Chapter 26

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With great horror Ana watched as Noah had turned Kaiba and Mokuba into stone.
Looking down she saw Kaiba's deck scattered all around. Quickly and carefully, she scooped them up and tightly held it in her hands; all while her rage was building. In that time the Pharaoh was suddenly by her side.

"Noah! You think you're the best, I think this shows your father you're a coward" Yami called out. "What are you talking about Yugi, I defeated Seto in this Duel fair and Square!" Noah tried to defend.
"Fair my arse! You kidnapped Mokuba and used him to protect yourself. You're a pathetic excuse for a duellist and whatever part of you that's human!" Ana screamed.
"So, you think I cheated?" Noah scoffed.
"Hell, yeah you did! Seto could have beaten you- no problem. But he loves his little brother so much that he's more important than winning!" Ana screamed back.
"All you've proven here today is you're a weak little boy who needed to cheat to get his way. And as far as I'm concerned you didn't win this Duel!" Yami added.
"So, here's what we'll do, you'll Duel me, I'll use the remained of Seto's deck and win! After all, Seto has 4000 life points left, let's see you try and beat me in a fair fight!" Ana confidently spoke. "That's the most foolish challenge I've ever heard" Noah scoffed.
"So, what? You accept or you're shitting yourself because I'd beat you?" Ana mocked.
"Ana, what are you doing?" Yami asked her.
"Defending a colleague and saving us. This child won't stand a chance" Ana sternly responded. "Let me Duel him" Yami insisted.
"No Pharaoh, I have to do this" she abruptly replied.
"Fine I accept!" Noah agreed.
"Don't be a doofus!" Joey yelled at Ana.
"Okay...that's an odd word" Ana simply said.
"He has near 7000 life points to your 400" Joey observed.
"Oh, I'm shaking in my expensive silk night dress. I've seen worse and I CAN do better" she responded, confidently.
"Once I defeat you Ana, I'll turn every one of you into stone!" Noah threatened.
"Just try it!" Joey dared.

Suddenly the ground started shaking and Yami jumped up to attempt to save Ana, but a circle formed around them both and a large chunk of rock beneath them separated from the ground, now both Noah and Ana were both levitating above Yugi's friends.

"If you lose you let us all go!" Ana demanded.
"With pleasure and may the best duellist win!" Noah boasted, confidently.
"Thank you, I appreciate your support" Ana mocked, then slotted Kaiba's deck into her Duel Disk.
"Ana please!" Yami urged and held her left hand.
"Stop it! I don't need you to fight this. I can manage alone; besides I reckon I have just as much if not more than a chance at winning this" she snapped.

She didn't in the slightest bit mean to be rude to Yami. But just because he was a Pharaoh and a great duellist, she wasn't going to back down from a challenge she threw down. At this point however, it was a matter of not just her pride but the respect and admiration she had for Kaiba and Mokuba.


This was intense and dramatic, in her first turn she were already down to 200 Life points. But Ana never went into a Duel without knowing she could win. Throughout the Duel Yugi's friends were cheering and offering support, of which to a point Noah snapped and turned Duke into stone first. As if the pressure wasn't bad enough at the moment.

"Since you have do much faith in her, I'll put your fate in her hands. Each turn Anastasia fails to defeat me, another of you will be frozen in time with a look of despair on your faces!" Noah laughed.
"Hmm, nice threat ranks up to one of the top 10 I've received in my lifetime. But Hun, you don't scare me. You've been trapped here for so long, yet maturity- aside from puberty hasn't even hit you yet" Ana mocked.
"You're a weak boy!" Yami insulted.
"I'm not weak, I'm strong!" Noah screamed childishly.
"Well not strong enough" Yami smired, then turned and pointed at his friends.
"Just look" he added.
"You can do it!" Joey cheered.
"Ana I know you're great! You can do it!" Tea smiled.
"Impossible, they still have faith!" Noah gasped in disbelief.
"Noah! You wouldn't be so surprised if you had been given the chance to experience true friendship. You're just bitter" Yami said.

As sad and pathetic as it may seem, Ana was in the same boat as Noah. Because of the way she was brought up and the way her family life turned out, she ended up going through most of her life without friends. But the faith Yugi's friends had in her filled her heart, it was a strange feeling, almost pressurizing.

"The only think I need to know about friendship is how to destroy it!" Noah screamed.


By now all Yugi's friends had been turned into stone.

"I'm far from done you brat!" Ana exclaimed.

With a new faith in her heart, she summoned Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon-taking Noah to 8900. She then defused it into 3 dragons, of which she cleared out his life points!

"Oh, Game Over" she sighed then wobbled as she fell back onto something soft.

All that stress caused her to lose a fair bit of energy. In the meantime, all of Yugi's friends were returned to normal!
And Mokuba finally felt his brother's tight embrace.

"Ana!" Yami called and held her closer in his hands then gently lifted up her head.
"Ana, you saved everyone. You've been defeated Noah!" he cheered for her.

Noah then fell to his knees and sat still. Yami gently set Ana down and walked towards Noah.

"You've been in this digital prison for 6 years Noah and its distorted your mind" Yami explained. "My life was stolen- it's not fair, I deserve to be the President of Kaiba Corp! And I would be if Seto hadn't robbed me of my life! I want it back and I'll do it by escaping to the real world in your body! From now on I'm you!" Noah exclaimed and jumped at Yami, pressing his hands on his chest.

But for some reason it didn't work and Yami repelled him.

"You have failed Noah, now set us all free" Yami demanded.
"And give me my body back pronto!" Tristan added.
"So, you want your body back? Your real body is exactly where it was when you arrived" Noah chuckled.
"What do you mean?!" Duke questioned.
"Enough of the games Noah!" Yami screamed.
"Don't you get it, there are no real bodies in my world. Everything here is virtual; that means all of you too" Noah explained.
"I don't get it" Joey said, confused.
"I do, we're not just trapped in a virtual world, we're all a part of it too" Duke realised.
"Exactly, your real bodies are strapped into Cyber Pods which are hard wired to my virtual simulator. So, everything you've experience here has only happened in your minds" Noah laughed.

In that moment Ana stirred awake to see Mokuba over her and Kaiba standing in front of her both with their backs facing her.

"My head is pounding" Ana groaned.
"Ana!" Mokuba called and jumped into her arms, embracing her tightly.
"What's happened?" Ana asked.

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