Chapter 80

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"Oh my head is killing me" Ana groaned.

As she began to awake from sleep, she could feel herself on a very soft appeared to be a bed.

"I must have been dreaming" she whispered.

Then she sat up and her eyes fluttered open...expecting to look around and find herself in her room or on her plane...she was shocked to see that this was not that case.

"Oh my various Gods...where am I?" she yelled and jumped up out of a king sized bed.

Looking around frantically, Ana found herself in the most beautiful and majestic room she had ever seen.
But this room...was that of a Royal family member, a royal of Egypt.
God statues were around the room, flame torches hung on the walls, decorative gold features were all over the place...but the most damning thing...was the reflection she saw in a gold shield that seemed to double as a mirror.

"AH!" Ana screamed, looking upon her reflection.

What she saw was her...yet it was not her.
She wore ancient garments of such soft material, adorn in gold jewellery and on her left arm...a strange accessory whose purpose remained unclear.
Her hair had grown much longer and her eyes were a lighter shade of brown.

"What is going on here?" she whispered, touching her face lightly.
"Princess- I mean your Majesty!" called out a voice.

Then in burst what appeared to be a guard, armed with a spear.

"We heard a scream, is everything alright?" he said, standing in a defensive stance.

Ana was speechless and just nodded her head.

"Um yeah, no everything is fine, I just, it was a bad dream" she stuttered.
"Very well, apologies for the bursting in your grace" he responded and left the room, closing the massive door behind him.

Ana then wandered around the room and behind a set of gossamer white curtains she saw a balcony.
Walking upon it her eyes widened in complete shock...before her, below the balcony existing an Egyptian City...but this was not in ruins, it was as if...she had been transported back in time.

" God..." she gasped and backed up.

Fearful, she opened the door and was struck even further by the architecture of the place, delicately engraved and decorated pillars stretched up for miles high and all the way down the halls, walls were made of alabaster stones and the smell of burning incense floated upon the air all around her, carrying the scent of musk all over.
It would appear she was in a Palace.

As she continued down the halls, she saw guards posted every few feet like statues.
Naturally she had no idea where she was going, until someone called out to her.

"Your Grace" said a voice.

Turning around Ana saw a familiar face.

"Oh Ishizu, thank goodness" Ana sighed and rested a hand on her chest.
"Begging your pardon your highness my name is Isis" she responded and bowed her head.

As if poor Ana wasn't confused enough.

"Um...right- my bad, I must have forgotten..." Ana tried to recover herself.
"No issue your Grace, you have been feeling under the weather the last couple days" Isis responded.
"I have?" Ana asked.
"Of course, you were complaining of dizziness" Isis replied, confused.

An then chuckled nervously.

"Oh yeah, of course I remember now...guess it did a number on me" she joked.
"Apologies your Grace, but are you well now, you don't seem to quite be yourself" Isis questioned.
"No, well yeah, I'm alright, I think I'm's been a quite a day" Ana said glancing around.
"Oh, that it has, the Pharaoh is awaiting your arrival" Isis added and motioned her hand for Ana to follow her.

With little other choice, she did so.

"The Pharaoh is waiting for me...what exactly is he waiting for?" Ana questioned.
"Well for the coronation" Isis replied.
"Coronation...?" Ana repeated.

It was then that she suddenly found herself in a throne room, filled with guards, musicians, dancers and tables of food and drink.

"Oh my gosh..." Ana gasped.

She then looked ahead and saw the Pharaoh, but something was so different, his appearance had drastically changed, and to say the least he was incredibly handsome.
Ana's cheeks flushed red seeing him and even more so when Isis announced you.

"Announcing her Royal Majesty, our new Queen of Egypt" she loudly spoke.

Everyone in the room parted for Ana to enter, and bowed on their knees before her.

"This is insane!" she pondered.

As she got closer, she saw a chair next to Yami and assumed it beside him.

"Yami is that you?" she whispered.
"Ana, yes it's me- what's going on here?" he asked her.
"You're asking me- I woke up like this!" she whispered back in hushed tones.

Ana then glanced ahead and lightly gasped.

"Oh my God who are they?!" she whispered to him, grabbing at his arms.

Yami then explained that they were the royal guards, each one possessed a Millennium item of which each held their own special powers. He then explained his theory on how Duel monsters came about and how they had extracted a monster from a human, freeing him of darkness.

"Yami this is crazy" she ushered.
"I know...but their main objective is to protect me- well us it would seem" he responded.

In that moment...something dawned on Ana, her eyes widened as she glanced down at Yami's left hand...then to his ring finger...nervously she then glanced down at her own.

"Oh...Christ!" she gasped and stood up.

"Something wrong my Queen?" said an old man.

Looking to her right she saw someone who looked like Mr Mouto.

"Um, no, I'm fine...but you know what, I could do with some water" she asked.
"Here you are my Queen" Ana turned her head and gasped as before her...was Seto...but it wasn't him at the same time.

They looked exactly the same, but he had dark skin and wore a stunning blue Priest Tunic.

"Seto?" she whispered.
"Yes, my Queen, is there anything else I can do for you?" he asked and held a challis of water towards her.

Ana was speechless for a moment.

"No, that's fine" she said, he then bowed his head and walked away.
"I think I'm beginning to see how I may have fainted the first time" Ana whispered to Yami.

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