Chapter 74- Capsule Monsters Chapter 9

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A soon as they walked through the final door, the group found themselves before the same campfire they were at when all this started.

"Looks like we've come full circle" Ana observed.
"Which would make sense, since we came from here, it must be the way out" Yugi summarised.
"A wise deduction my friend" said a voice.

Turning around the group saw it was that same stranger from the 3rd challenge, dressed oddly like a roman.

"But there is till along way to go before you go home"
"Who are you anyway?" Ana asked.
"I suppose it is time I properly introduce myself- I am King Alexandros the third of Macedonia" he announced.
"Alexander the great!" Ana almost squealed.
"So I take it you have heard of me, what do they say about my life where you live?" he asked.
"Are you kidding?!" Ana exclaimed.
"You are one of the most well known historical figures in the world, we have so many artefacts dating back to your time on display at the British museum- in fact it's a whole section" Ana explained.
"You're excited about this" Joey observed.
"Well I do help curate the museum and history is a passion of mine- ancient history that is" Ana clarified.

The stranger stood before the fire, and Yugi stood to greet him.

"So what exactly are you doing here?" Yugi asked.

Alexander spread his arms revealing that he also had a Capsule monster belt and device on his arm, as well as a familiar looking duel armour.

"You're wearing the same armour as I am" Yugi observed.
"Correct, it began over 2 millennia ago, as the world's most powerful empires fell at my feet; Greece, Persia, Egypt, I was unstoppable, and it was all thanks to a good luck charm I stumbled upon" Alexander began to explain.
"What type of charm was this?" Ana asked.
"It was not unlike the ones you are both wearing. But this gift cam with a price, although it brought me countless victories, the charm also clouded my mind. And before long I lost the respect and loyalty of my men" Alexander continued to explain.

He then explained how he had entered the pyramid in search of this higher power he wanted in order to defeat his enemies.

"I take it you didnt succeed?" Yugi asked.
"My lust for power was my downfall. I'm sure you're all aware of what happened after my downfall" he responded.
"It was devastating, your attempt at taking over India failed, your empire fell and most of your men deserted you and that the loss was such a hit that historians believe you never did recover" Ana added.
"It's sadly true, I failed the strangers test, and lost everything. But it was my own fault, and now it's your turn, this is the final trial." Alexander announced.

Getting to his feet his manifested a scroll and began to read from it.

"Slay them all if you dare; Earth, fire sky water and air" he read aloud.

suddenly Yami appeared and repeated what he heard.

"Slay them all?" he said.
"Sound like a plan to me!" Joey exclaimed.
"But we don't even know where to start" Tea said.
"Then it's just as well I showed up" Alexander said.

He then handed a capsule to Ana and said that the monster int here would help them to pass the test.

"Thank you" she said.

Alexander then held out his hand and helped her to her feet.

"Alright, let's go" he lead on.

And the group proceeded to follow him to a ghost town.

"We have entered a settlement known as the village of divine dragon, and I'm afraid the rest you must discover on your own" Alexander explained.

Everything was dreary and the whole village appeared to only be lit by flame torches, as they proceeded further into the village, they came upon all its inhabitants and they stood before stone steps that lead to appeared to be a corroding image of a dragon on a wall.
They were all on their knees humming, through them was an isle and on it was a young girl no older than maybe 15, dressed in white walking along it.

"Who is that?" Joey asked.
"She must be pretty important" Tea assumed.

The group kept its eyes on her as she made her way to the stone steps, where she was met by another villager.

"Are you prepared to offer up your soul so the Devine one may continue to offer protection to our people?" the villager asked.
"Oh dear..." Ana gasped.
"Poor kid"
"I have a strong feeling our challenge has something to do with saving this girl" Yami observed.

So the group advanced towards the step, it was then that everyone finally appeared to acknowledge that they were there.

"State your business, we are in the midst of a sacred ceremony" the villager ordered.
"And we're here to put a stop to it before someone gets hurt" Joey responded.

The little girl maintained her complacent expression.

"Yes, but I'm fine" the girl said.

Joey walked a little further on and picked up a stone, at the end of the platform they were on appeared to be a dark ongoing pit.
He threw the stone into it and waited a few seconds but could not hear the stone hit the ground below.

"You call that fine, that rock could have been you, don't you get it?" Joey asked the girl.
"Who are you?" the villager asked.
"We're here to destroy some monsters, or something" Tristan responded.
"It's you, the legendary warriors of the prophesy!" the man exclaimed.
"Are you saying you were expecting us?" Yami asked.

The man nodded and turned to the smeared image on the wall.

"Long ago, this region was dominated by 5 vicious dragons. However, they were banished by the divine white dragon who promised to protect us until the legendary warriors arrive" the man explained.
"Sounds like a happy ending" Joey commented.
"Wrong, the white dragon has a limited energy source. So, in order for it to continue to protect this village from the fiendish 5, it has always been our duty to feed the white dragon with the power that it needs. That's why we hold this yearly ritual, for the dragon feeds on human souls!" The man finalised.
"So you picked a defenceless kid?" Tea asked.
"Actually, I volunteered. It's my duty as a citizen of this town" the little girl responded.
"It doesn't need to be this way surely" Ana rebuffed.
"If you are able to locate and defeat the fiendish 5, this girl's soul will be spared" Alexander explained.

Yami then stepped forward.

"Tell us where to find these beasts and we'll make sure they never threaten you again" Yami asked.

Suddenly another villager stepped forward.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with, I'm warning you, no human has ever entered the domain of the fiendish 5 and returned to tell the tale!" he warned them.
"Maybe, but I don't think that should deter us" Ana responded.
"She's right" Yami smiled at her.
"If you insist, the dragon's dwell in 5 nearby locations; the whirlwind forest, the bottomless spring, the cavern of no return, meteor mountain, and the most dangerous area of them all; the great molten chasm. You have until sunup to conquer them all, if you fail a soul will need to be offered up" the man explained.
"If they are so brave, let them offer one of their own souls!" the other impudent village called out.
"Then why not offer yours, the little girl here seems to have more balls to volunteer" Ana targeted the man who looked at her and backed down.
"I thought as much, coward" Ana mocked.
"No soul will need to be sacrificed, you have my word. Just put your faith in us" Yami reassured them all.
"If this works, we are forever in your debt, thank you and good luck my friends" the man said.

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