Chapter 64

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Despite the way the match was going it couldn't- shouldn't be stopped. It would have caused Kaiba and Ana significant financial loss, and they couldn't let that happen.
A new Champion was promised to the world and so it would be.

"Is this really a forbidden card- no way, my brother would never lie to me like that" Leon expressed.
"Leon, just continue your move. The Golden Castle of Stromberg was accepted by your Duel Disk, so it can't be illegal. Now show these people what it means to be a Schroder" Zigfried called out.
"If children weren't here, I'd tell you what it means" Ana scoffed.
"How could you?!" Yami accused.
"I knew you were a jerk but lying to your own brother!" Joey shouted.

In that moment everyone began to sympathise with Leon, he had been lied to by his own brother.
And it was clear the boy felt regretful at his choice in having played the card.

"Who are you going to believe- these strangers or your own flesh and blood?!" Zigfried shouted.
"It's just, I don't wanna win by cheating" Leon fearfully responded.
"I told you that card is legal!" Zigfried urged.
"Don't trust him" Yami advised Leon.
"Why not?"
"He's just using you- he reprogrammed Kaiba's Duelling system, forcing our duel disks to accept an illegal card!" Yami accused.
"Is this true?" Leon begged.
"Well it looks like I've been figured out, but it's too late to stop me now. The most powerful card never released is already on the field and no one can stop it!" Zigfried claimed.
"Zigfried, I was supposed to win fair and square/ That was the plan, don't you remember?" Leon whined.
"It turned out the rules didn't fit my needs. Now use the card I have you and let me handle the rest" Zigfried ordered.

The colour drained from his little face, the truth was out, and it seemed there was very little he could do to stop it; the poor boy was heartbroken.

"Your dream is about to be realised" Zigfried continued.
"You're right my dream is to win in a battle against Yugi, but I refuse to do it by breaking the rules" Leon responded.

He then pulled a card from his hand, Mystical space typhoon to rid the field of the castle.
However to everyone's despair, it didn't leave.

"I knew you would turn on me, which is why I took matters into my own hands. You see since the card was never finished in creation, I was able to add a few twists of my own" Zigfried commented.
"Looks like you he rewrote the file and altered the data on that card" Ana observed.
"What have you done?!" Seto demanded.
"Ta da, witness if you will the final phase of my revenge"
"Spill it!" Seto screamed.
"Well if you think I hacked into your Duelling system just to alter one card, then you're wrong. In fact, that card was nothing more than a kay, and once it was played it unlocked the most devastating virus ever created" Zigfried explained.
"Launch the anti-viral programme immediately" Seto ordered his guard.
" Too little too late, every one of Kaiba Corps program files and data banks are being deleted as we speak. And when your empire crumbles, Maximillian Pegasus will have no choice but to negotiate a partnership with me"

Leon displayed great remorse, and his next action showed how much decency he had.

"All I wanted was to face you in a duel, but this is all wrong, so I quit" Leon said and reached to place his hand over his disk, signifying forfeit.

"It's not that easy" Zigfried interrupted, stopping Leon.
"You should know me better than that. My virus can't be stopped by surrendering- destroy the castle and the virus will stop" he continued.
"How, magic and trap cards are useless against it right?" Tea confirmed.
"Yeah and who knows what other abilities Zigfried added to that thing"
"Duel against me with everything you have, and together we will put an end to your brothers' selfish scheme, every card has a weakness and we just need to figure out this one. But we don't have much time" Yami instructed and reassured Leon.

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