Chapter 24

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Ana and Kaiba were trying to find a way to get Mokuba back so they began wondering around the virtual world, until they came to an interesting sight, it appeared to be a small city.
Kaiba then advanced forward and suddenly manifested into the city.

"This is amazing, what is it?" Ana gasped.

She glanced all over and a detailed life size Blue-Eyes White Dragon statue suddenly caught her eye.

"Wow" she blankly said.
"It's a virtual copy of the duel monsters theme park I designed" Kaiba explained.
"A theme park? What a great idea" she enthused.
"But there's no way Noah could have known about this, the blue prints for 'Kaiba Land' are top secret and construction isn't scheduled to begin for another 4 years" Kaiba pondered, confused.

Ana then followed him to an entrance of the main building, where a chess board and key pad rested on the wall behind it.

"Every detail is replicated even the backdoor security system" Kaiba noted.

The metal doors then rolled up.


So, they both continued in together.

"I can't wait to see this place one day. You'll make a huge impact in the market with this" Ana said, excitedly.

Kaiba however remained silent. But he wasn't aware Ana noticed quite a significant detail back at the entrance; but decided to keep it to herself for now. They both continued inside until another virtual wooden door appeared.

"Well, come on" Ana said.
"What, why?" Ana asked.
"It could be a trap, I'll open it first" he replied.

Stepping aside confused, she allowed him to do so; but stuck closely behind him. But with great surprise it revealed a room with an old movie projector and a white display screen.

"A cheap movie projector?! Get with the times Noah" Kaiba demanded.

Ana lightly giggled and watched as Kaiba flip a switch to start the machine.
On that screen it appeared to show memories of Noah's life with Gorzoboro Kaiba; playing in the garden, birthday parties, rides on private yachts. And through it all, both were happy.

"How sad...that kid is still trying to convince me that he's Gorzoboro Kaiba's Son. Nice try but it'll take more than a few home movies to do that" Kaiba scoffed.
"How could this happen?" said a woman on the film.
"Don't worry, Noah can still be saved; I'll find a way" said Gorzoboro.
"Saved?" Ana repeated.
"But how?" said the woman.
"There's nothing I can't do" Gorzoboro shouted.
"What's all this mean?" Kaiba questioned.
"Noah may have had an accident, and if all this is real...well it must have been serious" Ana theorised.
"And right before Mokuba and I were adopted" Kaiba realised.

The movie then ended and together they both left the room.

"I still don't know why Noah would care about you wanting to know about his life anyway" Ana pondered.
"Unless someone else is behind this" Kaiba said, ominously.
"Hmm, perhaps; but I wonder who else would be"

Kaiba had raised an interesting point, but the possibilities of who it could be was unnerving.
Regardless, they both carried on down a corridor leading to a set of large metal sliding doors.

"Noah may have tried his best to recreate my Duel monsters theme park. But it's obvious this is just a virtual rip off" Kaiba scoffed.

They reached a set of doors that slowly parted, and a flash of light appeared to the right of them upon entrance.
Turning towards it, Ana was amazed to see a stunning, detailed Blue-Eyes white Dragon themed train.

"Wow" she gasped.
"Stand behind the white line and wait for passengers to leave.... Please enter and stand clear of the doors" said a PA system.

Sceptically Ana followed Kaiba in.

"At least he got this right" he commented.
"I hate trains, they make my ears pop and it reminds me of the London Underground. Not fun" Ana moaned.

But inside was lavish and they both sat in seats separated from each other but in the same row.

"May I have your attention please, all passengers who have stolen family empires from their rightful owners listen carefully" announced Noah on the speakers.
"He really can't get off this kick" Ana groaned, and rolled her eyes.
"Prepare to exit at the next stop" Noah ordered.
"You know what, I prefer the underground, at least I knew I was somewhat safer on there" Ana said and folded her arms.
"We'll be fine, but when I get my hands-on Noah, he won't be" Kaiba threatened.
"We are leaving Kaiba Land, welcome to your final destination- for eternity" Noah said.

Looking outside they were surrounded by molten lava, with huge rocky platforms dotted all around. Ana could then see Noah standing alone and waiting, once close enough the train stopped and they both swiftly got off.

"Please watch your step while exiting. I wouldn't want you to burn to smithereens before our duel" Noah smirked.
"Look, I want my brother back right now, your cowardly little runt!" Kaiba demanded.
"He's my brother" Noah retorted.
"Noah, watch what you say!" Kaiba warned him.
"Mokuba hates you, he'll be happier once I've scattered your mind throughout Cyber Space. Now I can finally do what I've been waiting to do for years! Prove to myself and my father that I am superior to you in every single way Seto" Noah said menacingly.
"If you're so great, why am I the president of Kaiba Corp?" Kaiba mocked.
"Because of an unfortunate twist of fate that wasn't supposed to happen. But now I can correct that mistake. Gorzoboro Kaiba is my father! NOT YOURS! And he always intended to pass his company over to me" Noah screamed, liked a spoiled child.
"Keep dreaming kid" Kaiba scoffed.
"It's all true!"
"Who are you? We saw your home movies and you owe me some answers" Kaiba demanded.

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