Chapter 60

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Ana hopped on the next car out and made her way to the Kaiba Dome.
On the way she couldn't help but go through the security her surprise this attack came from within the park.
The IP Address of the machine that had initiated the virus was here, and most certainly not in the range of the KC systems.
However, that's all the information she was able to obtain.
But maybe that was enough to help Kaiba and save the tournament.
Even more revealing was the first attack, which was from an IP that hacked into the system through an external source.
Granted it may have been masked- but it was still something.

Ana literally ran up to the monitoring box and saw Mokuba and Seto overlooking the dome and listening for the announcements of the next rounds.

"There you both are!" she panted.
"Ana, you ok" Mokuba asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine- Seto have you got a second?" she asked and pulled out her laptop.
"What is it?"
"This is what, I did some digging. The IP address of the party targeting the KC Network was an external IP located in Europe somewhere. But get this, the one from today wasn't from a KC device- look" Ana enthused and shoved the laptop in his face.

Kaiba glanced at it and appeared impressed.

"Nice, this just further improvise my theory" he responded.
"What theory, you know who's doing this?" Ana asked.
"I think it's Zigfried"
"Really, hmm; what makes you think that?"
"Ana, remember the event we met at when we were kids?"

Ana paused for a moment and recalled the occasion.

"Yeah, what about it?"
"There was a man there talking to my step father, he was from a company called Schroder Corp" Kaiba began to explain.
"Ok- I don't remember that, granted I think I had left by then"

Kaiba realised her assessment of the night was accurate.

"So, you think that man did this?" she asked.
"I think it's his son, and that he and Zigfried are the same person" Kaiba explained.

His theory peaked her interest.

"I see...and I assume you're trying to accumulate evidence?" she additionally asked.
"We've got people doing background checks on them now, hopefully something will turn up" Mokuba answered.
"Ok- great, well next set of rounds now, we should focus on that0" Ana was interrupted as Roland walked in holding a file.

He then explained that he had carried out checks on Zigfried and did not fine that he had any connections to the Schroder family. In fact, they couldn't turn up any personal background on him at all.

"Well that sounds dodgy regardless" Ana commented.

Roland went on to explain in 3 years Zigfried had participated in 50+ tournaments, finishing in the top 4 each time.
Furthermore, explaining that he managed to gain access into these tournaments through letters of recommendations.
He handed Kaiba a list of the people who provided the recommendations, and when questioned they had refused to answer any.
Kaiba flicked through the file and suggested they question a particular person once more, and bride him if need be.
Agreeing to his instructions Roland up and left.

"That positive, are you?" Ana asked.
"There's just something about him that I don't trust" he responded.
"He does act overly confident and odd- anyway- we have the next rounds lined up; Rebecca and Leon and Zigfried and the Mathematician" Ana informed them.
"I'm curious to see some matches, so I'm taking a break- call if you need me" Ana said and left the laptop behind.

Mokuba noticed something off about his brother's behaviour towards Ana and decided to address it.

"Something wrong Seto?" he asked, concerned.
"I suspect Zigfried, but I can't help but suspect Ana too"

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