Chapter 6

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He couldn't help it, that girl they kept bumping into today- more than a coincidence, and even stranger there was something about her that seemed almost odd.
A type of power was emitted from her, but what was it?

"Spirit? You okay?" Yugi asked.

Yami snapped out of his thoughts instantly.

"Huh- What?"he stuttered.
"Something on your mind?" Yugi asked.
"No nothing...I'm fine" Yami replied.
"Come on Spirit you can't lie to me" Yugi reminded Yami.

Yami knew he was right, they did share a mind and body after all.

"Let me guess you're thinking about that girl too? Thinking it was weird bumping into her so much today...even weirder she's with Mokuba and Seto, and even more weird that well...did you feel that power/energy coming from her?" Yugi summarised.
"I did indeed, it's strong, I...I just can't describe it though" Yami bumbled.
"Me either. But I'm sure we'll be seeing more of her; oddly I wonder if she's Kaiba's girlfriend" Yugi pondered.
"Well I'm sure we'll find the answers we need in this tournament"
"Yeah, don't worry Spirit, everything will be fine. But we should get some sleep" Yugi suggested. "Of course, rest well Yugi" Yami replied.

Yami smiled and then swapped places with Yugi and settled into the puzzle for a good night's sleep.
Ana was still on her bed and very close to finishing the database, luckily she worked swiftly.
It was nearly 9:45 and by the looks of things she would finish earlier than expected.
Ana was coming near the end of the list now all in alphabetical order according to their first names for some reason.
Joey, Mai, Mayko, Rex, Weevil, Yugi.She was finally looking at Yugi's data and decided to take her time with this one.

"Well lookie here, 5-star rating and a Dark Magician as his rare card, hmm have to say I hope we duel in the final exhibition match. I'd love to fight that magician and win it, besides my deck could use another man in it" Ana said to herself.

She finished double checking his data then came to his image.
Oddly, she actually smiled to herself as thoughts of him come into her mind.

"He actually is kinda cute, but this isn't the little Yugi I met...this is the other one...I must find out more about him. And if according to what Ishizu said this Yugi is a vessel for the Spirit, then maybe he is the spirit, and well...maybe he IS the Pharaoh, now that would be something, and - ooh I see now I kinda get how all this is connected.If that Spirit is the Pharaoh, and Kaiba is the one he needs to duel to prevent this evil, and they are using the God cards...I guess that explains why I'm in the tournament, but I wonder what good I'll do; and on top of that this must be the whole repeat thing that Ishizu was talking about" Ana summarised, recalling that Ishizu had said that history would repeat itself.

Realising she was running away with her thoughts, Ana quickly finished off her work, saved and stored it on a memory stick and would upload it first thing in the morning.

"All done and dusted" she said as she turned off and closed her laptop placing it on her side table with the red folder on top.

Yawning as she looked at the clock, she got off the bed and closed the curtains before walking back across the room to turn the light off and settled back into the bed.

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