Chapter 47

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The Duel was surprising to say the least,
But the most interesting thing was that despite Raphael losing the Duel, he did not lose his soul.

"The seal is gone- doesn't it take someone's soul?"
"It should" Raphael responded, equally confused.
"I have a theory, the seal of Orichalcos is powered by the darkness within the person who plays it. But Raphael was able to conquer that darkness" Yami explained.
"So my soul was spared- I'm free" Raphael realised.

Suddenly the entire building started shaking.

"The building's collapsing"
Get out of here while you can, you don't have much time" Raphael warned them.

Suddenly the floor split, the lift exploded, and things were still shaking.

"Mr Kaiba up here!"

Looking up they saw it was Kaiba's Copter, it had landed waiting for them to jump on.
Everyone ran up and Yami was bravely helping Raphael up the stairs, but the stairs began shattering, and Roland began pressing that they leave else they would not be able to take off.
With great bravery and sacrifice, Raphael pushed Yami onto the ledge and threw him a small black bit of plastic.
Yami begged Raphael to hold on and let him help, but the once dark hearted being simply asked Yami to take out Dartz and stop the darkness from spreading.
Not able to stay any longer, Yami had no choice but to jump on the copter with everyone else; letting Raphael fall to his fate.
Tea and Tristan helped Yami onto the copter as it took off.
The building shattered and standing there in its place was a type of temple.

"How weird" Ana commented.
"Kaiba have a look at this" Yami said and handed the small bit of plastic to Kaiba.
"What's this?"
"It's some kind of computer chip, Raphael gave it to me" Yami responded.

Seto took hold of it and plugged it into his phone.

"Huh, it looks like a map" Seto realised.
"To where?" Mokuba asked
"To Dartz's lair" Yami responded.

Kaiba threw the device to Roland, telling him to follow the map.
However it would seem pointless, because as they were flying 3 white helicopters armed with weapons began escorting them.

"Don't tell me Dartz has his own air force?!" Tristan exclaimed.
"I think he wants us to follow them" Mokuba stated.
"Like we have a choice" Tea responded.
"Mr Kaiba, it appears they have lead us to a government air force base" Roland informed them.

The copter was landed on a moving sea ship, everyone departed the copter and was met with a number of men in uniform.

"Just so I'm clear on this, you're good guys right:" Tristan asked.
"We'd like to think so, after all it's our duty to protect and serve the public. In fact, we tracked you kids down because we need your help dealing with a world-wide threat. Crazy as it sounds, we think our only help is with a card game" a man explained.
"Yeah, thinking about it that does sound nuts" Ana responded in mild shame.
"You're right, someone is using the game of Duel Monsters to wipe us out" Yami added.
"Now you understand why we need your help, who better than to stop this menace than the Duel Monsters experts?" the man concluded.
"I see, so if I'm not mistaken, you're asking us to do your job" Seto summarised brashly.
"The fact is, we've been following Dartz around for months, but he leaves no evidence behind, and with no proof, my men and I can't do a thing." the man continued to explain.

So he basically pleaded for help, they thanked the group and wasting no time the KC chopper was on the move again to the location on the map. But on the way there, a mighty storm was kicking up and everyone was being mildly rocked around the chopper.
Soon a small island came into view and they landed.

"We've arrived at the heart of evil" Yami stated.
"Do you always have to be so dramatic?" Seto asked.

Ana giggled and smiled then turned to Yami.

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