
That's where Ana met Ishizu and learned of the God Cards.
But upon arrival she were horrified to see the tablet had been encased in ice.

"That's odd" she said, puzzled.

Suddenly her phone started ringing, she dug for it from her bag and saw it was her mother.

"Oh good grief- please excuse me" she politely said.
"Hey ma...hello, yeah? Wait, wait signal is crap. One sec" she said and ran back upstairs and wondered around until she got a better signal.
"Don't worry ma, yeah, ok, I'll let you sort it out. No I really don't want to meet him...just focus on the company. I'll do what I can from here." she simply said.

After cutting the call she made your way back to the lower level of the museum once more.

"Ah, Anastasia, there you are" Dr Hawkins noticed.

Ana smiled as she saw Yugi and all his friends had also arrived and they were thankfully unharmed.

"Ana? What are you doing back here?" Yugi asked, surprised.
"Well from my office, I saw Duel monsters were bouncing and flying all over London, I had to look into it" she replied.
"As I was saying, you Yugi share a bond with a 5000 year old Pharaoh" Dr Hawkins continued.

Dr H then revealed how he believed to have discovered the Lost City of Atlantis, and that the monsters we use in Duel monsters came way before Ancient Egyptian life, they came 10,000 years ago.
Yugi then revealed an ancient looking necklace. It was a black cord and the pendant hanging from it was teal and appeared to be a small type of gem.

"These guys we duelled last night left it behind" Yugi explained.

Dr H held requested to hold onto it and to do some research. Yugi agreed and everyone then proceeded outside, Yugi's grandfather however took the Professor and Rebecca to the airport.

"Well I must get back to my hotel, I have a conference, let's catch up tomorrow" Ana said. "Sure, thanks Ana" Yugi said.

She smiled and walked towards a taxi.
In no time she arrived at the hotel, but couldn't help but worry about all that had been happening.

"Atlantis, how strange- and remarkable" she pondered.

Suddenly she was thrown from her thoughts as bright lights began flashing outside. Ana ran to her window and saw what appeared to be balls of light being absorbed into a dark sky.

"What the hell?!" she gasped.

Both fearful and curious, she ran to her balcony and opened the door.
A vicious wind whipped from the skies with so much so it force she was pushed against the sliding door.

"What's going on?!"

As suddenly as it came, the wind stopped, and the sky was filled with colours similar to that of the Northern lights. But then then faded, and everything returned to normal.

"Oh bloody hell, you know what, I'm going to bed" she sighed.

With that she returned to her room and curled up into your sheets.

"I wish I knew what was going on"

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