Chapter 43

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Within the hour Duke had taken everyone to the train station.
Once aboard the train they grabbed some food and took their seats.
Through it all Yami was very tense and depressed, Tea was trying her best to get Yami to show some expression or even say something, but he remained still and silent.

"You gotta cheer up, I promise we'll get Yugi back, it may feel better to talk about it" she tried to urge him.

But Yami apologised, stood up and walked into the connector between the cars.
"Wait a second, wasn't this car full of people a second ago.
"You're right, how did everyone just disappear?" Joey agreed.
"Oh no-!" Ana whispered.

Everyone then started looking around all the cars and cabins, but the whole train was empty, it was scary and bizarre.
Joey Tristan and Tea looked at the upstairs cars while Ana searched below.

"I think I've been mad at him long enough" Ana pondered.

As she began to track her way back, a sudden harsh jolt caused her to lose balance, quickly she sprung to her feet and made her way to the end of the cart.
But as she did she saw Yami in the doorway and behind him the carts had been separated.

"Pharaoh" she called out.
"Ana, thank goodness you're alright"
"We need to stop this train" she exclaimed and together they carefully and cautiously made their way through the cars.

Yami then began making his way to the control room, believing that there was an emergency break to stop the train.
Bravely Yami climbed a small metal ladder in hopes of accessing the entrance.

"For the love of God be careful!" Ana called out and followed behind him.

As she got closer to the top however, she saw Yami was standing still, and before him stood Weevil.

"What the hell is going on here?!" she screamed in frustration.
"I want a rematch with the King of Games"
"Who put you up to this?!" Yami demanded.
"No one did, I just thought it would be a good time to use my secret weapon is all" Weevil coyly responded.

Weevil then pulled out a glowing green stone.

"You've been brainwashed!" Yami expressed.

He was right, but that's why Weevil wasn't listening, he was fuelled by rage and revenge, which clouded his judgement on what was happening.

Weevil explained that he wanted to Duel to seal away the Pharaohs soul along with Yugi.

"You want a fight then Duel me!" Ana said as she stood by Yami's side.
"Ana- I can't let you do that!"
"No offence but you fucked up once already, why should I let you Duel?!" she harshly responded, clearly touching a sensitive nerve.
"Master Dartz is only interested in the Pharaohs Soul, but if you want to join in him I'll be happy to duel you both!" Weevil chuckled evilly.
"Back off" Ana shouted back at Yami.

It didn't feel right raising her voice to him, but she felt she had to try and so something to help.

"I can't I lost my friend I don't want to lose you too, would destroy me!" Yami pleaded.

Ana paused and was surprised by his admission.

"Yami I- "
"Ana please, let me protect you, I owe it to Yugi to keep fighting, I can't lose anyone else"
"Enough talk- I challenge you Pharaoh!" Weevil screamed.

And without warning he played the seal of Orichalchous.
The power of the Seal sends Ana flaying back onto the next car

"ANA!" Yami called out to her.
"Worry about yourself, I'm fine, now beat this child!" she called back, reassuringly.

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