Chapter 57

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Everyone turned their attention to the front of the room, Roland grabbed a mike and proceeded with introductions.

"May have your attention please Ladies and Gentlemen, this day will go down in history; for today begins the most prestigious Duel Monsters Tournament ever to be organised. Welcome to the Kaiba Corp Grand Championship"

Following this, the duellists all made their way to the stage at the head of the room.

"We've circled the globe to bring you this all-star congregation of duellists!"

With that Roland introduced all of the contestants, ending with Yugi, stating that whoever wins the tournament gains the opportunity to Duel him for the Duel Monsters Champion title.

"To ensure fair play; match parings will be randomly chosen by our computer just before every Duel. Once again on behalf of the Kaiba Corporation, I'd like to wish you all the very best of luck" Roland concluded.

With introductions out the way everyone continued to enjoy the event for a while longer, as part of their involvement in the tournament they were all given rooms to stay in for the next few nights.
At one-point Ana was chatting to Roland about the preparations for tomorrow, as she did so Yami had appeared and interrupted them.

"Oh, hi Pharaoh, how are you?"
"I'm fine, you look very lovely tonight"
"Thank you" she simply responded and smiled.
"This should be quite the event" Yami added.

Ana just nodded and forced a smile.

"Ana there's something I wanted to tell you before but I suppose the events that happened stopped me, anyway-"Yami was about to continue with his sentence only to be stopped.

Just then Seto appeared and stood beside her.

"There you are Ana, I think we better leave soon before-"
"Miss Starline, Mr Kaiba may we have a few words from you about the tournament?" called out a reporter with a mike held to Ana's face.
"Of course, how may we help?" she politely responded.
"How long did all this take?"
"Several months" Seto swiftly answered.
"How have you been able to keep your business afloat while doing this?"
"I've had help internally, both KC and Starline Enterprises are flourishing" she informed them
"What's your connection to Mr Kaiba?"
"I'm sorry excuse me?" Ana asked back, rather sternly.
"Your relationship with Mr Kaiba?" the reporter repeated.

Ana sighed and forced a smile once more.

"This is purely business, we are both Duel monster enthusiasts and want to help expand the sport where possible. No more questions" she said and walked past Yami and Seto out the room.

Irritated by such a question she took the lift upstairs and began to make her way to her room to settle in for the night; tomorrow would be a very busy day for everyone. 

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