Chapter 63

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Ana planned to meet Seto at the fortress; but not before making a quick trip back to the office first.

"Seto!" she called out as she advanced towards the fortress.

He turned to face her.

"There you are, congratulations on your win- not that I doubted you" she expressed.
"He didn't even stand a chance- fast thinking by the way" he responded.

Ana smiled and flicked her hair back.

"Well if you go down so do I, besides; Mokuba and I could see how gutted you have been about not being able to participate" Ana explained.

Seto lightly smirked and proceeded up a set of stairs; Ana followed, but there was no exchange of words between them.
Together they stopped at an entrance at the top that led to the balcony overlooking 2 more balconies where the final duel would be held.

"The championship bout is about to begin in Kaiba Land's Blue Eyes Fortress!" Roland announced.

The audience roared with great anticipation.

"Welcome to what may be the most anticipated duel ever played- the final bout of the KC Grand Championship! Now give it up for our current title holder; Yugi Mouto" Roland introduced.

Yami then appeared besides Roland.

"And now our challenger and very own boy wonder- Leon Wilson!" he continued.

The two of them shuffled decks and went their separate ways.

"And now, to kick off the festivities, please welcome a very special pair of people!" Roland announced.

With that both Ana and Seto stepped out into the light, overlooking everyone.

"A pair, without which none of this would have been possible; the host of the KC Championship Tournament- Mr Seto Kaiba! And our beautiful sponsor Miss Anastasia Starline!" Roland practically yelled.
"Leave it to Kaiba to make this tournament all about him" Joey moaned.
"Well he did organised it and pay for it and build the theme park to host it, so I'd say it IS all about him" Duke summarised.
"Yeah, now that I think of it, the only thing Kaiba didn't do this Duel" Tea added.
"You're right and let me tell you he wanted to participate in this tournament more than anything. But he was too busy opening up Kaiba land and improving our company's image. He's the only one who really deserves to face Yugi" Mokuba added.

He then smiled at Ana and realised that not only was Seto wrong about accusing her- but that she went above and beyond for him and Seto. With her quick thinking at least Kaiba got to play in one match for the whole world to see.

"The KC Grand Championship Tournament was designed with one thing in mind; finding the only person besides myself- who deserves to be called the greatest duellist in the world!" Kaiba announced.

Ana lightly shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"So, these two competitors will face—off in one final battle to determine just that. Now- start the Duel!" he ordered.

Ana smiled at Seto who lightly smiled back, she then turned to Yami and fluttered her fingers.
With that things kicked off!
Within the first few minutes though, it became apparent that something appeared to be wrong with Leon.
He was very aggressive towards Yami, expressing that he always dreamed of facing him in a duel and to win.

"Since this match started, Leon's been acting like a jerk" Rebecca noted.
"For once I agree with you dorks" Kaiba interrupted, drawing attention to those on the balcony below.
"I've been watching all the competitors closely since the tournament began, and something definitely seems different about that kid" he added.

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