Chapter 50

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The beautiful lights in the sky gently lit up the area, and from the sky emerged small lavender balls of light, each one holding a monster- equivalent to that of the Duel Monsters everyone knows.
In one ball was the Dark Magician Girl- she rallied the monsters encouraging them to fight alongside the humans in order to defeat the Leviathan.

So with great determination the monsters all began attacking the great beast, followed by some familiar monsters that belonged to Kaiba, Yami and Joey.

"This is amazing" Ana gasped as she tightened her hold on Mokuba's shoulders.

But sadly it did nothing, diamond shaped green lights shot from the beast and killed their monsters...including the 3 Legendary Knights.

"Yami- Kaiba!" Ana screamed.
"What's happening?!" tea asked.

Everyone then saw that the beast had grabbed hold of the 3 boys and held them close to the beast.

"No!" Ana screamed.

With great determination she ran back to the room where the souls were kept.

"What are you doing?!" Mokuba asked.
"I need to try and help them- I refuse to sit here and do nothing!" she screamed.

There appeared to be a portal in the room, wasting no time she ran through it and found herself on the Atlantis island.
There she was faced with the great beast.

"Well, well I hope this isn't the calvalrey" Dartz mocked.

But she could not see him anywhere, only hear him.

"Well I hope you don't think this is over, I can still fight you!" she yelled.

Then summoned several of her monsters.

"This isn't over" she screamed.

Suddenly her Millennium locket began glowing, a bright light wrapped around her and then burst into small shards.

"Whats this?!" Dartz called out.

"You say we had brought this evil on the world, but it is not us, it is you and your weak heart. Having given into such darkness makes you unfit to have ever been the King of Atlantis. My King and I did not fall prey to such greed and madness, he did all he could to protect his land; and as I did then, I shall do now and stand by him!" she called out.

The light that emitted from her then channelled itself into the great beast and as soon as it hit it's chest smaller sparks of gold light appeared.

"I do not fear you, nor do I hold any anger towards you Dartz, I pity lost all you loved, your wife, father and even your daughter. Therefore your darkness cannot work on us, our hearts are purer than you think!" she continued.

Then from the best emerged 3 distinct beams of light; blue, gold and red...all of which shot out and into the sky- along with a single large ball of light and inside it was Seto, Yami and Joey.
The light surrounding Ana disappeared and the boys landed before her.

Ana however was weak from the surge of power and fell to the ground.

"Ana!" Seto called out and ran to her.

Everyone looked to the sky and saw all the Egyptian Gods had risen, but then disappeared with the great leviathan into the skies, well above the dark clouds gone from sight.

The next thing they could see was the sky being lit up by flashes of red, blue and gold; there was quite a battle going on up there, but it was not clear as to what was happening exactly.
Suddenly a massive white hold ripped through the darkness of the sky and illuminated the area.

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