Chapter 56

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The little kids all ran out cheering and talking about the match

Rick- the little boy- jumped down followed by the pharaoh. He then gave him his deck back

"Well done, in the end it was your passion for your cards that saved us" Yami explained to Rick.

Ana then stood up and walked over to the Pharaoh and Rick.

"Awww, it was nothing" Rick said.

"You're deck rocks, I'll trade anything for a few of those Dragons" one kid complemented Rick.

They all then started talking in excitement as the rest of them made their way out, once outside Ana breathed in the fresh air as she walked side by side with the Pharaoh.

"Yeah good guys win again!" Joey cheered.

"Nice how it always works out that way isn't it?" Tea agreed.

"Thanks for the card Yugi, I'll take real good care of it" Rick said, gratefully.

"Good" Yami reciprocated.

"See ya, mom dad you'll never guessed what happened!" Rick called out.

He then ran off to join his family.

"Eh, about that underdog card, you said it reminded you of someone" Joey started.

"I did? Oh yes well.... a little help here" Yami said to the side.

Suddenly he vanished and Yugi was standing there instead.

"Oh yeah that's real mature Pharaoh!"

"Well Yug? Cause everyone over there seems to think I remind you of that underdog card" Joey insinuated, wrapping an arm around Yugi's shoulder and part of his neck.

"They do huh? Well let me think of the best way to put this Joey, that card makes me think of you because even when the odds are against you, you still manage to pull through" Yugi timidly explained.

"I can see your business cards now, 'Joey Wheeler executive underdog'" Tristan mocked.

Joey held his fist to Tristan and Ana lightly laughed.

"HEY WATCH IT!" Joey yelled back.

Suddenly then a copter landed not far from the Dome and out came Kaiba in that sexy white suit.

"MOKUBA!" Seto called out.

Mokuba then ran over to his big brother.

"So, is everything alright?" Kaiba asked.

"You're a bit late to save the day don't you think?! Yugi already did that" Joey called out while walking towards Kaiba. 

The rest of the friends then ran over, and Ana stood next to Mokuba.

"But since you're already here maybe you can fix that whacko computer of yours rich boy!" Joey continued to berate.

"Settle down you underdog" Kaiba responded, haughtily.

Everyone lightly laughed including Ana.

"Who was it?" Mokuba asked.

"I don't know Mokuba, there's a long list of suspects- Ana your back- oh- your hands, what happened?" he asked, slightly concerned.

"The computer shocked me it still kinda burns" She explained.

"Let's get you to the park Dr" he said.

"Oh, here's your laptop back" Rebecca said and held it to Ana.

Kaiba proceeded to take it from her, then escorted Ana to the copter and sat her down.

"I'll take care of that, come on" he replied

"Seto?" Ana started.


"I think we should increase security for the tournament tonight, we can't afford anything else going wrong" Ana suggested.

"Yes, you're right, Roland get on it! The only attacks this week will be in the Kaiba Dome" Kaiba instructed.
"Yes Sir "

"And anyone who is late for the tournament registration will be disqualified. Mokuba make sure Wheelers' late" Kaiba calmly said, nonchalant.

"HEY HOLD ON! I KNOW AN INSULT WHEN I HEAR ONE! LOOK AT ME WHEN IM YELLING AT YA!" Joey screamed with his fist clenched. 

Kaiba continued on walking and Ana laughed to herself.

Night had fallen and everyone who was entered in the tournament was going to be in the ball room in the KC building any minute now. Ana was already dressed and ready and was with Kaiba outside a set of doors that lead to the main room

"Uff! Hey, think you can sort out my Tie?" Kaiba asked.

Ana lightly laughed and walked over to him and started helping.

"There ya go"

Together they both walked through the doors and was met by Roland.

"Um Seto...should we not be starting yet?" Ana suggested.

"Yes we should, Roland let's get this started" Kaiba instructed.

"But Mr Kaiba we can't not all of our contestants are here yet" Roland tried to explain.

"Then he's disqualified, didn't I make that clear?!"

Roland was getting a bit nervous now

"Seto cool it, Roland Seto did say that so I'm afraid that is the final word" Ana agreed.

Suddenly they heard someone behind Kaiba and they both turned around and saw a young man with long pink hair.

"Sorry for my tardiness, traffic was a nightmare, by the way Heir Kaiba I'm Zigfried" he introduced himself with a German accent.

"I don't care who you are, you show some respect if you want to stick around!" Kaiba said, demandingly.

Zigfried smiled and held up Ana's hand.

"Good evening Miss Starline, you're more beautiful up close and in person" he flattered her.

Ana lightly blushed

"W... why thank you" she responded, shyly.

He then kissed her hand and winked as he walked away, Ana held her cheek with one hand blushing still.

"Well...he's charming" Ana whispered to Kaiba.

"Oh yeah like a snake" Kaiba responded, sarcastically.

Ana lightly laughed and followed him on the stage, from there they could see all the duellists along with TV, radio and newspaper people in the room.

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